Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bens WOD Dec 22

5 Rounds
7 Power Clean 95lbs
7 Pullups

No mom showed up in the middle of it and I had to break it in two...Oh well did something.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dec 21 Bens WOD

CrossFit Total
Press- 135-145F-145F
Back Squat 245-265-295PR
Deadlift 335-345-365PR

Total 795

Good day. My press sucked bad and is really disapointing but the BS and DL were both PRs and the Dl was a 30lb pr and I still had more in the tank. When I look at my last six months of training, I really shouldnt be suprised that my leg strength has increased but not my shoulders. Weakness identified and now time to work on it.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dec 19 & 20 - Shane's WOD

Dec 19 - With my Dad and Brother, loaded and unloaded 137 rectangular bales of hay.  Not super intense, but still great functional fitness exercise.

Dec 20 - "The CrossFit Total"
3 attempts each lift, CrossFit journal rules followed.
Standing Press: 155-170PR-175Fail
Back Squat: 225-315-335PR
Deadlift: 375-395PR-x
900# total PR

Well, three PRs on one day... definitely can't complain about that.  I tried not to get greedy on the back squat and deadlift even though I know I still have more there, especially on the deadlift.  I decided to take the advise of many experienced lifters and take a measured longterm approach knowing there will be another day for another PR.  Very happy though.

Karen and My brother Cruz did this with me as well.  I'm hoping I can remember their numbers...

SP 75-85Fail-70
BS 185-x-x
DL 185-225-235PR
490# total PR
GREAT JOB KAREN!  Nice work on the deadlift, you are getting there!  Awesome!

SP 85-95-105Fail
BS 135-155-185
DL 185-225Fail-200
480# total
Awesome job Cruz!  This was his first ever CrossFit total and his first ever 1RM attempt at any of these lifts, so technically they were all PRs!  Cruz weighs about 135#, so this was a great job for him, especially for his first try.  We will re-test him on these lifts at the end of Christmas break and see how much he improved.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Skin 1.5 miles climb 1000 vertical feet
(Skinning is going uphill on skis for you flatlanders)


First day on the skins. You dont move real fast but it feels kinda like a slow run except you work the leg muscles alot more...a bit sore today. Best part was skiing down during the sunset.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dec 18 Bens WOD

Build to a Heavy triple quickly and then go for a heavy single just under PR

295, 335

5 Rounds
Press Cluster
20 KB Swings 2 Pood
60 Sec Rest between rounds and movements
(Press Cluster is start in rack, press once, back in rack for 10 sec then repeat 5 times)

All KBS Unbroken

I got this from OPT. The press cluster was very painful but the setup allowed me to move more weight than if I had just done press 5 reps. The KB swings were a total mental and willpower test to keep it moving.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dec 17 - Shane's WOD

From CrossFit Central:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time:
2 pood kb swing
knees to elbows

Good WOD.  Actually ended up feeling a little too easy.  But I'll take it because I am super sore from the previous days.  Rest day tomorrow.  Getting hay on Saturday.  Be back at it on Sunday.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec 16 - Shane's WOD

From CrossFit Central:

5 rounds for time:
100ft walking lunges with 45# plate overhead
30 boxjumps 24"

This was leg torture.  I had to do approximately half of the boxjumps as step ups just to be able to keep moving.  Didn't time it.  Did the whole thing outside in the driveway.  Somehow...still fun.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

5 Rounds
3 Muscle Ups
15 KTE
30 Double Unders


Shane wrote this one and he is officially an asshole. I had considerable equipment problems. The cam on my rings failed and I had to knot the strap to keep it from slipping and my jumprope was frozen in a bent snake. That being said, great wod and a beat down. I could definatley feel the altitude on the DU.

Dec 15 - Shane's WOD

I'm doing my next 3 days straight from CrossFit Central's posted WODs on their website...

5 rounds for max reps:
1 minute pull-ups
1 minute burpees
1 minute floor to overhead any way 135#

This was exceptionally brutal.  Totally kicked my ass.  I didn't even try to keep up with reps.  I thought I would be able to clean and thruster the 135#, but after the pull-ups and burpees I kept to clean and jerking it, and that was smoking me too.  If you are ever in need of a quick 15 minute beat-down, this will do the trick.

This was a great WOD though.

Dec 16 Bens WOD

Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3

AMRAP 12 Min
6x Pullups at 38 LBS
12x 1 Pood KB Snatch to Windmill (6 each arm)
60m Tire Drag (30m front and 30m back)

3 Rounds plus 6x pullups and 6x snatch/windmill

I sucked at BP today. Need to rig up a spot stand casue fear kept me from going to heavy. The tire drag was will break you off and stop you in your tracks.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bens WOD Dec 14

Power Clean

5 Rounds at 115#
6x Deadlift
6x Bent Over Row
6x Power Clean
6x Thruster
6x Pushups

11:08 Ouch!!!

Put down stall mats. They are awesome. Total improvement. Got my assed kicked by the second part. Not sure if I am tired or just getting out of shape with work. Just gotta keep at it and see hows it goes.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dec 13 - Shane's WOD

Couldn't decide what I wanted to do today, so I decided to make it a Hopper Deck day.  Shuffled the cards and picked one...

30 muscle-ups for time
Very pathetic effort.  I stalled out badly in the teens and started have multiple failures.  I figured out around rep 20 that strategically starting with a false grip muscle up for each "set" works much better for me sense I have to come off of the rings regularly anyway.  I got through the last 10 much quicker than I did the middle 10 because I went to a false grip.  Next time I will start with a false grip and I feel it will make a huge impact on my time for this WOD.  Lesson learned.  Non-false grip muscle-ups are good to have in your arsenal, but you should start each "set" with the false grip as it makes the move more efficient, especially when fatigue has reduced you to singles.

Row 2k for time
Great job Karen!  She really needs to work on fully extending the legs/hips before engaging her arms, but she is getting there and did a great job going hard.

Dec 12 - Shane's WOD

30 reps for time, 135# snatch
2:50 PR!

Karen did this scaled to 73# in 3:56!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dec 12, Bens WOD

6 Rounds
25 Step Ups at 55 LBS
Sandbag Complex (6x Deadift, Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat) at 55lb Sand Bag
4x Sandbag half Moons


That Sandbag is EVIL!! It was awesome though..thanks gives me so many more options up here at the ski area.

Dec 11 - Shane's WOD

6200m row for time

Very painful.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dec 9 - Shane's WOD

Tabata Sit-Ups


For time:
30 bodyweight (175#) bench press
10 sprints 40 yards, rest 15 seconds between efforts
30 bodyweight bench press


Tabata 12# ball slams

I copied the middle section of this WOD from CrossFit Football.  This was pretty tough.  Still not using the stop watch, I just don't feel the need unless it is a benchmark WOD.  The second set of bench press was very challenging.  And somewhere around run number 6 or 7 I nearly threw up.  The ball slams at the end were like torture.  My current programming may not be the most well rounded, but I am really enjoying it.  My favorite things in fitness are strength and why fight it?  I am going to try to work in some more oly lifts and running in the next rotation.  Tomorrow is a rest day, and I need it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dec 8 - Shane's WOD

Standing Press 3-3-3-3-3
115-125-135-145-155f(only got 2 reps)


Run 400m
9-15-21 rep round
Push-Ups CTF
Pull-Ups CTB
Run 400m

No time, just went hard.  Almost threw up.  Fast and furious.  CTB pull-ups get nasty and push-ups continue to be a weakness.  Gonna keep after it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dec 7 - Shane's WOD

For time, using a single dumbbell for all movements, 21-15-9 reps of:

1-Arm DB Walking Lunge Steps, right arm
1-Arm DB Walking Lunge Steps, left arm
1-Arm DB Deadlift, right arm
1-Arm DB Deadlift, left arm
1-Arm DB Snatch, right arm
1-Arm DB Snatch, left arm
1-Arm DB Thruster, right arm
1-Arm DB Thruster, left arm

Borrowed this one from CrossFit Champions and it was a thorough as whoopin'.  19:31.  My lower back just started locking up on me, this is a deceptively brutal WOD.

Going to keep "making up" my programming for a while.  Some of it I will pull from other sources and use and/or modify, and some of it will be completely original.  My purposes for this is just to kind of spend some time just doing what I want to...within the basic CrossFit format.  I just feel like taking some time to focus on the stuff that I find the most fun or that I just feel like doing.  I will probably continue this through most of 2009 and then mostly get back on mainpage to start 2010, at least for a while.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dec 7 Bens WOD

5 Rounds
6x Front Squat with 2 1.5 pood KB
6x 5 meter shuttle
6x Jumping Lunge
REst 60 Sec

5 Rounds
6x KB Floor Press 1.5 pood each hand
6x Clapping Pushups
6x Ring Dips
Rest 60 SEC

5 Rounds
6x 1.5 pood KB Snatch (3 each hand)
6x 30 inch Box Jump
60 Sec Rest

Good Work today. The floor press triplet was total destruction. Its snowing right about 6 inches so far..hoping for more.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 5-6 Bens WOD

Dec 5
Snatch 5-5-3-2
95, 115,125,135

115, 135, 145, 155

By far my best OHS load. Felt great...little did I know OHS would be kicking my ass 24 hours later.


"Lumberjack 20"

20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m

Did everything RXD except the DL's which I did at 245. This was friggen brutal. The runs were horrendous. Im normally a runner but this beat me up. I also struggled with the OHS and lost a lot of time there. On a good note I did the KB swings, the box jumps, the pullups, and the burpees unbroken. I came within a mouthful of meeting pukie. All for a good cause.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dec 4 & 5 - Shane's WOD

Dec 4:
Max reps dead hang forward grip wide pull-ups = 24
5 rounds:
10 box jump burpees - 24" box
10 knees to elbows
No clock
Max reps dead hang ring dips = 17

Dec 5:
5x5 overhead squats
AMRAP 8 minutes:
15 reps 20# wallball
15 reps double unders
Made 7 rounds plus 3 wall ball

Trying my hand at writing my own programming for a while.  We will see how it goes.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dec 2 & 3 - Shane's WOD

Dec 2:  Took a last minute rest day to take my beautiful wife out on a date.  Had a blast.

Dec 3:  "Linda" as rx'd.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds
255# deadlift
170# bench press
128# full squat clean

21:05 of ass whoopin'.

This was my first ever opportunity to do "Linda" as rx'd, due to finally having all the equipment I need.  I attacked the WOD all wrong and left a lot of time on the table.  I really enjoyed it though, my kind of WOD for sure.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dec 1 - Shane's WOD

(Power clean + hang clean + power jerk - 170#) x 4 sets
(Jerk dip squats - 205# x 3) x 4 sets
(Muscle snatch - 135# x 3) x 4 sets

This was too easy.  Not sure what I think about the jerk dip squats...which are basically half assed quarter front squats...kinda felt like a waste of time.  The rest of it was good.  I was supposed to do the muscle snatches ligher than that, but I wanted a little more.

For time:
35 kb swings w/ 1.5pood
500m row
30 kb swings
250m row
25 kb swings
125m row

The rows were supposed to be runs, but it was really raining and cold, so I stayed in the garage.  Still not using a clock, just doing my best.

Monday, November 30, 2009

November 28, 29, 30 Bens WOD

Nov 28

Six-Way BB Complex, 6x each of the following:
Bent-over Row (back parallel to floor)
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
1 set @ 75# to warm up
Two rounds non-stop @ 95#
Rest one minute
1 rep of each @ 95# 12 rounds (same total reps as the first block)
2 (6x 20/10 sec work/rest Back Squat
1st set @ 40-45% (use BB + as much chain as needed)
2nd set @ 30-35% (use BB + as much chain as needed)
Rest 3 min between sets
400m Run+
20 Ring Dipsl +
20 Burpee
Two rounds

Nov 29

Deadlift work-up
10x 30%
5x 50%
3x 70%
1x 80%
1x 90%
5x DL @ 80% +
20x Split Jump (10 each leg)
Five rounds
20 Ball Slams
15m DB Bear Crawl with 20lb DB
Four rounds

Nov 30

3x10 Squat
3x10 Goblet Squat: 2 sets @ 53, 1 set @ 70# KB
4x1 Dynamic-Isometric Front Squat @ 2x 1.5pood KB
Slow descent holding for 5 seconds @ 160, 140, 120 & 90 degrees
When finished holding at 90 degrees explode upwards, feet should leave the ground
Rest plenty between sets
4x1 Dynamic-Isometric Back Squat @ 2x 1.5 pood KB
Hold 5-seconds @ 160 degrees & full Squat Jump +
Hold 5-seconds @ 140 degrees & full Squat Jump +
Hold 5-seconds @ 120 degrees & full Squat Jump +
Hold 5-seconds @ 90 degrees & full Squat Jump +
This completes one rep, do 4x total
Rest 2-3 min between reps
300 seconds Ring Support (top of a dip)
300 seconds FLR (on rings, feet same height as hands)
15 Muscle Ups

I modified this last one to meet my equipment needs at the ski area. Will do this tonight and will post comments.

Nov 27, 28, 29 & 30 - Shane's WODs

Nov 27:
Was supposed to be a rest day but I felt like doing something so I worked up to a 1RM on benchpress with my Dad there as a spotter.  Was really amazed at how much strength I have lost in my chest.  About 6 years ago I put up 385#.  This time I only got 295#.  Pretty weak.  I finished with some light cool down sets and some push-ups.

Nov 28:
from Catalyst Athletics:
Snatch - (135# x 1, 135# x 1, 155# x 1) x 3

Clean and jerk - (170# x 1, 180# x 1, 190# x 1) x 3

Back squat - 205# x 6 x 4 - 3 sec pause in bottom

Rounds in 5 min:
5 kipping pull-ups
5 lunges/leg
5 box jumps
5 push-ups

I made either 6 or 7 rounds, I lost track.

Nov 29:
from Catalyst Athletics:
Power snatch + hang power snatch + 2 snatch balance - 115# x 4 sets

Push press + power jerk + jerk - 185# x 5 sets

3 rounds for time:
250 m row sprint
10 kipping pull-ups
3 min rest

Nov 30: today will be a rest day.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Nov 25 & 26: Shane's WOD

Ok, lets get me caught up...

Nov 25:
21 handstand push-ups
400m run
21 weighted pull-ups w/ 45# vest
15 handstand push-ups
400m run
15 weighted pull-ups w/ 45# vest
9 handstand push-ups
400m run
9 weighted pull-up w/ 45# vest

Still no stopwatch.  But this was both brutal and fun.

Nov 26:
AMRAP 20min:
25 burpess
15 bodyweight backsquat (170#)

This was a biznitch!  I only made 5 rounds.  It was pretty miserable.

Rest day tomorrow the 27th.  I am considering starting up on Catalyst Athletics for a little while starting on the 28th.  Going to read about and think about it somemore today.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nov 24 - Shane's WOD

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Really put some extra effort into attempting to self diagnose my mechanical shortcomings on the deadlift.  By no means did I get it perfect, but I did manage to make some corrections that seemed to have made a huge difference in how the lift felt.  I have never been more confident that my goal of a 400# deadlift will be here soon.

345-375-355-355-365-375-375-375 (I did an extra rep because I was really feeling good).

Considering my current PR is 385, I was very pleased to pull 375 multiple time with ease.  Gotta go get some iron plates for sure now as 375 is really the max I can get on my bar with my hi-temps without using duct tape.

Karen PR'd huge today... 225lbs!  Nice work Karen!

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 22, Bens WOD

Work to 1RM Clean and Jerk

5 Rounds
2x Clean and Jerk @ 85%
3 Sandbag Cleans @80lbs to Each Shoulder

I hit 195 on the C&J and that was it for the day. I worked out with my brother which was awesome. He is a 140lb rock climber who has never attempted an Olympic lift and he pulled 145lbs. His Jerk is very natural and was very clean. All around a fun way to spend my birthday.

Nov 22 - Shane's WOD

After my recent run of shitty performances and talking to Ben about it, I have decided to take some time away from the stopwatch...probably 2-3 weeks.  I started with this WOD.  The only exception will be AMRAPs.  I just need to get back on track and stop worrying about the damn worked like a charm...

135# Full Squat Cleans
Ring Dips

No time, but I friggin crushed this.  It felt amazing.  The weather was nice, so I pulled the bar and bumpers out into the sun in the middle of the driveway and had an absolute blast.  I really needed a good workout, and this delivered.  I'm on my way back...

Oh, and happy birthday to Ben today.  Old ass.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nov 21 - Shane's WOD

95# Thrusters


Something just isn't right with me lately.  I'll get it back.  Just gotta get settled in to my new life situation.

On a positive note, we closed on the house officially yesterday.  Moving forward.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Nov 19 - Shane's WOD

100 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
100 Sit-Ups
100 Squats

19:15 = I suck.

I sandbagged on the pull-ups a little bit to try to save some juice for the push-ups, which was the difference between my last time (18:02 hungover) and this time.  It didn't work.  Last time I did "Angie" I finished the pull-ups in under 4 minutes I think, this time I took it a little easier finishing the pull-ups in about 5:30.  I still reached muscle failure on the push-ups badly.  By the time I finished the push-ups I wasn't even breathing hard anymore.  I think the push-ups alone took me nearly half of my entire time.  Very frustrating.  Definitely going to start working on push-ups more as I feel my push-up ability has steadily declined over the last year or so...I just don't think they come up often enough on mainpage.

Rest day Friday and closing on my house sale!  FRAN ON SATURDAY!  I haven't done "Fran" since January, I hope I do well, although the timing isn't ideal coming off this move and etc as my performances are really suffering as I get back into the swing of things and adapt to my new living/cummuting situation.  We'll see, I'm going to give it my best.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19 Bens WOD

Angie...Sort Of
100 Deadhang Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats

Forgot my timer... no time.

I did this wod with the trapeze pullup bar so i wasnt able to kip. It got dark during the pushups after yesterdays clapping pushups and the ring dips the day before. Long ass day. Worked past dark with a headlamp fixing a lift and then went straight to the WOD. Four days till we get our house!

Nov 18 - Shane's WOD...I'm back!

I am back on with one 4 day rotation behind on mainpage.  It felt great to get back after it, but I could definitely feel that I hadn't worked out in a while and that I was eating and sleeping poorly for the last week or two.  But I should be back to "normal" within the next couple of weeks I hope.

5 rounds for time:
95# push jerk, 15 reps
L pull-ups, 15 reps

Muscle failure became an issue on the L pull-ups.  I wanted to keep going harder and faster but the L pull-ups because very tough in the last couple rounds.  Great WOD though.

The new garage gym in my Dad's garage is about 98% set-up.  It will kind of organize and set-up itself as I use the space and figure out the best place for everything.  I will take some pictures this weekend.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18 Bens WOD

8 Rounds for Time

10 KB Swings 1.5 pood
10 Walking Lunge holding KB
10 Clapping Pushups


Got this one from the Hopper ap on my iPhone. Felt pretty good but the clapping pushups got a bit painful. I could definitely feel the altitude today.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 15 and 17 Bens WOD

Nov 15
5 Rounds
5 Front Squat at 155
5 Goblet Jump Squat 1.5 pood
5 rounds
5 Deadlift At 245
5 Broad Jumps
5 Rounds
5x KB Clean and Press
10x Weighted Situps at 45lbs

Nov 17

1.5 pood KB Snatch Each Arm
Ring Dips


The Sntach/Ring Dip WOD was a beast. Total lung destruction. There I am working out in the middle of a ski area in the middle of the night...the groomers think Im crazy. Awesome. Oh yeah, rolled my new snowmobile happens. (no damage to me or the machine)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Nov 16 - 17: Shane

Okay, so the move is 99% done.  All we have to do is officially close on the sale of the House this Friday the 20th.  Please say a prayer for me that the closing goes as planned, it would not be very cool if this deal fell through after already having completely vacated the house.

So, I have not worked out since Wednesday the 11th.  However I have been very busy and very active with the move.  I have also been a bit under the weather, not sure if I caught a cold or if my allergies were getting me, but either way it looks like I am finally on the down side of it...other than being exhausted from the move, I would say I am at about 90%.

I am going to spend today and tomorrow evening doing final organization and set-up of my new garage gym and etc.  I plan to be back at it, full WODs, starting this Wednesday the 18th.  I will come back and update then and possibly have pics of the new set-up.

Can't wait to get rolling again!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 13 Bens WOD

30 Muscle Ups for Time


Set my rings up at the ski area. Pretty cool to be working out and watching the snow fly outside. My time wasnt very stellar but the MU felt good and I had no failed reps. All I can do is get faster.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, Bens WOD

"Penalty Box"

7 Rounds
10 Pullups
50m KB Walk with 1.5 Pood in each hand
20 Deadlift 1.5 Pood in each hand

Any time the KB's are set down except at the end of the DLs and any time you come off the pullup bar except at the end of each set of 10 you pay a 5 burpee penalty.

This was forearm/grip destruction. Friggen brutal..I paid at least 50 burpees. I also did the pullups on a 6x6 header in a doorway. Good day.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov 7 through 15: Shane's Moving

Spent this whole past weekend packing, moving, carrying, unloading, emptying the attic, etc.  WODs will be hit and miss for the next week or so.  But I am getting plenty of activity with the move.  I have moved most of my exercise equipment to my parent's house already, I only kept a couple kettlebells, jumpropes, abmat, pvc, slam ball, dynamax balls, etc.  I am going to try to throw together quick 21-15-9 type wods with some running mixed in for the mornings this week, and I will be packing and stacking in the evenings.  The big move takes place this weekend and I hope to be relatively settled by this time next week.  Then I will get my equipment set up at my parent's place and start crushing it again.  In the meantime, the sad truth is that my exercise and nutrition is going to suffer for the next week or so, I am just going to try to make the best out of it.

I will try to throw post in here and there, but more than likely I will be pretty silent for the next week.  Exciting times!  I'll be back after it soon enough.

Side note: CrossFit has made me very capable.  My increased strength, flexibility and ability to operate in uncomfortable positions and for varying time and intensity ranges has made things like moving so much easier than it used to be.  Stuff like this big move and moving all my crap is exactly the sport of life that we are training for...CrossFit works, period.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 9 Bens WOD

5 rounds
10 power snatch 75 lbs
15 ball slams 25 lbs

Not much time today so I put together something quick for me and Tash. Hopefully only a couple if more weeks of scratching it all together.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, November 6, 2009

Nov 6 - Shane's WOD

5 rounds for time:
95# snatch, 3 reps
95# overhead squat, 15 reps
Run 400m

This was tough as I did it at 5:45am and was still feeling the 800m's from last night.  18:03.  I sucked it up, this really kicked my ass.  Just couldn't make the legs chug.

Rest day tomorrow!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oct 5 Ben's WOD

45 Minute High Altitude Snow Shoe

Not sure how far I went but Im gusesing about 3 miles and gained about 1000 vertical feet. Did it in the dark with a headlamp. Great experience and lots of fun.

Nov 5 - Shane's WOD

4 rounds:
800m run
Rest as needed between efforts

I rested exactly 3 minutes between runs


Nov 4 - Shane's WOD

From main page, for time:

25 squats
25 push-ups
25 pull-ups
25 sit-ups (abmat)
50 squats
50 push-ups
50 pull-ups
50 sit-ups (abmat)
75 squats
75 push-ups
75 pull-ups
75 sit-ups (abmat)

This was a friggin ass whoopin.  28:10, suck.  I have really not been taking great care of my body lately.  Too much bad food and too much booze lately.  And it shows.  Back on the horse, this was a wake up call.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3 Bens WOD

So today was my first day at work and consequently my first day working out at 11,000 feet. Definately more challenging but not as bad as I thought. At this point my equipment at the mountain consists of Rings(not installed yet), rogue pull up bar (not yet installed), 2 1.5 pood KB, and a jump rope. I have some benches to jump on and a deck to do Jingle Jangles (5 m shuttle runs), and of course the whole mountain if Im so inclined. I plan to add a sandbag and my power blocks in a few weeks.

5 Rounds
3x each hand KB Snatch then 3 Waiters Walk lunge with KB- 1.5 pood
5x Goblet Squat Jump with 1.5 pood KB
5 Jingle Jangle


3 Rounds
3x Clean and Front Squat with 1.5 pood KB in each hand
6x KB Swing 1.5 pood

I didnt get a time cause Im not set up for it yet and really I just wanted to feel it out. It hurt.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Nov 2 - Shane's WOD

Took Sunday off for the Halloween hangover.  Was still not feeling too hot today.

Backsquats 5x5


Live to fight another day.

October 31-Nov 1 Bens WOD

Well life has been a bit busy lately. Got back from Grand Junction and its been go time for 3 straight days trying to get my life in order before I head up to the ski area for a week. Mostly useless details but I have been hitting a work out each day, it just hasent made it on here yet.

Oct 31

Work up to a working 1RM Clean- 195

2x Clean Every 45 sec @85%- 165

5 Rounds-
10 Walking Lunge- 95lbs
10 Broad Jumps

Nov 1

10 Rounds
30 sec Jingle Jangles
30 sec rest

5 Rounds for time
20 Swings 1.5 pood
15 box Jumps
10 Pushups


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween WOD 2009 - Gibson Garage Gym

Had Vic Zachary and Webster Smith over to do "Nate" today.

AMRAP 20 minutes:
2 muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettle bell swing, 2 pood (70#)

Vic = 17 rounds!  Friggin' amazing to watch.
Shane = 13 rounds.
Webster = 7 rounds, but more importantly he defeated his muscle up demons.

Had a bad-ass time having these two monsters over for a WOD.  Vic is just damn impressive, he killed it.  Webster broke down some barriers today and got his muscle-ups figured out, he is well on his way to being a serious force.  I started having some serious muscle fatigue issues towards the end of my WOD which cost me several muscle up failures and brought my party to an end, but all in all I am satisfied with my performance.

I love CrossFit.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oct 29 - Shane's WOD

When I was done warming up and was all set up to do "Annie" the rain stopped and the clouds cleared out.  So I went for it...and the storms stayed away long enough...

3 rounds for time:
800m run
50 back extension
50 sit-ups

Rx'd = 23:48

That is a tough WOD.

Rest day tomorrow.  "Nate" on Saturday, possibly with Vic and Web as my guests.

October 28, Bens WOD

Hotel WOD 2

8 Rounds
Mini Leg Blaster (10 squats, 10 Lunge, 10 Jumping Lunge, 5 Jump Squats)
5x Weighted Situp 1.5 pood

Rest 2 Min

5 Rounds
10 KB Cleans (1.5 Pood)
15 Pushups

Did this with Paul from the ski area so I went easy on him. That being said the 8 rounds of leg blasters Sucked!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oct 28 - Shane's WOD

From the Main Page: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Deadlifts

I tried to aproach this time from a different perspective.  My 1RM is currently 385.  So I warmed up and then loaded up 375 on the bar.  My intentions were to see how many of the reps I could get through with 375.  Well, the answer was...not many...


The 375 failure was a bad lift, didn't feel good, and while it didn't injure me, it kinda made me nervous.  My mechanics were way off and I had a bad feeling all day today for some reason that I was going to hurt myself.  So I lowered to 365 and pulled it pretty easy, but not as easy at it should have been.  So, I decided to be smart and do the remaining 4 reps at 345...which again, did not feel as easy as it should have.  My deads were just way off tonight, it happens.

Cooled down with a fast 3 rounds: 5 reps deadlifts 225#, 10 reps burpees.

All in all, an okay day, but definitely not a good one.

"Michael" tomorrow.  Should be brutal.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27, Bens WOD

AMRAP in 20 Min
6 Pistols (3 each leg)
9 Swings 1.5 pood

13 Rounds

I made this one up. Im in Grand Junction on some training and did this one in a hotel room. Not very fast but still felt good.

Oct 27 - Shane's WOD

Was supposed to do "Tommy V" today, but without a climbing rope, it just didn't make sense.  So, I modified it to what I am calling...

Heavy "Fran" wearing a towel:
115# Thrusters
Towel Pull-Ups

6:56.  Not great, but I'll take it.

Deadlifts tomorrow!  I am really enjoying this staying one rotation behind mainpage.  It is nice to be able to plan a little better.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 25th - Shane's WOD

4 rounds for time:
53m walking lunges with 25# plate overhead
50 sit-ups (abmat)

This ended up being tougher than I expected.  The lunges really start to catch up with you during round 3.  14:06.

Tomorrow the 26th is a rest day and then back at it on the 27th.

Oct 24th - Shane's WOD

5 rounds for time:
7 muscle ups
95# sumo deadlift highpulls, 21 reps

This is a really tough WOD to get through simply because at a point the muscle ups get so difficult that I had to start doing them one at a time so as to not risk wasting too much juice on a failed rep.  I only had two failed reps throughout the WOD.  After getting about 2 rounds in I had to change my approach to a "for completion" geared pace.  Finished up in 23:10.  Really slow, but I was just happy to be able to complete it as rx'd.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 22 bens wod

Friday September 4 2009

3-position Snatch -
65% x 2 sets; 85lbs
70% x 3 sets 95lbs

Snatch pull - 90% (of snatch) x x 4. 125lbs

Snatch push press -
70% x 5 x 3; 95lbs
75% x 5 x 2. 105 lbs

3 rounds for time:
10 burpees
20 KB swings - 1pood

So I did this on an hour of sleep since the dat before and it showed. It freaking kicked my ass. I will say Greg knows what he is doing cause the Metcon looks easy but after the lifting it is all u can do to get it done without stopping. I'll be off till Monday as I will be moving.

-- Posted from my iPhone

October 21 Bens WOD

Muscle snatch - 60% x 5; 65lbs
65% x 4; 75lbs
70% x 3 x 2 85 lbs
3-position clean (floor, knee, mid-thigh) - 65% x 2 sets; 125lb
70% x 3 sets 135lbs
Clean deadlift - 100% (of clean) x 7 x 4. 195 lbs
Front squat - 60% x 8;
65% x 6; 145lbs
70% x 5; 155lbs
75% x 3; 165lbs
70% x 5. 155lbs
Weighted sit-ups - 3 x 10

This was a really long wod and took a serious toll on my body. All around good stuff.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Shane through 10/23

Davey getting some squats.

Oh man, what a crazy week it has been so far.  Let me catch up one more time and then I will get back on daily posts.

First off, the olympic lifting cert was awesome.  I had no idea just how little I knew, and after 2 days of Coach B's teaching, I still don't know it all, but I know a lot more.  I can't wait to integrate what I have learned into my lifts.  It was awesome to have Ben, Tasha and Wyatt in town and me and Ben had a kick ass road trip to San Antonio.  My hats off to Coach Burgener, his staff, Alamo CrossFit and the CrossFit community.  One of the best weekends I have had in a while, but man, it left me exhausted.  I just now feel normal this morning.  And I (We) am now a CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certified Instructor.  That rules.

Oct 19 - Rest and recovery day.  I was smoke from the cert and from abundant amounts of booze.

Oct 20 - "Tabata Something Else", Didn't keep score, just got some.  Did the pull-ups all dead hang until I couldn't do them anymore and then started kipping.

Oct 21 - Four Rounds: Row 500m, 24" box jumps - 30 reps, 25# dumbell thrusters - 30 reps.  I made this one up and man it was a ball smoker.  Kicked my ass bad.  Can't tell you how many times I almost ate the jump box.  Didn't keep time because I figured it didn't matter, just give it your best, and I did.

Oct 22 - Today I am going to do 7x1 weighted pull-ups.  I just got back from purchasing one of those belts designed to hang weights from for dips and pull-ups.  We will see how it goes.  My PR from last time was 115#.  I will post my results tonight after I get it done.

Oct 23 - Rest day and hopefully I will be able to get the lawn done.

After this I will be back on mainpage, running one full 4 day rotation behind.  Life sure is getting busy and crazy.  I hope I can keep up!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 20 Bens WOD

So with all the upcoming changes in my life, and with my goal to use the winter to get stronger I have decided to follow (as best I can and realistically 80% of the time) the Catalyst Athletics programming. It is very interesting. It is not Oly only, and not CF only but programming built with a sizale bias to gaining strenght and technique using Oly Lifting while useing short WODS to keep a "decent" level of conditioning. I would equate it to an Oly version of CFSB. Since I wont have access to my squat stands most of the time and becasue quite frankly I really like Oly Lifting, this program makes the most sense for me. I say 80% becasue if I want to hit a main page or something else then I will. Greg Everett runs the gym and the site and programs on 16 weeks cycles. They are in the middle of a cycle right now, so I am going back to the beggining of the cycle and moving forward from there. This will allow me to adjust as nessacary since my schedule will be all kinds of ate up. Along that line, check out his website, esepecially for the video and exercise notch, by far the best I have seen. I will be moving this weekend and then will be out of town at a seminar next week so my WOD schedule will be all ate up but Ill make the most of it. Im going to try to hit a CF Box while I am out of town. Oh yeah, another thing he does is program the metcon protion to be done at a weight that can be done flat out since you get all the strength work at the beggining, and he doesnt use barbells for metcons because it messes up your technique (I agree on principal but ill still sneak in Grace and the likes when I want to)

Power clean + 2 clean - 65% x 2 sets; 70% x 3 sets 125, 135
Snatch balance - 60% x 3 x 2; 65% x 3; 70% x 3 x 2 65, 85, 95
Push press - 75% x 5 x 5 125

3 rounds:
100 m sprint
10 broad jumps
20 pushups

Monday, October 19, 2009

Oct 17-19 Oly Cert and Bens WOD for Mon

So Shane and I went to the CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certification in San Antonio at Alamo CrossFit this weekend.  What a great cert!  My hats off to Alamo CrossFit for hosting it and most importantly to Coach Burgener for the great training.  Coach B and his staff were extremely well organized and fun to be around.  I learned more in 2 days than in my entire 2 years as a CrossFiter in the Oly lifts.  Cant wait to see the technique, drills, and improved knowledge lead to better lifts.  I know it is going to take a ton of reps and a bunch of time but I feel like I will be able to move forward from here.  Most importantly, Shane and I had a blast.  We trained hard during the day, ate Paleo and then tore it up in the evening (courtesy of the Flying Saucer).  

So today I did the following:
Burgener WarmUp
Skill Progression at 45, 75, and 95.
Snatch Balance x2 at 115, 125, 135, and 145(fail)
Then 3 Pos Snatch (hang, pockets, mid thigh)x2 at 75 and 95
Then Snatch 95, 115, 125

Then 4 Rounds
400m run
20 Pullups

I didnt get too heavy on the Snatch becasue I could tell my technique was starting to suck after 125 and I want to keep drilling it before I step it up, but on a positive note this was the first time I took 125 to the hole and felt solid doing it.  Baby Steps.  No time on the WOD just went hard before I had to take my Pullup bar down before the move.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shane: Oct 12 through 18

On October 12th, I did "Bugaboo" as posted below by Ben.  My results are under the comments.  This was a brutal WOD, but it was an honor to do it, I did my best as if "Bug" was watching me.  This actually came at a great time for me, coming off of another mental game failure at a competition, having "Bug" there as a motivation factor helped me kick it into the next gear.  Thanks "Bug", I'll be looking to you and your Sister for motivation again in the future.

October 13 through 15: I am kind of in limbo with the Olympic Lifting Certification coming this weeked.  I don't want to risk injury, DOMS or exhaustion heading into the cert so I have decided to take these days as rest.

October 16: Ben and I have deadlift/basic barbell mechanics session and possibly a not too brutal WOD planned with Vic Zachary of Bayou City CrossFit for this Friday morning.  Really looking forward to it.

October 17 & 18: CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certification at Alamo CrossFit in San Antonio, TX.  Ben and I are hoping to hone in on the more technical lifts and have a great time in San Antonio.

I will hop back on the main page WODs after this.  Side note: I am going to stay one 3 days on, 1 day off rotation behind on the main page starting next week.  This will allow for better WOD planning around life and movement substitions and etc.

See you next week!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11 Ben's WOD

3-3-3 Overhead Squats
For Time
50 Overhead Squats 135lbs from the floor
75 GHD Situps
100 Double Unders
135,135,145 / 16:14 Scaled to 115lbs

This WOD is named in honor of my son, Benjamin 6/12/05 to 12/29/05.  I dont know why but he was in my head and in my heart today and I decided to honor him with this WOD.  To get through this WOD you need strength and a little bit of grace to make through the DU.  He had plenty of both, maybe not physical strength but he had an inner strength that would level the world.  He was a child beyond his years and I miss him so much.  He was taken from us by Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).  If you read this and it sparks something in you check out and see what you can do to help.  SMA is the number one killer of children under 2 and should resonate with the CrossFit community because it robs the child of the ability to control his muscles which strikes me as the anti-CrossFit disease.  My wife just started the New Mexico chapter of FSMA and over the next few years we will try to bring awareness and fundraising to the disease through CrossFit.  If you are sitting around and need a WOD give the "Bugagoo" a go.  
Love you buddy...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10 Ben's WOD


20-15-10(dont ask me why its not 21-15-9)

Clean and Jerk 135lbs
L Pullups


I stole this from CrossFit Jax.  My time sucked today and to do this the way it was supposed to be done I probobly should have scaled it but I wanted to go heavy.  Everyday of getting stronger is a good day.

Shane, Karen and Jon...Great job competing today.  Wish I was there with you.  Karen, you are a beast and have come such a long ways.  You make the rest of us proud.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 8 Bens WOD

Thruster 7x1

125,135,145,155,165,175miss, 175. Then 2x5 @ 125

Well this was a mixed result. The long months of the selection prep left my absolute strength without improvement but on the positive side I dont think my strength went down, so Ill take it and work harder. Bottom line is that its time to pick up some heavy shit and get after it.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Shane: Oct 5 through 9

Okay, let me get caught up here...

Oct 5 - I was actually sick.  Had some stomach issues I think possibly stemming from a very paleo unfriendly weekend.  That will teach me to break from the diet that dramatically to "have fun" didn't end up being that least not afterwards.

Oct 6 - Took another rest day to let my stomach settle.

Oct 7 - WOD at CrossFit Champions.  We did a chipper very similar to the main page WOD from Oct 1.  It seemed like a good fit for this near the competition.  I went at about 90% not wanting to over do it.  Felt good.

Oct 8 & 9 - Will be active rest.  Walking, stretching, maybe a couple of quick intense 2 to 3 minute bodyweight WODs.  Trying to keep the body energized but well rested in prep for the competition on Saturday.  We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7 Bens WOD

For time with 2 min rest between couplets

SDHP 95 lbs

5 Rob Shauls (4 lunge 4pushpress) 75 lbs
15 ball slams 25 lb

10 pushup
15 situps
Go until other teams complete thier couplets

I did this with 6 people based around availble equipment. There was a tiny bit of standing around but otherwise it went smooth. The Rob Shauls were ugly and it beat up our shoulders pretty bad. It took us 30 min as a group which is about 5 to 8 min slower than if you burned through it on your own but it was pretty good none the less.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6 Bens WOD

3 rounds for time
400 m run
21 x KB swing 1.5 pood
12 pullups

Time 8:03 pr

First day back after healing up. Just to make it interesting i caught a cold yesterday. As everyone knows this is a burner. I finished 2 rounds in 5:05 but fell off at the end. Still it was a good day and im exited to be back at it. I warmed up with some dpuble unders and am going to Make it a daily routine for the next few weeks to try and get better.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 4 - Shane's WOD

Still in recovering from Davey's birthday party at my parent's house.  But got this one done anyway.  We were not in top form, so no timer.  But this was a pretty good WOD.

Main page:
21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:

Power clean 95 pounds (Karen did with 63 pounds)
Back extensions

Not feeling too hot.  But you gotta pay to play.

October 3 - Shane's WOD

Oct 2nd was a much needed rest day.

Today's main page WOD was BRUTAL!

For time:
Run 800 meters
15 left-legged pistols
15 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
12 left-legged pistols
12 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
9 right-legged pistols
9 left legged pistols
25 sit-ups
Run 800 meters

"Pistol" is one-legged squat with 50# Kettlebell.

This was one of the most difficult WODs that I ever have done from a completion stand point.  The pistols became very challenging to even do at all.  I didn't time this WOD.  Pain.

Karen did this WOD with just bodyweight.  Very rough day for us both.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 1 - Shane's WOD

25 Walking lunge steps 20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
40 Kettlebell swings, 50#
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
500m Row

I didn't run a clock.  Just went hard.  This was brutal.  It really caught up with me on the hang sqaut cleans and wall balls.  Good WOD.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1 Bens Wod

No Wod today. Still more rest. I'm itching for it but I'm taking the rest of the week to heal up and get healthy. Over the next week I'll be making some additions to the blog so stay tuned!

-- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sept 30 - Shane's WOD

Main page today: "Helen"
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettle bell swings, 1.5 pood
12 pull ups

To be completely technical, 1.5 pood is approx 53lbs, but I only have a 50lbs kettle bell.  So not exactly as Rx'd, but pretty damn close.

New PR = 8:34

The only thing I did different this time was push through the pain and not give in.  All sets unbroken.  I am feeling pretty good about myself right now.  It is nice to have a good day every now and again.

September 30 -Bens WOD

Last day of rest before getting back into it...albeit on one foot.
My experience of late have driven a couple of thoughts that I will try to put to paper over the next few days.

You will not reach your potential alone. Now for most this means going to a box, which is a great thing if it works in your life, but there are other ways to do it. This blog and my friendship and competition with Shane are another. Jon mentioned that he is much like us, training in isolation, but in reality this blog and so many others like it allow us to strive to get better within a community no matter how small. I am rambling here but my point is, thank you Shane and all the others who have contributed to my fitness by driving my performance and basically by "giving a shit." None of this would matter much without the friendships and discussions.

Back on the horse tomorrow...

Sept 29 - Shane's WOD

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Again, not a good day, not a bad day.  My previous PR is 185 but I could only get 180 this time.  I was having a hard time committing to the lifts for some reason.  I had multiple failures at 185 and at 190 that were very very close.  Next time around I intend to do more light weight skill work warm up before getting into the higher weights.  Toward the end of this session my technique kind of "clicked" but by then I was too tired to go back up in weight.


Finished out by running 4 approx 200m sprints on a 1:15 interval.

Really looking forward to "Helen" today.  Hopefully I can get things back on track.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Howdy Jon!

I wanted to take a minute to make a shout out to Jon who I met briefly at Fight Gone Bad at Bayou City this past Saturday.  Much to my amazement Jon approached me and mentioned this blog and that he recognized me and had been following the blog.  That was a pretty awesome feeling.  So, thanks Jon, nice to meet you.  Take a minute and make a post on here!

Also, on a side note, I have started an additional blog called:

Gibson Garage Gym

This blog covers less of the day to day WOD type stuff (We do that here) and more about diet, general thoughts and news about what's up and coming for the Gibsons.

Sept 26 through 28 - Shane

Sept 26 - So, Fight Gone Bad IV at Bayou City CrossFit was awesome.  I didn't do as well as I hoped to, but I had a great time.  Huge thanks to Vic at BCCF and the whole crew there and everyone that donated their time and effort.  I ended up having to start on the rower which was not ideal, especially considering that wall ball is one of my weaknesses, it would have been nice to do it as rx'd and start at wall ball.  Anyway, I came up with 277 reps, so not a good day, not a bad day, but a great workout and a great time.  Ended the day by heading to College Station and eating and drinking things I shouldn't have.  But hey, I feel like I earned it, I had been a good boy for over a month.

Sept 27 - Still in recovery from the College Station trip.  Suffered my way through "Angie":

100 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups (Chest to floor)
100 Sit-Ups (Abmat)
100 Squats (Dynamax butt check ball) embarassing.  The fun in College Station took a major toll on me here.  I will still cling to saying it was worth it but damn, that was an eye opening ass whoopin.  On a positive note, I did the 100 pull-up portion in 3:56 which was actually a PR for me on 100 Pull-Ups for time.  But I fell completely apart after this.  Nutrition and taking care of your body and what goes into it has an amazing and immediate impact.

Sept 28 - Rest day...gonna do the lawn.

Week of 20 Sep to 28 Sep- Bens Post

So Im back and things didnt go as planned. As many of you know I stepped on a rock running through a lake and jacked up my ankle. Oh well...time to move on, set a new goal and get bigger, stronger, faster. Thanks to everyone who supported me. Im taking a few days to heal up right now and then Ill be back on the horse. In the mean time I leave you with some good words that I found at "The Shop" CrossFit box.

You think you know pain, but you have no idea. The heart thumping, chest expanding, lactic acid burn of your last workout was a walk through the meadow.

Somewhere, there’s a guy who did it in half the time it took you. He suffered. Plasma forced its way into his lungs, causing him to hack on repeat. He choked down bile halfway through, and ended on his back, pupils dilated to the size of dimes.

While you were walking around, telling your friends how hardcore your workout was, Guy Number Two was still collapsed, the prospect of driving home as daunting as climbing K2 during a snowstorm.

When he finally stood up, he didn’t say a word.
CrossFit is a decidedly masochistic pursuit. To be any good at it, you have to enjoy the pain. You have to push back the threshold day after day, until last year’s traumas feel like an hour-long rubdown at the Canyon Ranch. One day, you find a threshold that takes the whole thing just a little too far, and you get scared to go back.

The men and women that decimate your times are not superhuman. They’re not particularly genetically gifted. Hell, most of the top CrossFitters in the world would get absolutely pummeled in your standard game of rugby, buried by larger athletes begat by larger parents.
What differentiates these individuals is not a gift, but an unreasonable desire to push self-imposed suck beyond its logical limits. What comes out the other side becomes legendary.
Like any human pursuit, we seek ways around the hard part. Limited range of motion and new techniques. Dropping the deadlift from the top, bouncing it off the floor. Squatting above parallel and not standing up all the way. Chicken-necking above the chin-up bar, and reviewing the tape to see if we made it.

We want the reward (speed) without the sacrifice (pain).
This is not conscious cowardice. It’s pure out-and-out rationalism. Atsomepoint, the next threshold is the one that takes it too far, leaving us in an exercise-induced hallucination that lasts a few moments too long. Our hearts bounce around our insides for one beat too many, and our lungs beg to explode for an unwanted extra second. Every exhalation coincides with a constriction of vision, and the cold taste of copper.
No sane human being would enjoy such a feeling.

Still, the glory beckons. Surely, with enough training and the right supplements, there’s a way around the Hard Part. Enough sleep and enough vitamin B will get you the sub-whatever time without the attendant pain. There’s no need to redline your heart rate or pop capillaries. No need to ache so badly at night that you can’t sleep. Surely, there are ways around this.
Fortunately, the steroids are a no-go, and the exercises are done correctly or not at all. The only way to legend is through ever-mounting piles of pain. The meadow has to tilt at 45-degrees, and he rubdown at the Ranch must be done with Brillo Pads. If you can talk, you’re not trying hard enough. If your nerves aren’t frayed and ready to rebel, you’ll never get there.
Do yourself a favor, and realize that there’s no technique in the world that will save you. There are no pills, no secrets, no passwords on the path to greatness. You’ve got to embrace the pain, push the threshold, and feel the suck, and then you’ve got to muster the courage to go back six times a week.

After all, the world is a lot brighter when your pupils are the size of dimes, and massaging your sternum with your heart starts to feel good after a while. The plasma finds its way out of your lungs, and eventually you’ll be able to drive. Sometimes, lying on the floor is its own reward.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sept 24 - Shane's WOD

Today was just some active rest getting ready for FGB4 on Saturday.

Ran 1 mile HARD and FAST.  No clock, although I wish I had timed it, I think it may have been my fastest mile ever.

Rested a few minutes then

50 burpees for time - 3:45

Tomorrow the 25th will be rest and stretching.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sept 21 through 23 - Shane's WODs

Sept 21:
1-1-1-1-1 Standing Press
3-3-3-3-3 Push Press
5-5-5-5-5 Push Jerk
I wrote my loads down in my journal, I will have to add those later.

Sept 22:
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Deadlift
345 straight through, took a different approach this time versus trying for a new PR, felt good.  Plus I had the rest of my WOD to consider:

Fight Gone Bad practice run through.  I didn't keep a rep count, just went hard at about 90% to get ready for the real deal this weekend.

Sept 23: a much needed rest day.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sept 18 - 20 - Shane's WODs

So, I am going to post this quickly to get caught back up.  The stitches I got in my back put me on the shelf until the morning of the 19th...

Sept 18 - Rest

Sept 19 -
AM - LuLuLemon WOD:
Half Tabata (4 rnds 20 sec on 10 sec off) continuosly of each of the following for total reps:
Lunges (2 count)
Mountain Climbers (2 count)
20m Shuttle Run
Sit-Ups (abmat)
53# kb sdhp
Flutter Kicks (2 count)
Total Reps = 502

The LuLu thing was great!  Huge congrats to Webster and Lindsey on become LuLu Ambassadors!

PM - "Daniel" see Sept 17 post for description.
Webster, Lindsey and Alexis Smith came over for this WOD and for dinner.  Had a great time hanging out with them.
Lindsey - 16:12 (65# thrusters)
Web - 17:39 (although I see he re-did this WOD today the 21st and got 14:33, WOW)
Shane - 17:45

Sept 20 - Trying to get caught up on main page, so I skipped this rest day...
5 rnds for time: 30 ghd sit-ups, 25 back extensions.
This is a brutal WOD no matter how you dice it.  13:04 for me.  Ouch, pretty sore now.

I plan to WOD through Wednesday this week, maybe doing a practic FGB run through on Tuesday.  Plan to rest Thursday and Friday before FGB4 at Bayou City CrossFit this Saturday the 26th!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sept 17 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
For time:
50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
800 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups

I had a dermatologist appointment this afternoon and ended up having to get a big weird looking mole removed from my mid-upper back that required stitches. Doc said no heavy lifting or exercise for a few days cause I could bust a stitch, literally.

So, I did the smart thing and skipped for today. I am going to try to do it tomorrow afternoon and then double up on Saturday. Stand by.

Sept 15 - Shane's WOD

Main page: Front Squats 3-3-3-3-3

Except, I am a dumbass and remembered the WOD incorrectly and I did 5-5-5-5-5


My lower back was the limiting factor in these lifts, I was still pretty sore from "Diane" and "Annie" yesterday.

Finished up with:
80# sandbang floor to shoulder with full squat*
Chest to bar pull-ups

*with 2 reps left of the 12 round on the sandbags, one of my sand packets busted and sand started coming out into the garage. So I tossed it to the side and use my 50# kettlebell and replaced them with one arm (alternating) floor to shoulder full squat cleans.

No clock on this, just went hard. Feelin' good baby!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 15-October 3

Time to head out.  I spent the last few days doing short 5 to 10min WODS, resting, eating, and shooting alot.  Im all packed up and I am feeling strong in mind, body and spirit.  Thought I would head out with a couple of quotes/ thoughts on mind set.

1.  Embrace the suck.
2.  Comparitive misery- someone else is sucking more  than you, so smile.
3.We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training"
4. Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay it's price." - Sun Tzu

5.On Being A Warrior

    Out of every 100 men, ten shouldn’t even be there,
    Eighty are just targets,
    Nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle.
    Ah, but the one,
    One is a warrior,
    And he will bring the others back.

    — Heraclitus 500 BC

So thats it.  Im out of here.  Thanks for the support.

Sept 14 - Shane's WOD

I decided to double up today since I essentially missed yesterday's WOD. I did the 13th and 14th mainpage WODs in the evening:

225# deadlifts
Handstand push ups (up against wall, used skinny end of abmat as head check)
3:38PR! I am pumped!

Rested about 15 minutes...stayed loose, stretching, etc...

Double unders
Sit ups (no abmat)
9:28. Muscle fatigue in my core really hindered my sit ups.

Had a good day. The Paleo Diet is really starting to pay off. I feel great.

Sept 13 - Shane's WOD

Wasn't feeling too good from a not so smart Saturday night. So I just rowed for 15 minutes ~3700m. Live to fight another day.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sept 11 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Barbara"

5 rounds each for time:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats

"Barbara" is one mean WOD. I am embarassed to say I just wasn't feeling it today and although my nutrition and rest this week had been great, my mind just wasn't in the game. It was over for me before I started.

3:37 (had a stop watch accident and got less than 3 minutes rest before this round)

Oh well, was just glad to get it done so I can enjoy my weekend. Rest day tomorrow. Sunday, I am planning to double up and get back at it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept 10 - Shane's WOD

Main page: 3-3-3-3-3 Push Jerks

The limiting factor here was definitely the lowering the bar from overhead back to shoulder level between reps to make it a continuous set of 3 without dropping or setting the bar down.


Rest, then:

24" box jumps
Strict Pull-Ups

No clock, took me about 3 minutes I think.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 9-Bens WOD

800m Run
DOT Drillx2

4 Rounds
100ft Uneven Walking Lunge 25/35lbs
30 Box Jumps @24in
20 Strict Pullups
3 Miles

Sept 9 - Shane's WOD

At Bayou City CrossFit:

"Battle Buddies WOD"

With a partner, only one can work at a time, 3 rounds:

2min AMRAP Squat Clean w/Dynamax 20# Ball
2min AMRAP Push Press 95#
2min AMRAP KB Swings 53#
2min AMRAP Double Unders
1min Rest

Mark Cournoyer was my partner for this WOD, we got a total of 534 reps. This was a pretty tough WOD, but a lot of fun.

Also, stuck around for a nutritional seminar taught by Vic Zachary, Jeremy & Zach Thiel and Lindsey & Webster Smith. Lots of great information shared from some great CrossFitters. Very cool deal, really glad I was able to attend.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 3-8 Bens WODS

Gearing up to go right now and consequently I am all over the place with pt and rest.

Over the last few days I did the following:

5 Rounds
Run 800m
50 Pushups
75 Situps
25 Box Jumps

Run 6 Miles


Yesterday I did
Max Pushups
10 Rounds
5 Ring Dips
8 GHD Situps
15 Pushups

Its almost go time.  I am feeling pretty good.  Just trying to listen to my body and rest when needed but staying loose and relaxed.

Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7 - Shane's WOD

AM - Main page from yesterday:
6 rounds for time:
400m run
25 burpees (had to hit a target at the top of each jump that was set at 1ft above my reach)
Didn't set a clock, but went hard. Didn't end up being quite as bad as I thought, but I definitely am not looking forward to ever doing it again.

PM - Main page from today:
"CrossFit Total" = 870
1RM back squat = 295-315-325PR
1PM shoulder press = 155-165x-160
1RM dead lift = 345-385PR-375

I followed exact protocol on this WOD. Only 3 attempts per lift, etc...followed CrossFit journal rules, wanted to keep it as accurate as possible.

A few notes: I have much left in my back squat, I am just afraid to push it too hard without a cage or any kind of spotters. I also now have much left in my dead lift, but 385 is all I could get on the bar with my bumpers, I had a tape a 5lbs plate onto the ends. I am not sure what is wrong with my shoulder press. I have done more than this in the past, it just isn't there anymore. My left shoulder started hurting after the first lift, 165 was just not going to happen. I plan to focus on this lift in the future. All in all, I am happy, especially considering 2PRs on the same day.

September 6 - Shane's Hungover

Yesterday was Karen's 30th birthday. 'Nuff said. I will double up tomorrow.

September 5 - Shane's WOD (Karen's Birthday!)

Main page: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Clean & Jerk

Wanted to do a little more since we knew we had some poor nutrition coming in the form of Karen's 30th birthday celebration so...

Double unders
12# ball slams

500m row = 1:39 (damper at 9)

September 3 - Shane's WOD

Main page from August 29th, I ran a 5k on that day, see blog post from that date.
5 rounds for time:
94# power snatch, 15 reps
Run 400m

This was a bi-atch. = 19:55

September 2 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Elizabeth"
135# full squat cleans
Ring Dips

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 2- Ben's WOD

5x Squat Clean and Press 65lbs
15 GHD Situps
10 Russian Twists 25lbs

WOD (All while wearing 20lb Vest)
5 Rounds
3x Sandbag Get up each shoulder with 80lb SB
10 Ring Pushups

6 Rounds
8x Jingle Jangle
5x Ring Dips

The warmup went well and then I basically cratered. I have taken a day off since I dont know when and I felt it today. Every thing was sore and I tweaked my quad a little bit. Time for some rest and come back strong. I ll be gone for the next 5 days so no posts till next week. Oh, wearing the vest is great training for me, expect to see more of it.

Sept 1 - Shane's WOD

Well, I was supposed to do the main page WOD:

Row 1000m
21 reps 95# thrusters
21 reps pull ups
Row 750m
15 reps 95# thrusters
15 reps pull ups
Row 500m
9 reps 95# thrusters
9 reps pull ups

Being the genius I am, I remembered the WOD incorrectly as I was doing it and I accidentally did a 500m row where I should have done the 750m and a 250m row where I should have done the 500m. Other than that, as rx'd = 15:45. I'm a dumbass. Once I figured out what I had done it really bummed me out. I finished by punishing myself with another 1000m row for time which came in at about 3:45.

Karen did it as rx'd except with 65# thrusters. I don't remember her time but it was around 25 minutes. Hell of a job for her to even get through that WOD. She is kicking ass lately.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

August 31 and September 1 Bens WOD

August 31
8 Rounds of
3x Bench Press (Did 165x4 and 175x4)
25 four count flutter kicks

8 Rounds of
3x Weighted Pullups (40 lbs)
10 Weighted Situps

8 Rounds of
3x Squat Cleans (did an easy 135lbs to stretch the legs from the day before)

8 Rounds of
3x Weighted Dips (40lbs)

September 1

10 Minutes of Sandbag Getups @80lbs
40 Rob Shauls with 75lbs (1 RS = 4 lunges then 4 pushpress)
Run 7 Min
Rest 4 MIn
Run 6 Min
Rest 3 Min
Run 5 Min

That was a very long WOD. The Rob Shauls were a beast and my legs felt like fire when I was running. Another day tomorrow then a rest day. The first in about a week!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30 Bens WOD

Run 5.5 Miles

Rest 40 Minutes

Ruck 15 Miles with 50#Pack

So, this sucked. The run went well to OK. It was a loop done three times and was straight up and straight down. Took me about 40 minutes. The real pain came in the ruck. It was a flat course completed at the beach but still sucked. Took 3 hours and 40 minutes and at the end I felt like I had spit on the ground in Thiland and now they were beating the bottom of my feet with a cane. This was the apex of my training so now its a slow taper for two weeks and then a seriuos taper for one.

August 30 - Shane's WOD

Main page: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 weighted pull-ups.

I used my 45# weighted vest and kettlebells, a chain, a couple iron plates & carabiners. There is (now was) a ring/loop on the back of my Mir short vest, so I just had Karen clip kettlebells to my back with the chain and carabiners.


The 120# failure was SO FRIGGIN CLOSE! I had the bar at my chin but I just couldn't get it that last inch I needed to get my chin over the bar.

So, my next attempt was to be with 117.5# BUT... that ring on the back of my vest gave out as I got onto the bar. I was climbing on to my 24" box and then reaching out to the side and lowering myself down on to the bar, so it's not like I was jumping up there. But the ring blew out. So, this left me with nothing to clip the kettlebells/weights to anymore. I was really enjoying this WOD so I was pretty bummed. But I just threw on my 6# weight belt with my 45# vest and did 3 sets to failure with the resulting 51# load. By this time I was pretty tired so I got 9, 10 and then 9 again.

LOVED THIS WOD! Definitely going to get a belt or something that is designed to have weights hung from it for future weighted pull-ups.

Karen did a great job on this as well:


All of her failures were very close and I was very very impressed. Amazing considering she couldn't even do a pull-up just a couple months ago.

August 29 - Shane's WOD

Main page was not do-able with what I had access to at my Parent's house so I just ran a 5k. Not sure what happened to me but it was one of, if not the, slowest 5k I have run in years. I think I didn't wait long enough after eating breakfast because I side stitched at about the mid-way point and it wouldn't go away. I didn't quit running, but it got pretty tough pushing it through an intense side stitch that just would not subside. I also got belly sick afterwards. Lesson learned. ~27minutes. I suck.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29- Bens WOD

Run 3 Miles Pushing Wyatt

10 Rounds
5 Strict Pullups
5 Ring Dips
15 Push Ups

Fast and easy today. Staying loose and resting a bit for tomorrow.

Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28- Bens WOD

Thruster 95#
GHD Situps

Hmmm, I think Im going to feel this tomorrow. Did it as a grind, no clock running but it pretty much took forever. Short WOD tomorrow and then suck fest on Sunday. Im going to go ice this one down with some Jim Daniels.

August 28 - Shane's WOD

Main page: 3-3-3-3-3 Overhead Squats

I cranked this out this morning before heading to work. I like to have my Friday afternoons free if possible.

Felt pretty good, I was really tight for some reason, so my warm up took a little longer than I like for in the morning. Anyway...

165-185-205(1 then fail)-205-195-195(2 then fail)

I was really pleased to get up to 205# for a 3RM. I finished up with a superfast set of 15 with 95#.

Stand by for Karen's numbers, she will be doing this one this afternoon.

I looks like I am going to find myself away from the home gym tomorrow. So I don't know what I am going to do instead of main page. I am going to wait and see what the main page WOD is tomorrow and then similate it as closely as possible. If I can't even get close then I will probably go for a run or something like that.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26- Bens WOD

6 Rounds
8x Deadlift at 185lbs
8x Broad Jumps
30 Sec Rest

6 Rounds
5x Front Squat at 135lb
5x Box Jump
30 Sec Rest

5 Rounds
5x Bench Press at BW
5x Clapping Pushups
30 Sec Rest

August 26 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Nate"
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
2 muscle ups
4 handstand pushups
8 kb swings, 2 pood (I subbed 12 swings with 50# since that is all I have)

Decent day. 12 rounds plus one muscle up. I had no muscle up failures until the begining of the 13th round, and then I had 4 or 5 failures on my way to getting that last one. I was fairly pleased with this performance.

Karen did:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
4 pull ups
6 paralette dips
8 self assist handstand pushups using 24" box
10 kb swings, 1 pood
She got 9 rounds plus pull ups, dips and hspu.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25- Ben's WOD

6 Rounds
Run 8 Flights of Stairs with 20lb Vest

10 Min of Sand Bag Getups 80LB Bag

5 Rounds
800m Run
30 Dips
30 KB Swings 1.5 pood

The stair run wasnt very exciting but it sucked, alot. The afternoon wasnt much fun either. I dont have a time but it was around 30 minutes of pain. This is basically EVA with dips and about as much fun. Again, the KB swings are a total mental test to get unbroken.

August 25 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 reps, 95# thrusters
7 reps, 95# hang power cleans
10 resp, 95# sumo deadlift high pulls

Straight up miserable. 9 rounds plus thrusters of a total ass whoopin.

Karen did with 45#, 10 rounds plus thrusters, hpc's & 3 sumos. Great job again for Karen.

Not so great job again for me. My lower back just basically quit on me at about 6 rounds. This was a pretty miserable WOD, but I can definitely see it's benefits.

Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Cindy"
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

I changed it up and bit and threw on a 20# vest for this one. Friggin miserable. All squats done on dynamax butt-check ball. 15 full rounds plus 5 pull-ups. My legs are still pretty sore from the last few WODs. But good stuff none the less. My best "Cindy" without vest is 26 rounds, so I guess I am okay with my performance today. That extra 20#s doesn't seem like much until about round 5 and then suddenly it changes everything. Twice as hard, at least.

Karen did this as rx'd. 11 rounds! Nice work Karen!

Can't wait to see what Glassman has in store for me tomorrow!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23- Ben's WOD

Run 5 Miles pushing Wyatt in stroller

Rest 2 Hours

Ruck 10 Miles with 50#
2hr 25Min

Long day, my legs were crushed before I even started, but overall I felt great. The only issue I had was with my left foot hurting on my instep. My boots arent working out but I have another pair that are good to go. Rest day tomorrow.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22- Bens WOD

First off, just got back yesterday from a two week trip in DC. Shane took care of me and made some posts for me. Not going to post the ones I missed except for one:

Double Murph
Run 1 Mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 Squats
Run 2 Miles
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile

Time 1:07
That was not fun, 4 in the afternoon at 95 degrees and 100% humidity. dont try that one at home folks.


Ring Dips
with 60 Walking lunges between
Run 7 MIn
Rest 4 MIn
Run 6 Min
Rest 3 MIn
Run 5 Min

Deadlift 225#
GHD Situps
Pushups (it was done DL, GHD, Pushups repeat)

Good day but I had a hand rip on the deadlifts of all things.

August 22 - Shane's WOD

2x500m row
Rest as needed
7x1 hang power cleans
Rest as needed
2x500m row

Tough day, my legs are feeling pretty taxed.

1:34(PR by one second), 1:41

185-215-225x-205-205-225-240x-235x-205 (did some extra to end on a good note, previous PR 235) The misses at 240 and 235 were VERY close, I just have to commit to the lift and stop being a bitch.

1:34, 1:44

Experimented with the damper on the C2 some. Used 6, 7, 10 & 9 settings respectively through the 4 rows. Since on my 3rd row, even as tired as I was, I hit 1:34 again, matching my PR with the damper at 10, I think my sweet spot is probably in the 9 to 10 range for all out sprints.

2:13, 2:14

65-95-95-95-95-95-95 (she had some failures at 115 were she could have easily nailed it, she falls apart technically on the lift when she get scared and nervous)

2:12, 2:19

All her dampers were at 5 except the last one which was at 6.

Rest day tomorrow. Will probably have to wash cars and do the lawn! Yeah!

Friday, August 21, 2009

August 21 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
For time:
100ft walking lunges
21 pullups
21 situps
100ft walking lunges
18 pullups
18 situps
100ft walking lunges
15 pullups
15 situps
100ft walking lunges
12 pullups
12 situps
100ft walking lunges
9 pullups
9 situps
100ft walking lunges
6 pullups
6 situps

All pullups were butterfly (my hand barely survived)
All situps were abmat
All lunges were on the 34ft long back 3 lengths each round

I accidentally did an additional length on the first round, so I added about 34ft of lunges

Time = 10:48

I feel redeemed from my poor performance yesterday, I went pretty hard. The wobbly legs from "Karen" yesterday didn't help, but I was able to push through.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
For time: 150 reps, 20# wall ball shots, 10ft target.

I'll post my time tonight after I get it done.

Should be ugly, and a perfect WOD for my first day back at it. I feel pretty good and healed up from my time off. Not 100% but pretty close. I probably should have eaten better and drank a little less on my vacation, but oh well, I feel mentally very relaxed and refreshed. It was a much needed break in more ways than one.

After spending a lot of time thinking of ways to alter my programming to do a little more strength work I came up with a very simple and measured approach to start with and feel it out. I am going to add strength work before any weekend WODs. This will only add 1 to 2 strength days a week and will allow me to still just do main page on weekdays which keeps my WODs as short as possible to keep me free for work and family time.

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14 - Shane's WOD

Main page: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Front Squats


I did this at 5:30am and was really pressed for time so I couldn't get warmed up properly and then couldn't take sufficient rest between lifts. So these loads are not very representative of my true 1RM, but for that early in the morning and just rushing through it, I was pretty happy.

When I was done I had about 5 minutes to spare so I did a little extra work to top off this series of WODs before heading into my 5 days off that start tomorrow:

5-5-5-5-5 Standing Press


I torched through these, only taking as much time between sets as required to change the weight. Obviously I can lift much more than this weight-wise, but that was not my goal, I planned the 10 lbs reduction each round ahead of time so I could make it metcon-ish and really get my blood pumping as well as get some good press work in.

Finally, with 95# left on the bar I grabbed a quick set of 10 reps thrusters.

Great morning. I got this all done from start to finish in about 20 minutes. I am really looking forward to my vacation and time off from WOD to relax and get all nice and healed up and covored. I will not post another WOD until my first day back in action which is planned for August 19th.

August 13 - Ben's WOD

4 rounds with 30 sec rest between:
Leg blaster (20 squats, 10 lunge right, 10 lunge left, 20 jumping lunges, 10 jump squats)

10 rounds:
5 strict pullups
10 dips
15 pushups

5 rounds:
4 jingle jangles
10 ankle to bar

The middle part that looks and smells like Cindy is not even close. This thing will destroy your upper body. I was a bit unhappy with how hard it was until I looked back at the week and realized the Scotty Bobs and floor press and cleans had trashed my shoulder arms and chest. It was a great series of wods and one more tomorrow and then time for some rest and recovery.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13 - Shane's WOD

Main page: Pull-Up Ladder aka Death by Pull-Ups

17 rounds plus 11 reps

I ripped my hand open during the 15 set. It was all fingertip pull-ups after that. This all but eliminated my kip and completely eliminated my butterfly kip and slowed me down badly. Between that and attempting to quickly tape my hand, things went down hill quickly. Oh well, I need to figure out what I am doing wrong with taking care of my hands. I am ripping all the time. Didn't even start to feel fatigue at all until about the 14 set. I have low to mid 20s in me easy if I can keep my hands healthy. I will just have to start taping my hands ahead of time like I did for "Lynne" a few weeks ago, which worked well.

Didn't feel like I did enough after this so I made up a quick one:
Double Unders
GHD Sit-Ups

This was fast and furious. Didn't time myself, but I got through it pretty quickly. All in all it was a pretty good day other than the rip.

Life goes on. Hopefully tomorrow's WOD is easy on the hands.

August 12 - Ben's WOD

Run with 2 minutes between rounds
800m x 2
400m x 2
800m x 3

That sucked, the weather changed and it just sucked. Averaged 3 to 3:10 minutes on the 800ms and 1:20ish on the 400ms.

August 12 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Linda" aka 3 bars of death.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:
1.5xBW deadlift
BW benchpress
.75xBW squat clean
"Set up three bars and storm through for time"

Okay, I decided that I would go at this with a "do the best I can with what I have" attitude considering that I only had one barbell. My plan was to:

Deadlift 275#
Remove a 45# from each side
Pick bar up and rack it for bench press
Benchpress 185#
Remove a 25# from each side
Take bar back to floor
Squat clean 135#
Put 45#s and 25#s back on

Yeah, this was a logistical nightmare. Karen was feeding/bathing Davey so I didn't have any help with the racking/plate changing etc. So, just for record, and for laughs, this is what I ended up doing:

-10x275# deadlift
-removed 45#s
-couldn't get bar to rack without moving the bench which I decided was a deal breaker and I would have to go to light weight dumbell benchpress
-20x52.5# each hand benchpress
-removed 25#
-10x135# sqaut cleans
-put 25#s and 45#s back on
-9x275# deadlift
-fumbled around while pulling 45#s off and starting to get aggravated with the situation
-decided this was insane and that I would just have to do all of each exercise at a time (55 reps)
-having done 19 deadlifts already I reloaded the bar to 265# (actual 1.5xBW) to get the remaining 36 reps. After getting to 35 total reps, I felt this was a stupid way to attack this workout because it was destroying me doing this many deadlifts in a row
-decided to stop at 35 total reps and just finish out 35 total reps of each exercise at a time
-did not count the dumbell bench press, loaded the bar to 175# (actual BW) and did 35 reps
-loaded the barbell to 135# and having already done 10 reps of squat cleans, I did the remaining 25 reps of the new total of 35 reps
-laughed at how ridiculous it all turned out

I then caught my breath and grabbed a 500m row sprint. With my legs and lower back completely smoked I was pleased to get a 1:39.

Called it a night after this. Didn't time anything as I knew from the start the time would be meaningless. I will NEVER attempt this WOD again without a minimum of two barbells. My plan is eventually to buy Karen a 15kg bar and then buy a cheapo bar from Academy. But I can't keep spending money everytime I can't do a WOD as rx'd. Next time "Linda" comes up I will plan an equal to WOD ahead of time or sub something else completely.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11 - Shane's WOD

Four rounds, each for time of:
800 meter run
Rest as needed between efforts.

Brutal. It is just so damn hot here right now. I did this at about 85%...for two reasons: I was sick just yesterday and didn't want to push it and I intend to make this day 1 of 4 straight days of WOD before my vacation time off this weekend and the begining of next week.


I am okay with these times considering I didn't go all out. But I am capable of MUCH better. Just not on this day.

August 11 - Ben's WOD

15 rounds:
Burpees 30 sec on/30 sec off.

6 rounds:
5 dumbell cleans 40#s each hand
5 dumbell floor press 40#s (5 each hand alternating)
10 ankles to bar

6 rounds:
Stair run 6 floors

The first part was exactly like it sounds: not fun. 152 burpees. The second part was a good metcon but would have been much better with a barbell. I hate dumbell cleans. The whole thing took about an hour and what makes me happy is that at the end I felt like I didn't do enough. Not because I didn't get crushed while doung it, but because I am recovering quickly.



Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10 - Ben's WOD

Run 5.5 miles

6 rounds
5 Scotty Bob
10 strict pullups
10 weighted situps 45#

Scotty Bob = with 25# dumbelss do 5 pushups then row left then row right in pushup position.

Nothing too special today. Hot long run. Was going to go farther but I was with a friend and we called it early. The second session ws a chest blaster.

August 10 - Shane's Sick Day

Feeling like crap today. I must have finally caught whatever Davey has/had. Decided to be smart and skip the workout today. I'm going to try to make it up on tomorrow's scheduled rest day depending on how I feel. So, I am doing eat home made chicken taco soup for time tonight. Thanks Karen!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 9 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Tabata Something Else"

16 straight minutes of Tabata...4 Tabatas at 4 minutes each (8x20sec on 10 sec off): Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups (Abmat), Squats.

Not much to say. Sweat fest. Hard work. Almost hung out with Pukie. But a perfect WOD for the day after too much boozing at a wedding.

Side note: Finally went to the website Rob Dees recommended and downloaded some of the pre-made Tabata music mixes on to my iPod. Made the experience a lot more fun and allowed you to kind of turn the brain off and just get some:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

August8- Bens WOD

With 20LB Vest
Rings Dips
Strict Pullups
Ring Dips
Kipping Pullups CTB
Ring Dips

Ruck 12 Miles with 50lbs

So today was hard. The pullup/dip went really well. My ring dips have come a LONG ways. I feel very strong in them and this was challenging but maybe a bit to easy. Have to step up the reps next time

The ruck was simply pain. At mile 5 the slope angle increased to 30% to 50% and stayed that way for 2 miles. It took me 2:52 to do the 12 miles which is slower than I wanted but with that brutal 2 miles in the middle I dont think I could have gone faster. I tested out my endurance suplements today and they worked like a charm. No blisters but my feet got VERY hot and sore. The last two miles were aweful and I was very glad to be done. I leave for DC tomorrow so the next two weeks are going to be a mix of hard training, rest and swimming.