Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bens WOD Dec 22

5 Rounds
7 Power Clean 95lbs
7 Pullups

No mom showed up in the middle of it and I had to break it in two...Oh well did something.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dec 21 Bens WOD

CrossFit Total
Press- 135-145F-145F
Back Squat 245-265-295PR
Deadlift 335-345-365PR

Total 795

Good day. My press sucked bad and is really disapointing but the BS and DL were both PRs and the Dl was a 30lb pr and I still had more in the tank. When I look at my last six months of training, I really shouldnt be suprised that my leg strength has increased but not my shoulders. Weakness identified and now time to work on it.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dec 19 & 20 - Shane's WOD

Dec 19 - With my Dad and Brother, loaded and unloaded 137 rectangular bales of hay.  Not super intense, but still great functional fitness exercise.

Dec 20 - "The CrossFit Total"
3 attempts each lift, CrossFit journal rules followed.
Standing Press: 155-170PR-175Fail
Back Squat: 225-315-335PR
Deadlift: 375-395PR-x
900# total PR

Well, three PRs on one day... definitely can't complain about that.  I tried not to get greedy on the back squat and deadlift even though I know I still have more there, especially on the deadlift.  I decided to take the advise of many experienced lifters and take a measured longterm approach knowing there will be another day for another PR.  Very happy though.

Karen and My brother Cruz did this with me as well.  I'm hoping I can remember their numbers...

SP 75-85Fail-70
BS 185-x-x
DL 185-225-235PR
490# total PR
GREAT JOB KAREN!  Nice work on the deadlift, you are getting there!  Awesome!

SP 85-95-105Fail
BS 135-155-185
DL 185-225Fail-200
480# total
Awesome job Cruz!  This was his first ever CrossFit total and his first ever 1RM attempt at any of these lifts, so technically they were all PRs!  Cruz weighs about 135#, so this was a great job for him, especially for his first try.  We will re-test him on these lifts at the end of Christmas break and see how much he improved.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Skin 1.5 miles climb 1000 vertical feet
(Skinning is going uphill on skis for you flatlanders)


First day on the skins. You dont move real fast but it feels kinda like a slow run except you work the leg muscles alot more...a bit sore today. Best part was skiing down during the sunset.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dec 18 Bens WOD

Build to a Heavy triple quickly and then go for a heavy single just under PR

295, 335

5 Rounds
Press Cluster
20 KB Swings 2 Pood
60 Sec Rest between rounds and movements
(Press Cluster is start in rack, press once, back in rack for 10 sec then repeat 5 times)

All KBS Unbroken

I got this from OPT. The press cluster was very painful but the setup allowed me to move more weight than if I had just done press 5 reps. The KB swings were a total mental and willpower test to keep it moving.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dec 17 - Shane's WOD

From CrossFit Central:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time:
2 pood kb swing
knees to elbows

Good WOD.  Actually ended up feeling a little too easy.  But I'll take it because I am super sore from the previous days.  Rest day tomorrow.  Getting hay on Saturday.  Be back at it on Sunday.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec 16 - Shane's WOD

From CrossFit Central:

5 rounds for time:
100ft walking lunges with 45# plate overhead
30 boxjumps 24"

This was leg torture.  I had to do approximately half of the boxjumps as step ups just to be able to keep moving.  Didn't time it.  Did the whole thing outside in the driveway.  Somehow...still fun.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

5 Rounds
3 Muscle Ups
15 KTE
30 Double Unders


Shane wrote this one and he is officially an asshole. I had considerable equipment problems. The cam on my rings failed and I had to knot the strap to keep it from slipping and my jumprope was frozen in a bent snake. That being said, great wod and a beat down. I could definatley feel the altitude on the DU.

Dec 15 - Shane's WOD

I'm doing my next 3 days straight from CrossFit Central's posted WODs on their website...

5 rounds for max reps:
1 minute pull-ups
1 minute burpees
1 minute floor to overhead any way 135#

This was exceptionally brutal.  Totally kicked my ass.  I didn't even try to keep up with reps.  I thought I would be able to clean and thruster the 135#, but after the pull-ups and burpees I kept to clean and jerking it, and that was smoking me too.  If you are ever in need of a quick 15 minute beat-down, this will do the trick.

This was a great WOD though.

Dec 16 Bens WOD

Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3

AMRAP 12 Min
6x Pullups at 38 LBS
12x 1 Pood KB Snatch to Windmill (6 each arm)
60m Tire Drag (30m front and 30m back)

3 Rounds plus 6x pullups and 6x snatch/windmill

I sucked at BP today. Need to rig up a spot stand casue fear kept me from going to heavy. The tire drag was will break you off and stop you in your tracks.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bens WOD Dec 14

Power Clean

5 Rounds at 115#
6x Deadlift
6x Bent Over Row
6x Power Clean
6x Thruster
6x Pushups

11:08 Ouch!!!

Put down stall mats. They are awesome. Total improvement. Got my assed kicked by the second part. Not sure if I am tired or just getting out of shape with work. Just gotta keep at it and see hows it goes.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dec 13 - Shane's WOD

Couldn't decide what I wanted to do today, so I decided to make it a Hopper Deck day.  Shuffled the cards and picked one...

30 muscle-ups for time
Very pathetic effort.  I stalled out badly in the teens and started have multiple failures.  I figured out around rep 20 that strategically starting with a false grip muscle up for each "set" works much better for me sense I have to come off of the rings regularly anyway.  I got through the last 10 much quicker than I did the middle 10 because I went to a false grip.  Next time I will start with a false grip and I feel it will make a huge impact on my time for this WOD.  Lesson learned.  Non-false grip muscle-ups are good to have in your arsenal, but you should start each "set" with the false grip as it makes the move more efficient, especially when fatigue has reduced you to singles.

Row 2k for time
Great job Karen!  She really needs to work on fully extending the legs/hips before engaging her arms, but she is getting there and did a great job going hard.

Dec 12 - Shane's WOD

30 reps for time, 135# snatch
2:50 PR!

Karen did this scaled to 73# in 3:56!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dec 12, Bens WOD

6 Rounds
25 Step Ups at 55 LBS
Sandbag Complex (6x Deadift, Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat) at 55lb Sand Bag
4x Sandbag half Moons


That Sandbag is EVIL!! It was awesome though..thanks gives me so many more options up here at the ski area.

Dec 11 - Shane's WOD

6200m row for time

Very painful.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dec 9 - Shane's WOD

Tabata Sit-Ups


For time:
30 bodyweight (175#) bench press
10 sprints 40 yards, rest 15 seconds between efforts
30 bodyweight bench press


Tabata 12# ball slams

I copied the middle section of this WOD from CrossFit Football.  This was pretty tough.  Still not using the stop watch, I just don't feel the need unless it is a benchmark WOD.  The second set of bench press was very challenging.  And somewhere around run number 6 or 7 I nearly threw up.  The ball slams at the end were like torture.  My current programming may not be the most well rounded, but I am really enjoying it.  My favorite things in fitness are strength and why fight it?  I am going to try to work in some more oly lifts and running in the next rotation.  Tomorrow is a rest day, and I need it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dec 8 - Shane's WOD

Standing Press 3-3-3-3-3
115-125-135-145-155f(only got 2 reps)


Run 400m
9-15-21 rep round
Push-Ups CTF
Pull-Ups CTB
Run 400m

No time, just went hard.  Almost threw up.  Fast and furious.  CTB pull-ups get nasty and push-ups continue to be a weakness.  Gonna keep after it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dec 7 - Shane's WOD

For time, using a single dumbbell for all movements, 21-15-9 reps of:

1-Arm DB Walking Lunge Steps, right arm
1-Arm DB Walking Lunge Steps, left arm
1-Arm DB Deadlift, right arm
1-Arm DB Deadlift, left arm
1-Arm DB Snatch, right arm
1-Arm DB Snatch, left arm
1-Arm DB Thruster, right arm
1-Arm DB Thruster, left arm

Borrowed this one from CrossFit Champions and it was a thorough as whoopin'.  19:31.  My lower back just started locking up on me, this is a deceptively brutal WOD.

Going to keep "making up" my programming for a while.  Some of it I will pull from other sources and use and/or modify, and some of it will be completely original.  My purposes for this is just to kind of spend some time just doing what I want to...within the basic CrossFit format.  I just feel like taking some time to focus on the stuff that I find the most fun or that I just feel like doing.  I will probably continue this through most of 2009 and then mostly get back on mainpage to start 2010, at least for a while.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dec 7 Bens WOD

5 Rounds
6x Front Squat with 2 1.5 pood KB
6x 5 meter shuttle
6x Jumping Lunge
REst 60 Sec

5 Rounds
6x KB Floor Press 1.5 pood each hand
6x Clapping Pushups
6x Ring Dips
Rest 60 SEC

5 Rounds
6x 1.5 pood KB Snatch (3 each hand)
6x 30 inch Box Jump
60 Sec Rest

Good Work today. The floor press triplet was total destruction. Its snowing right about 6 inches so far..hoping for more.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 5-6 Bens WOD

Dec 5
Snatch 5-5-3-2
95, 115,125,135

115, 135, 145, 155

By far my best OHS load. Felt great...little did I know OHS would be kicking my ass 24 hours later.


"Lumberjack 20"

20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m

Did everything RXD except the DL's which I did at 245. This was friggen brutal. The runs were horrendous. Im normally a runner but this beat me up. I also struggled with the OHS and lost a lot of time there. On a good note I did the KB swings, the box jumps, the pullups, and the burpees unbroken. I came within a mouthful of meeting pukie. All for a good cause.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dec 4 & 5 - Shane's WOD

Dec 4:
Max reps dead hang forward grip wide pull-ups = 24
5 rounds:
10 box jump burpees - 24" box
10 knees to elbows
No clock
Max reps dead hang ring dips = 17

Dec 5:
5x5 overhead squats
AMRAP 8 minutes:
15 reps 20# wallball
15 reps double unders
Made 7 rounds plus 3 wall ball

Trying my hand at writing my own programming for a while.  We will see how it goes.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dec 2 & 3 - Shane's WOD

Dec 2:  Took a last minute rest day to take my beautiful wife out on a date.  Had a blast.

Dec 3:  "Linda" as rx'd.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds
255# deadlift
170# bench press
128# full squat clean

21:05 of ass whoopin'.

This was my first ever opportunity to do "Linda" as rx'd, due to finally having all the equipment I need.  I attacked the WOD all wrong and left a lot of time on the table.  I really enjoyed it though, my kind of WOD for sure.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dec 1 - Shane's WOD

(Power clean + hang clean + power jerk - 170#) x 4 sets
(Jerk dip squats - 205# x 3) x 4 sets
(Muscle snatch - 135# x 3) x 4 sets

This was too easy.  Not sure what I think about the jerk dip squats...which are basically half assed quarter front squats...kinda felt like a waste of time.  The rest of it was good.  I was supposed to do the muscle snatches ligher than that, but I wanted a little more.

For time:
35 kb swings w/ 1.5pood
500m row
30 kb swings
250m row
25 kb swings
125m row

The rows were supposed to be runs, but it was really raining and cold, so I stayed in the garage.  Still not using a clock, just doing my best.