Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sept 1 - Shane's WOD

Well, I was supposed to do the main page WOD:

Row 1000m
21 reps 95# thrusters
21 reps pull ups
Row 750m
15 reps 95# thrusters
15 reps pull ups
Row 500m
9 reps 95# thrusters
9 reps pull ups

Being the genius I am, I remembered the WOD incorrectly as I was doing it and I accidentally did a 500m row where I should have done the 750m and a 250m row where I should have done the 500m. Other than that, as rx'd = 15:45. I'm a dumbass. Once I figured out what I had done it really bummed me out. I finished by punishing myself with another 1000m row for time which came in at about 3:45.

Karen did it as rx'd except with 65# thrusters. I don't remember her time but it was around 25 minutes. Hell of a job for her to even get through that WOD. She is kicking ass lately.

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