Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dec 9 - Shane's WOD

Tabata Sit-Ups


For time:
30 bodyweight (175#) bench press
10 sprints 40 yards, rest 15 seconds between efforts
30 bodyweight bench press


Tabata 12# ball slams

I copied the middle section of this WOD from CrossFit Football.  This was pretty tough.  Still not using the stop watch, I just don't feel the need unless it is a benchmark WOD.  The second set of bench press was very challenging.  And somewhere around run number 6 or 7 I nearly threw up.  The ball slams at the end were like torture.  My current programming may not be the most well rounded, but I am really enjoying it.  My favorite things in fitness are strength and why fight it?  I am going to try to work in some more oly lifts and running in the next rotation.  Tomorrow is a rest day, and I need it.

1 comment:

  1. The Games are coming!!! Im pumped!!! Keep up the hard work and you will crush it!
