Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3 Bens WOD

So today was my first day at work and consequently my first day working out at 11,000 feet. Definately more challenging but not as bad as I thought. At this point my equipment at the mountain consists of Rings(not installed yet), rogue pull up bar (not yet installed), 2 1.5 pood KB, and a jump rope. I have some benches to jump on and a deck to do Jingle Jangles (5 m shuttle runs), and of course the whole mountain if Im so inclined. I plan to add a sandbag and my power blocks in a few weeks.

5 Rounds
3x each hand KB Snatch then 3 Waiters Walk lunge with KB- 1.5 pood
5x Goblet Squat Jump with 1.5 pood KB
5 Jingle Jangle


3 Rounds
3x Clean and Front Squat with 1.5 pood KB in each hand
6x KB Swing 1.5 pood

I didnt get a time cause Im not set up for it yet and really I just wanted to feel it out. It hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you back in the swing of things. Altitude training you bastard I'm jealous. I just hold my breath while working out until I get tunnel vision. Is that safe? Just kidding, about the safety portion!
