Friday, February 26, 2010

Feb 25 - Shane's WOD

Big Dawgs from Feb 23:
part 1
for time:
10 chin ups
20 chin ups
30 chin ups

rest 30 min (I rested about 20 minutes)

part 2
Run 3K as fast as you can

OPT is posting 2 different WOD for early March sectional folks and late March sectional folks, I am March 13-14 so I am doing whichever plays the most to my this case, part 2 exploits my single biggest weakness.

Part 1: 6:34. Felt pretty good. HSPU got pretty broken towards the end, all were forehead to floor. Only broke on the 30 set of pull ups.

Part 2: I really don't have that great of a "course" to run on. I ran approximately 2 miles in 15:38. Pretty embarrassing, but anything over 800m crushes me, I'm just not a runner, no matter how hard I try. I was really feeling all the deadlifts from yesterday in my legs and lower back.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb 20 thru 24 - Shane's WODs

Feb 20: Was a little hung over from a night on the town with Karen.  We had a blast though and it was worth it!  Decided to get a quick one in after helping build some fence for a few hours:

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time:
Double Unders
Sit Ups
New PR = 7:30

Feb 21: Had Mark and Jeanna over the evening of the 20th...had too much to drink again, so I decided to take Sunday the 21st as another rest day.  Really needed this time to cut loose and get my head back on straight.  Not real proud of myself, but I "needed" it?

Feb 22: Did the Big Dawgs Double WOD from Feb 20...and I am ashamed to say that I yet again had a little too much vino the night before.  It's game time now...but I really did feel it during this one:
part 1:
A1. Hang Squat Snatch - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 180 sec
A2. Ring Dips - amrap in 30 sec x 7 sets; rest 180 sec
rest as needed
part 2:
for time;
30 wall balls - 20/14# to 10 ft
80 double unders
20 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
30 toes to bar
50 walking lunges
50 chin ups
20 burpees

Part 1:
Part 2:

I was in a hurry so I took little to zero rest between efforts on part one and then rested only a few minutes between parts one and two.

Feb 23: Rest

Feb 24: Big Dawgs from Feb 22:
5 x [as many rounds in 3 minutes of 7 Dead Lift - 225#/155#, 7 chin ups]
rest 3 min b/t rounds


All pull-ups unbroken. The deads got real ugly and broken though, I felt really weak on the deads. But my limiting factor was definitely just the gas tank. Felt great during round one, really fell apart after that.  Looks like my results were pretty okay in comparison to other Big Dawgs posting.  So it appears it was actually a decent effort.  Really wish I had pushed myself harder, mental weakness got me this time.  And to go ahead a make really does not help to have to get on and off of a jump box everytime you get on the 10ft high in the air pull up bar...oh well...

Got a Big Dawgs double for today the 25th.  Then going to rest the 26th before heading to Dallas/Ft.Worth for Karen's Level 1 where I am going to try to drop in at GSX and Dallas Central on Saturday and then Get some open gym hours at Dallas Central on Sunday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bens WOD Feb 22



For time;
50 push ups
5 power clean - 135
40 push ups
5 power clean - 145
30 push ups
5 power clean - 155
20 push ups
5 power clean - 165
10 push ups

8:16- Supprisingly enough, I crush the PC and was hurting on the pushups from the tempoed ring dips 2 days before. Felt VERY strong and fast on the PC and was a huge confidence boost.

1K row


Yeah, rowing.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bens WOD Feb 19


3 Rounds for time:
8 Deadlift 275
400m Run


3 Rounds for Time
10 CTB Pullups
10 Front Squats 145lbs
10 Burpees

Good day. Felt strong on the runs even though I had some lingering sorness from the 800s a few days before. The deads went pretty well and managed 2 sets unbroken. the second WOD was pretty mean. All the CTB were unbroken, and the first and third sets of burpees were unbroken. The front squats were the sticking point. Got the first set unbroken and then it went a bit downhill. Would like to shave 30-40 sec off that one.

Update on my sectional: WOD 1 and 3 (weird) will be posted one week out and WOD 2 will be announced the night before. Two the first day and one the second. I know there will be rowing and that there WONT be heavy snatches or muscleups. So good and bad for me.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feb 17 & 18 - Shane's WODs

Feb 17:
I took a go at the Midwest sectional WOD #1:

For time:
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats

Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees. There is a 20min cap.

I had timer/Davey issues that turned this into a nightmare.  But bottom line my time was ~9 minutes.  Embarrassing.  This time at the actual competition would have put me around ~40th place for that WOD.  I'm just hoping that I had an off day.  Unfortunately I also managed to irritate my sciatic nerve during this WOD as well.  All in all, a bad day that left me very deflated.

Feb 18:
I talked with Ben and asked him to pick any WOD for me to do next.  I needed something tangible and verifiable to really test me and hopefully pull me out of this funk:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
2 muscle ups
4 handstand push ups
8 kettlebell swings - 2 pood

Well, I think Ben did a great job selecting this WOD.  All of these movements are good movements for me...but 20 minutes is typically a bad time domain for me, especially AMRAPs.  This was exactly what I needed.  I set a new personal record at 16 full rounds with a previous best of 13 rounds.  I really wanted 17 rounds but I am very happy with my results.  I think 17 or 18 rounds is very achievable for me but 16 rounds was the best I had this time.  My sciatic killed me everytime I kicked up into the hspu's, so it had an effect, but was tolerable.

Going to rest the 19th and take my lady out on the town.  Back at it on the 20th!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bens wod feb 15 and 16

Amrap 20 min
5 hspu unbroken
10 box jumps 24inch
15 back extension

12 rounds
Hit the hspu wall at about 10 then it got ugly.

Feb 16
1rm power snatch

800m runx3 with 6min between
Snatch sucked. Got major work to do. Serious technique issue. Runs felt ok. My calves were toast before I started but I got it done. Rest tomorrow

Feb 15 - Shane's WOD

A. AMRAP sets of 5 unbroken bench press - 150#/90# in 3:00 rest EXACTLY 2 minutes
B. AMRAP sets of 10 unbroken db walking lunges - 45#,30#/h in 3:20
rest EXACTLY 2 minutes
C. AMRAP Sets of 15 unbroken back extensions in 3:40
rest EXACTLY 2 minutes
D. AMRAP Sets of 20 unbroken double unders in 4:00

weight must be racked after 5 reps for bench press
db's must be dropped after 10 lunges
hands at temples and elbows out for extensions
you must stop skipping after 20 reps are achieved for DU's

A - 10
B - 6
C - 6
D - 7
felt good about the bench press, felt weak on the lunges, lower back locked up on the extensions, but I am making major progress on the unbroken du's.

Rest day on the 16th.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Feb 12, 13 & 14 - Shane's WODs

Feb 12:
Run Escalating Sprints:
[10 sec @ 70-100%, walk rest 1:50 x 5] rest 5 min x 3
(15 total sets for each group, escalating runs means starting at 3 point position, and increasing speed per sec until almost max effort last few seconds; it is not a sprint start but increasing; warm up really well for sprinters)
No hard data.  Karen and I suffered through this in ~40deg weather.  Tough WOD, but fun and different.  Had the legs sore for a while.

Feb 13:
"Rest Day".  And by rest day, I mean I spent the day building fence.  Digging post holes 4+ft deep, carry concrete bags etc.  Did a couple of inpromptu "sand bag" run WODs for fun.  Good stuff.

Feb 14:
Spent first 2/3 of day building fence.  Then:

"Nodar" (R.I.P. 1988-2010)
3 rounds for time:
35 DB Dead Lifts - 75#/h,50#/h
Row 1K
50 knees to elbows

DB's must touch floor at bottom
knees have to hit elbows at top of K2E

Tough WOD.  Was not even breathing hard at the end because my grip was failing to the point that I couldn't push myself hard enough.  And with the nearly 10ft high pull up bar, the fear of K2E kipping myself on to the back of my head was a factor in not wanting to push it too hard.  Very frustrating.  The fence building fatigue was definitely a factor.  But was great training.  35.55 rx'd.  Karen did this as well and did a great job.

Side note:  I forget to mention this as often as I should.  Mostly because I am an asshole I guess.  Karen has been following OPT Big Dawgs right along side me since I started it...rx'd.  She is doing a great job and increasing her abilities everyday and working just as hard as me.  I know she is nervous about the sectionals, but she is training hard and will do great.  I am so proud of her progress and cannot wait to see where all this hard work takes her.  It is going to be so awesome to be able to share the sectionals experience with Karen and regardless of how either of us do at the competition, it will make us stronger in every way, as individuals and as a couple.  Get some!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb 11 - Shane's WOD

A1. Power Snatch @ 11X1 - 2.2.2 x 5; rest 120 sec
A2. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X0 - 4.4 x 5; rest 120 sec
5 sets:
25 unbroken box jumps - 20"/14"
Row Sprint 200 m @ 100%
rest 2 min

post loads and notes to comments

10 sec rest b/t drops - 2.2.2 means 6 reps per set and 4.4 means 8 reps per set, the weight will drop approximately 10-20% in each drop and approx 10% per set in the starting weight .

A1. 155/145/135x3, 160/155/145x2
A2. Grip just on either side of the center knurling. 145/125, 165/145, 185/165x3
All unbroken, total working time, damper at 5:
1.16, 1.16, 1.18, 1.20, 1.22

As you can see I struggled with setting the loads and the intent of the A1/A2.  Got it honed in towards the end.  This was my first ever drop set workout, so I just did the best I could and worked hard.

Elbow is still giving me issues and my hammies are still pretty tight.  My ripped up hand survived the snatches suprisingly well.  Hopefully things continue to get better.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bens WOD FEB 8,9

Feb 8

The Bear

Not for Time
Perform 5 rounds of the following
7 Rounds of the following complex without taking your hands off the bar
power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, pushpress


This got real ugly real fast. Economy of motion was key here. Grip and forearms were totally blown up from the CTB pullups a few days before. Awesome WOD for mental toughness.

Feb 9

Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 75, 85, 95, 105, 115x2, 115x3, 125x1

Rest 10 Min

AMRAP 10 Min
95lb Power Snatch

101 Reps

My HPSN was UGLY. I was a bit disgusted at my self but learned alot. Basic problem was my dip. I was bending at the knees and not pushing my ass back and consequently the bar ended up way out in front of me. The AMRAP ended up much better. I set a good pace and really used the hip check on the way down to keep up the momentum.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb 5 - Shane & Ben's WOD

Well, I (Shane) am in Albuquerque hanging with the Abruzzo family.  Ben is on custom OPT programming, so I just joined in on that.

5-4-3-2-1 Front Squats
5x18 chest to bar pull ups
10 minute AMRAP power snatches 95# Ben, 115# me

Front Squats:
Ben: 185-195-205(2)-205-225
Shane: 225-235-245-255-275 and I could have gone heavier.  Previous PR was 265 and I hadn't tested it in forever, so I didn't know what to expect.  The 275 lift was cake, felt great.

Ben: Unbroken on sets 1, 2 & 4.  Broke at 15 on sets 3 & 5.
Shane: Unbroken through 4 sets.  Hand tear at rep 14 on set 5.
We were taking little to no rest between sets because we were running out of time, which made this damn tough.

And we just ran out of time for the 3rd part of the WOD.  Ben had to get to work, I was going with him and we were behind schedule.  I believe it is Ben's intention to add the missed part as a double on his next WOD.

As for me...let me cry on your shoulder a little bit.  My hand rip is BAD.  It is in 3 places on my left hand and I have real concerns about getting it back to normal before the sectionals.  I am considering buying a small dremel tool so I can file my calluses flat and get my hands back to normal.  Additionally, on the Big Dawgs WOD from a few days ago with all the GHRs at the end, I did some real damage to my hamstrings, I think I have a mild pull or strain in my right hammie, it just won't loosen up and has me very concerned.  And my old right elbow injury is flaring back up and has me very unhappy, I think I tweaked it during a hang squat clean a few weeks ago and all the pull ups and cleans have not let it heal fully.  I really hate to miss training days this close to the sectionals.  But I have to be smart.  I am going to rest until probably Thursday the 11th.  Take that time to heal up and work on my hands.

I hate it, but it is what it is and I know my body is asking me to let it heal.  So, I will be back on here around the 11th depending on the Big Dawgs schedule.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Feb 4 - Shane's WOD

Skipped OPT Big Dawgs today.  I had a chance and the time to go WOD over at Bayou City CrossFit under the coaching of Vic Zachary. Vic is the best CrossFit trainer that I have ever had the opportunity to work with personally. I should really get over there more often.

3 rounds:
5 clean & jerk 155#
10 ring dips
500m row

Had some equipment issues that I won't get into, these things happen, I guess. Cost me probably 30sec or so, because I never stopped moving otherwise. But I was still pretty pleased with my performance.

Hopping on a plane today heading to Albuquerque NM to hang with my best buddy and fire breather Ben!  Just going to join in whatever he is doing while I am there on his custom OPT stuff.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bens WOD Feb 4

AMRAP 15 min

20 SDHP 53lb KB
30 Double Unders

6 rounds plus 3 hspu at 11000 ft
HSPU broke me down a bit as well as the altitude. Nothing to special today, just another day of work.

Feb 3 - Shane's WOD

A. quickly build to a tough 3 in the Dead Lift - NOT a 3RM; rest no more than 60 sec b/t sets
B. Bench Press @ 10X1 - 60% 1RM; 8 sets of 3; rest 30 sec
C. Hang Power Clean @ 12X1; 3 sets of 3 - 80% effort; rest as needed
D. GH Raises @ 2010; 15 x 5 sets; rest 90-120 sec

A. 135-225-295-345-365
B. 190lbs straight through. I meant to do 180lbs but I added the plates up wrong and didn't realize it until I took them off.
C. 185-205-205-205, I did an extra set because the 185 set was a little too easy.
D. All semi-unbroken. This was my first time ever to do GHRs and it was very awkward getting the movement down. I really need someone to teach me how to do them properly, it felt like I was just doing something wrong.

My back, hammies and some how even my calves are pretty sore and wobbly feeling today.  Going to try to get to the chiropractor in the next couple days since my back has been bothering me for a while anyway.  I can't keep ignoring it, it's not going away.

Anway, so I may WOD at Bayou City CrossFit today instead of doing OPT Big Dawgs.  Vic is still having to hold WODs outside and it is supposed to rain all day.  So we will see if he is holding evening WODs today or not.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feb 2 - Shane's WOD

Big Dawgs...HOWWWLLL!

3 sets:

10 thrusters – 120#/80#
Row 2 min @ 90% effort
Rest 2 min
3 sets:
10 front squat – 135#/95#
90 sec high knee skipping
rest 2 min
21,15,9 rep rounds for time;
Chin Ups

All thrusters unbroken at 120#.  Rows were all in under 2 minutes pace, 539m, 547m, 520m. Really need to learn to row a little harder when fatigued. But I held back a little on purpose for the 90% rx'd effort.

All front squats unbroken at 135#. The skipping was brutal. I didn't count my skips, didn't know I was supposed to.

3:49 on the chins/burpees. My legs were toast. The chins were rest and the burpess were slow.

Bens WOD FEB 2

The Chief
AMRAP in 3 Min
3Power Cleans 135lbs
6 Pushups
9 Squat
Rest 1 Min
Repeat for 5 cycles


Feeling pretty decent on this. Got close to 5 on rounds 2 and 3. There is alot of moving around on this wod and it is hard to move really fast because you are switiching between exercises so much, but I could have been faster on PC if I could have held on to the bar on the way down.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bens WOD FEB 1

A1. Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 2 min rest
A2 25 Pullups x5 Unbroken if possible 2 min

B For Time
GHD Situps 2 hand touch
KBS 2 pood

C 3 sets of 12 ring dips

175-185-185-195x2, 195x2
Four sets pullups unbroken. Broke on the fifth set at 18. My sciatic nerve was still bothering me and kipping was very painful. Going to get the medicine man to sprinkle some magic dust on it tomorrow.

6:58- Seems really long but felt like I moved pretty good. Broke up the GHD too much but the nerve did not like that movement at all.

C- All unbroken no kip.

Jan 31 - Shane's WOD

A. Dead Lift 55% of your 1 from Thursday; 10 sets of 3 reps; rest 45 sec b/t sets
B1. Ring Push ups @ 31X1; amrap (-2) x 3 sets; rest 60 sec
B2. 10 Power Clean "touch and go" unbroken x 3 sets; rest 60 sec
C1. Clap Push Ups @ 10X0; amrap (-2) x 3; rest 10 sec
C2. Push Ups @ 10X0; amrap (-2) x 3; rest 10 sec
C3. KBS - 20 unbroken x 3; rest 10 sec
C4. 20 Back Extensions @ 1010 x 3; rest 180 sec

Did this one hung over on about 4 hours sleep.  I'm dumb.

A. 225# all
B1. 19-13-10
B2. 135x10, 145x10, 155x10 - all unbroken
C1. 17-12-12
C2. 10-11-9
C3. All 2 pood unbroken x 20
C4. All unbroken x 20

I hit my 35 straight through on DUs on my second try today during warm-up.  I'm getting there.  Just looking for some consistancy.  Probably going to give it a break for a while now though and work on another weakness during my warm-up/cool-down.

Rest day tomorrow Feb 1.  Not sure what OPT has in store for us after that yet...

Jan 30 - Shane's WOD

OPT Big Dawgs continues...

A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 4-6 x 5; rest 20 sec
A2. 25 kipping chin ups; rest 180 sec
B1. DB Forward Lunges @ 1010; 6-8/leg x 3; rest 90 sec
B2. Powell Raises @ 3010; 8-10/arm x 3; rest 90 sec
C. Tabata Sit Ups - low score

A1. 185x6, 205x6, 215x6, 225x5, 215x3 - Just fell apart at the end, lost it down low in the bottom.
A2. Managed the first 5 sets all unbroken. The last set I did 20/5. My grip was giving out on me again.
B1. The biggest matching dumbells I have is 52.5#. So all both legs by 8x52.5#.
B2. These were very weird and my shoulder was really not cooperating and after looking at tons of videos I am not even sure I was doing them right. Just made the best out of it. All both arms by 10x22.5#, 10x17.5#, 10x15#. When I started having form issues I just lowered the weight so I could do it as right as possible.
C. 15-14-14-14-13-12-12-13 = Low score 12.

This was a pretty good WOD. The A1/A2 part got pretty tough there at the end. I really wish I could have held on to the bar for those last 5 pull-ups. Really wanted them all unbroken. But my grip has got to be getting stronger.

I am still working DUs during my warm-up. Now that I lengthed my rope it only took me a few attempts to get a staight through of 35. Getting better.