Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31 Bens WOD

35 Rounds every 50 seconds
5 Strict Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Why this?  Because I needed motivation to do "Cindy" for an AMRAP 30 and at 5 am it wasnt going to happen so I made this up.  The time internal gave me some motivation to work hard and then get some rest.  My objective here was muscular endurance and I let the metabolic conditioning suffer a bit to get the max out of the ME.  

July 31 - Shane's WOD

Well, main page posted "Nicole" as the WOD for the today. Which is:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
Max reps pull-ups

I am going to briefly question the genius of Coach Glassman. Last Friday, one week ago today, the WOD was "Lynne:"

5 rounds for max reps:
Bodyweight bench-press

There is no way that anyone can convince me that you should be doing multiples sets of pull-ups to complete failure in two different WODs this close together. My belief is that if you attacked "Lynne" the way it is meant to be attacked, truly pushing yourself too and beyond your physical limits for 5 sets, that you would be insane to do the same thing just one week later. My arms and biceps didn't start feeling normal until yesterday. Destroying them the exact same way again today would come with a major risk of injury in my eyes. A 21-15-9 or something of that nature that included pull-ups would be well within reason...but more max reps sets is not.

So, I decided to change things up a bit today. I did:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
Max reps thrusters, 75#

This was nothing short of BRUTAL!


I came back from my 5th run and had about 90 seconds left on the clock, so I took a nice long breather before doing my last set of thrusters since I knew there was no way I could complete another run anyway. I could have done better on sets 1 through 3, but my brain just shut off and I put the bar down. Adding running to those thrusters just makes it unreal. I defined a set termination by having to stop moving for any measurable amount of time. Obviously I could have squeezed a few more in on each set by resting with the bar in the front rack, but I felt that went against the intent of the WOD.

This was NASTY! I couldn't stop sweating for about 45 minutes. Again, not my best performance, but I can't break records everyday. Woo hoo! Will be making up and doing my own WODs with limited equipment at my parent's house this weekend. Should actually be pretty fun!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29- Bens WOD

Warm Up
2 Rounds
Mini Leg Blaster
Max Pushups

3 Rounds 
100 Step Ups with 40#
1 Mile run with 5lb weight held above, in front, and to the side for 10-15 sec each

This sucked bad.  I average 7:20 on the miles.  Straight up miserable.

July 29 - Shane's WOD

Main page: Run 10k!

Oh man, I am going to die! I don't think I have ever run that far without stopping. But I will give it a go tonight. I really don't know how my body is going to respond past the 4-5 mile mark, so I am going to take a measured pace and attack this run from a 'for completion' stand point. After I see how I respond on this run then I can dial it in a little better next time. I gotta start somewhere.

I have used to attempt to lay out a path that will get me pretty close to 10k.

This should be miserable. Say a prayer for me that I don't die.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28- Bens WOD

10 Rounds
1x 90% Push Press
8 Ring Rows

6 Rounds
5x Sand Bag Zercher Squat
100m SandBag Walk
10 Ring Dips

6 Rounds
8 Front Squats BW
8 Jumping Lunges each Leg
15 35# Weighted situps

This was very deceptive. Started out not too bad, then half way through the sandbag section it started to suck and then by the front squat section it was pure misery. I had to drop down to 145 for the Front have to be a bad mother to do that at body weight. My calves are still toast from Sunday so hoping they feel better tomorrow.

July 25 - Shane's WOD

Main page WOD: 135# clean & jerk ladder (do one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute...etc, continuing as long as able).

Nothing special today. Still feeling the soreness in my arms pretty bad. I got warmed up and stretched as much as I could trying to get some comfort in my devastated arms. I made it through the 7 reps round and then failed on the 8 reps round. This is a very deceiving WOD. It sneaks up on you quick. But all in all, I enjoyed it, but it certainly was not my best performance.

I then caught my breath and did a straight set of 10 just for good measure.

Note: I did full clean and jerks instead of thruster style c&j's. This definitely slowed me down, in comparison to what I could have done, but I wanted to do the WOD exactly as written.

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 26 Bens WOD

8 Floor Stair Run with 55lb vest and 35lb ram- 57 sec
Max Pullups- 18
Max Pushups- 58
Max Situps- 80
Rope Climb
2 Mile Run- 12:58
400m Swim- 4:30

2 Mile Ruck

AMRAP 20 Min
5 Strict Pullups
10 Dips
5 Push Press 95lbs- 14 Rounds

30 Minutes Team Heavy Bag
Clean and Press

2 Mile Ruck

Litter Carry with random exercises

7 Mile Run- 56 Min

300 Step Ups

40 Bumper Plate Burpees
40 Weighted Situps
Overhead Plate Walk
200 Meter Overhead Plate Lunge

This took about 6 hours and had one 15min break.

All in all a great day and a good confidence booster.

July 26 & 27 - Shane's Rest Days

So, the 26th was a planned rest day; Today the 27th was not. I am still VERY sore from "Lynne" in my chest and biceps. So I have decided to take an extra day to heal.

This week is going to be a little weird because I have a manufacturer's representative coming into town that I am going to have to entertain probably Tuesday or Wednesday night. So I am going to WOD in the mornings tomorrow and Wedesday to keep my options open in the evenings.

Additionally, we are house sitting for my parent's this weekend which will put me away from most of my equipment this weekend. So I am going to have to write my own WODs for this weekend that only uses the equipment that travels easily.

This week is going to be a constantly evolving beast that I will just take as it comes. I'll post stuff as I do it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
AMRAP 20 minutes:
10 reps, 20# wall ball shots, 10ft target (Karen - 12# ball)
10 reps, GHD sit-ups
10 reps, GHD back extensions

This was actually a pretty fun WOD. I have no idea how many rounds I completed because I didn't even try to keep count, I just went hard. Karen and I did this together and had to share the GHD, so we really attacked it more from a just get some and have fun perspective. We drug the GHD into the backyard, turned on some tunes and hit it. Karen almost kept up with me and she didn't have to start doing abmat sit-ups instead of GHDs until like her last 2 rounds.

When we were done I went over to the neighborhood pool and did a quick 500 yard cool down swim. With as sore as I am from these last 3 WODs it felt damn good to stretch it out and loosen up in the pool.

Rest day tomorrow! Yeah! Which means more yard work! Woo Hoo!

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
5 rounds for max reps:
Bodyweight bench-press

Karen did this WOD with me, she scaled the bench press to 95# for the first round and then 85# every round after that.

I hopped on the bathroom scale just before starting this WOD and I was at 171#. The closest I can get to that without going under with my weight assortment is 175#. So I did the whole thing with 175#.


Totals = 67/167
Score = 234

Totals = 33/32
Score = 65

Amazing job done by Karen, she continues to impress me! Our hands hurt like a biznitch. But I love that WOD! and it does hurt!

I don't know how to embed video, but here is a link to the video of my set of 51 pull-ups. It's not pretty but I get them done. My butterfly kip is usually much smoother than this and for some reason I lost it somewhere in the 20's and then had to pick it back up before finishing out with regular kips. My butterfly got much more efficient in the later sets, but hey, I'll take it. If I just smooth my kip out somemore, I think I have a little more in me. Keep in mind I had just done 23 reps of body weight benchpress. I would really like to try to max rep set when fresh sometime.

July 24-25 Bens WOD

I will be taking a rest day today and Saturday. Sunday is going to be crazy and Im feeling a bit run down. More on Sunday later.

July 23- Bens WOD

Ruck 6 Miles for Time 40#ruck

Thats it. That sucked 1:20min.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23 - Shane's WOD

Bayou City CrossFit WOD today:
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
20 Reps, Squats
15 Reps, Sit-Ups
10 Reps, Push-Ups

I made 14 rounds plus, 20 squats, 15 sit-ups & 5 push-ups (670 total reps).

Our cool down was deadlifts 1-1-1-1-1-1-1. Since I did 1x deads on Tuesday, I didn't expect much and I didn't get much, especially after all those squats.

315-365-405fail-385fail-315-365fail...and I called it a day. The 405 attempt was a joke, I only tried it because the other guys I was on the bar with were doing it. The 385 attempt was actually damn close...I think I could get it any other time.

Had a great time. Bayou City CrossFit is a great place, great people, great atmosphere, great trainers.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22- Bens WOD

Big 24 Upper Body

8 Rounds
3x Bench Press
15-15-15 sec Ab Bridge

8 Rounds
3x Weighted Dip
6x GHD Situp

8 Rounds
3x Weighted Pullup
6x Russian Twist @25lb

BP- 135-155-165-165-175-175-165-165
Dip- 20-24-28-36x5
Pullup 28x8

Long and Hard...nuff said. Dude check out the videos on the right.

July 22 - Shane's Rest Day

Rest Day (i.e. do the damn lawn for suck).

Going to Bayou City CrossFit tomorrow. Won't know the WOD until I get there. I kinda like that. I'll post it when I get home from the box!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21 - Shane's WOD

Main page: Deadlift, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Warmed up and did some light weight snatches, cleans and deadlifts and then hit it.


375 maxes out my bar with my hi-temps...with two 45s, a 35, a 25 and a 15 on each side there is barely 3/4" for the clamps. Not saying I could do more than 375, but I would sure like to try. I am going to get some iron plates to supplement my deadlifts for next time.

Then I hit a straight set of 15 deadlifts with 225#s without stopping or coming off the bar. Felt good.

As part of my cool down I decided to hit some double unders as they are a weakness of mine when tired. Granted, I wasn't in the throws of a horrid metcon beatdown, but I am trying to get used to doing them while tired. I was pleasantly suprised to hit a straight set of 50 double unders without tripping up! Hells yeah!

So in the last two days I have added an ipod shuffle, running headphones and some iron plates to my CrossFit wish list. Man, this isn't a cheap addiction at all!

July 21-Bens WOD

2 Rounds w/16lb vest
Mini Leg Blaster (10 SQ, 10 lunge, 10 jump lunge, 5 jump squat)
Max Rep Pushup

4 Mile Run with 16lb vest

Time: 2:00pm
Temp 101
Terrain: 2 Miles up with 6-7% grade, then 2 back down

Time: 30:20

I woke up this morning and my legs felt like concrete. Did some stretching but it didnt help much, so I said screw it, lets go crush the legs even more. Basically this was a run into the mouth of hell. It was so hot on the pavement that I was afraid the soles of my shoes were starting to melt. The terrain around here is much like death valley and it felt like it today. It took me on hour to cool down. The weight vest adds more misery than I can express here. It didnt affect the lungs but put a deep burn in the lower part of my quads. My normal time on a cool day with no vest would be between 26 and 27 minutes so this seems about right.

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20 - Shane's WOD

Main page: Run 5k.

Yeah, that sucked.

Without getting into all the details...this is the first time I ever tried running with my ipod. I loved being plugged into some motivational music, but it also came with some technical difficulties of headphones coming out of my ears and coming unplugged from the ipod. I had to completely stop on two different occasions during the first 2k or so. I finally figured out the best way to have it rigged up by about halfway through the run. All in all, I am guessing this cost me 2-3 minutes. Which makes me feel a little better about my time of 27:56. I was really feeling the filthy fifty in my legs this morning, but hey, that is the name of the game. I have to take this time with a grain of salt for a number of reasons, not to mention that I don't even really know the exact distance of the path I ran. I have measured it with my car and using yahoo maps, but that is hardly an exact science and I am pretty sure that I probably ran something a little longer than a 5k.

Either way, I hate running, but I am going to keep pushing it to get better. I am not going to lie and say that I had fun running, but the music helped, and every time I do it, it gets a little easier. And I can't even remember the last time a ran more than a mile at a time.

If I continue to enjoy running with music I am probably going to get some different headphones and a smaller more lightweight ipod that I will use just for WOD. All it takes is $, right?

I am glad I got it behind me for the day. I get to rest tonight in anticipation of what the main page will throw at me for tomorrow!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 19- Bens WOD


AMRAP 20 Min
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

23 2/3

I helped Jason install his pullup bar right before the WOD. Right before we started we figured out he had no chalk or tape and it was 100 degrees outside. Not a noteworthy performance but a good day none the less. Pictures coming soon.

July 19 - Shane's WOD


For time:
50 box jumps, 24" box
50 jumping pull ups
50 kettlebell swings, 1 pood
50 steps walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press, 45#
50 back extensions
50 wall ball, 20#, 10ft target
50 burpees
50 double unders

Webster joined me for this WOD. I was able to push myself pretty hard chasing him. He started first and I started when he finished his jumping pull-ups.

I don't know if I made a good time or not, and I don't care. I worked hard and had fun. Nearly met pukie during the burpees. I think I could have shaved 3 plus minutes off if I had not fallen apart during the burpees and double unders. I really need to work on my double unders and I just ran out of gas during the wall ball. Anyway:

Shane - 27:38
Web - 25:22

Webster wins again, but my endurance is making a comeback! Get some!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18- Bens WOD

5 Rounds for Time
15 Overhead Squats 95#

So once again it was 104 outside but we went for it anyways. I say we because Chad was here and he hit the WOD up with me. We warmed up with some light snatching and then went out for it.


I did all 5 rounds of 15 OHS unbroken. I was stoked!!! On a cool day with a bit better setup I know i can break 13 min. All around a great WOD and a motivating performance.

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17 - Shane's WOD

Main page: 30 muscle ups for time.

I have only attempted this WOD once in the past, tweaked my elbow and called it quits at like 3. Since then my elbow has gotten much stronger and I picked up a kip for my muscle up.

Today's goal was completion. And I completed it. It is a great feeling.

Webster and Lindsey Smith came over as well and Webster got his first muscle up on my magic rings! and he then proceeded on to a total of 15! Plus 60 pull ups and 60 dips. Friggin awesome considering it was during the same session as his first ever muscle up.

Had a great time. Tomorrow rest day!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16- Ben's WOD

"Rob Shaul is an Asshole"

Warm UP
10 Min Sandbag Getups 80# Bag

200m Rob Shauls (1 Rob Shaul is 65-95lbs on your back then 4 walking lunges
then 4 push press and back to behind neck)
3 Minutes Rest

5 Rounds
80# Sandbag Zercher Squat x5 and carry Zercher Style for 100m
400m Run
(Zercher Squat and Carry are both in front like cradling a baby)

I dont know how this looks on the outside but this was unfu#%ing believably hard. I did it outside in the sun and it was 104 on the thermometer. Total mind, body, strength, and lung endurance beat down.

I did the first WOD in 19:35. I had to go get water at about 140m. Never mangaged more thatn 4 Rob Shauls linked together at a time.

WOD 2 took 17:35.

At the end i did 4 max sets of pushups....then I drank a gallon of water and washed that down with saki and beer. Good day all around.

July 16 - Shane's WOD

Main page WOD today was hang power cleans: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Webster came over to lift today and well and helped me out quite a bit. I had never done heavy hang power cleans before and Webster is a beast at them.

Started with a warm-up and about a 1 mile run.

Shane: 185-205-225-235-245fail-235fail-225fail. So I got 235 once...but only once.

Webster: 245-255-265-275-285-305fail-305fail. Both 305 attempt sessions were so close. Hopefully I got Webster's loads correctly, if not sorry. Like I said, wow, very impressive.

I cooled down with a repped out set of 10 hang power cleans with 135#. And both of us grabbed some handstand push-ups on parralettes for fun.

Good stuff!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

June 15- Ben's WOD

3 Rounds
150 Step Ups with 40# Vest
800 m Run

20# Pullups
20# Dips
GHD Situps with 12# Ball

Strict Pullups
Ring Dips
GHD Situps

Kipping Pullups
Weighted Situps

July 15 - Shane's WOD

Going to CrossFit Champions tonight for what looks to be a brutal chipper:

For time, in any order:

Row 500m
30 Full circle Box Jumps (m:30in,f:24in)
30 Pull-ups
30 Ring dips
60 Walking Lunge steps with plate overhead (m:45lb,f:25lb)
30 Knees to Elbows
30 Push press (m:65lb,f:45lb)
30 GHD Hip Extensions
30 Wall Ball Shots 2-for-1s (m:12lb,f:10lb)
30 Burpees
10 Tire Flips
Run 400m

Can't say I'm looking forward to this one, but hey, random and varied, right? RIGHT!?!?

Monday, July 13, 2009

July13- Ben's WOD

2 Bars of Death
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time
Clean .75 BW
Pushups x3
Deadlift 1.5 BW

July 13 - Shane's WOD

So, today is my first day back on the main page WOD. I guess I will keep posting my results here as I smooth out my new programming that will go back to 3 on 1 off and somehow incorporate swimming on the weekends and going to Crossfit Champions about once a week while following the main page WOD.

Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps.

Loads for me today were 165-185-205-215-185-185-185. Felt great!

Side note - Karen did this WOD today too. I was very impressed with her loads: 65-75-85-95-105-95-95! Great job Karen!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12- Ben's WOD

Run 35 Minutes for distance
5 Minutes Rest
10 Rounds for Time
10 Bupree
6 Towel Pullups
10 Weighted Situps 35lb Bumper overhead

July 12 - Shane's WOD

I am supposed to do snatches this morning and then go swim, but I decided to go with just the swim today. Not for any particular reason other than to spend the morning with Karen and enjoy breakfast. I'm going to try to hit the pool as soon as it opens. I'm going to do distance intervals of some sort. I'll post what I do after I do it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11, Bens WOD

Warmup: 5 rounds of Cindy

1RM Clean...hit 195 PR

5 Rounds
2 Cleans @165 (85% of 1RM)
5 Slasher to Halo

5 Rounds for time
6 Bench Press at BW (155)
8 Ring Dips
10 GHD situps

4 rounds
8 Jingle Jangles
30 sec rest

The Bench WOD took 12:32... Shane you could rip through this and I think you would enjoy it.
I PR'd in the cleans...still a little dispointed cause I had 205 and then couldnt hold on to it. Next time I will break 200!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10, Bens WOD

So today was supposed to be rest but I decided to do the PT test for my upcoming selection event.

8 flight Stair Run 55lbs vest and ram
Max Pullups
Max Situps 2 Minutes
Max Pushups (cannot stop moving)
2 Mile run
Rope Climb
400m Swim

July 11 - Shane's WOD

It's Saturday, be done whenever throughout the day:

Strength sesssion:
Back squat, 3-3-3-3-3

For time:
95# thruster, 30 reps
C2B pull-ups, 40 reps (hope the rip in the hand holds up)
12# wall-ball, 40 reps
Burpess, 30 reps

Ouch. Can't wait for this one after many beers tonight...

July 10 - Shane's WOD

Rest day. I mean beer day.

Davey turns 10 months old today!

Back at it tomorrow!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9 - Shane's WOD

Well, I forgot to post ahead of time today so here it goes...

Morning: SP/PP, 4-4-4-4-4

I did 135# for all SP and 165# for all PP.

Evening: For Time:
Run 400m
30 reps 135# front squat
30 reps 24" box jump
Run 400m

My time was 8:30. I'm not sure if I could have done it any faster, I pretty much laid it all out there. Awesome WOD though. I really wish I had a way to mark off the exact distances of my runs for comparison's sake. I really think I have my 400m marked a little long, but who knows. Eitherway, I had a great time with this WOD and I got a hell of a good workout. These 100+ degree temps make it that much better!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8 - Shane's WOD

Yesterday the 7th was a rest day. Also, went to a Belgian beer tasting dinner at BJ's last night...drank way too much but had a good time. Not feeling too hot today, but hopefully I can get back to normal enough for today's workout. Gotta pay to play.

Today I plan to WOD at CrossFit Champions @ 6:15pm, the WOD:

Row 500m
30 Burpees
10 reps from shoulder rack to overhead, by any means (m:165lb,f:115lb)

I believe this is one of the NorCal qualifier WODs. We'll see how it goes.

July 8, Ben's WOD

8 Rounds
6 80lb Sandbag Getup (3 each side)
4 Curtis P's (Hang Squat Clean, Lunge R, Lunge L, Pushpress)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7 Bens WOD

Warm Up
Mini Leg Blaster
15 Pushup
(Mini Leg Blaster is 20 Air Squats, 10 Lunges, 10 Jumping Lunges, 10 Jump Squats)

Run for total distance
3 Minutes
1 Min Rest
3 Minutes
2 Min Rest
6 Minutes

Front Squat
Pushup x 2

July 6 Bens WOD

Ruck 4 Miles
20# Weighted Pullups
20# Weighted Ring Pushups

Strict Pullups
Ring Pushups

Kipping Pullups

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6 - Shane's WOD

Test for 1RM on Deadlift. Previous 1RM was 375#. I only came up with 355# this morning. Felt like my mechanics were off. Repped out some sets of 9 with 225# and 135# as cool down.

5 rounds for time:
Muscle up, 2 reps
20# Wall Ball, 20 reps
200m run

I actually made this WOD up myself. We will see how it goes. Hoping to fall in the 10-15 minute range. I will post results tonight after I finish.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5 Bens WOD

Snatch 3-2-1-1

3 rounds for three minutes of as many cleans as possible. Three minutes rest between rounds.

250m Farmers Walk 60lb each hand
Sandbag Cleans 80lbs

It's Go Time...

Well, I haven't done an official WOD since the competition. Man, I needed that break. I have spent the past week chilling, eating whatever I wanted and having some beers. I was apparently burnt out and needed to get away from it and clear my head. The break is over now though and tomorrow will be my first official day back at is, and boy am I ready. I can feel that fire burning in me again. I missed this feeling. It is go time, let's get some.

I also took this time off to reorganize the home gym and add some rubber stall mats. Here are some pics. I am lovin it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4, Bens WOD

Run 1 Mile

20 Rounds
5 Strict Pullups
5 Strict Ring Dips
15 Abmat Sit Ups

4 Rounds
30 sec Jingle Jangles
30 Sec Rest

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Well, the move is finally over...sort of. In a 23 hour period I loaded a 26' Uhaul truck twice and moved all of our crap about 35 miles. Its all in its final resting place and by this weeked we should be totally clear of the old house. I havent gotten a workout in the last few days but yesterday probobly counted for 2 or three. We were in a time crunch and at one point, I was sprinting as I was loading the truck. I should be back on it on Friday or Saturday and will have some new WODS to post. Oh yeah, I gotta rebuild my gym again...awesome.