Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween WOD 2009 - Gibson Garage Gym

Had Vic Zachary and Webster Smith over to do "Nate" today.

AMRAP 20 minutes:
2 muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettle bell swing, 2 pood (70#)

Vic = 17 rounds!  Friggin' amazing to watch.
Shane = 13 rounds.
Webster = 7 rounds, but more importantly he defeated his muscle up demons.

Had a bad-ass time having these two monsters over for a WOD.  Vic is just damn impressive, he killed it.  Webster broke down some barriers today and got his muscle-ups figured out, he is well on his way to being a serious force.  I started having some serious muscle fatigue issues towards the end of my WOD which cost me several muscle up failures and brought my party to an end, but all in all I am satisfied with my performance.

I love CrossFit.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oct 29 - Shane's WOD

When I was done warming up and was all set up to do "Annie" the rain stopped and the clouds cleared out.  So I went for it...and the storms stayed away long enough...

3 rounds for time:
800m run
50 back extension
50 sit-ups

Rx'd = 23:48

That is a tough WOD.

Rest day tomorrow.  "Nate" on Saturday, possibly with Vic and Web as my guests.

October 28, Bens WOD

Hotel WOD 2

8 Rounds
Mini Leg Blaster (10 squats, 10 Lunge, 10 Jumping Lunge, 5 Jump Squats)
5x Weighted Situp 1.5 pood

Rest 2 Min

5 Rounds
10 KB Cleans (1.5 Pood)
15 Pushups

Did this with Paul from the ski area so I went easy on him. That being said the 8 rounds of leg blasters Sucked!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oct 28 - Shane's WOD

From the Main Page: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Deadlifts

I tried to aproach this time from a different perspective.  My 1RM is currently 385.  So I warmed up and then loaded up 375 on the bar.  My intentions were to see how many of the reps I could get through with 375.  Well, the answer was...not many...


The 375 failure was a bad lift, didn't feel good, and while it didn't injure me, it kinda made me nervous.  My mechanics were way off and I had a bad feeling all day today for some reason that I was going to hurt myself.  So I lowered to 365 and pulled it pretty easy, but not as easy at it should have been.  So, I decided to be smart and do the remaining 4 reps at 345...which again, did not feel as easy as it should have.  My deads were just way off tonight, it happens.

Cooled down with a fast 3 rounds: 5 reps deadlifts 225#, 10 reps burpees.

All in all, an okay day, but definitely not a good one.

"Michael" tomorrow.  Should be brutal.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27, Bens WOD

AMRAP in 20 Min
6 Pistols (3 each leg)
9 Swings 1.5 pood

13 Rounds

I made this one up. Im in Grand Junction on some training and did this one in a hotel room. Not very fast but still felt good.

Oct 27 - Shane's WOD

Was supposed to do "Tommy V" today, but without a climbing rope, it just didn't make sense.  So, I modified it to what I am calling...

Heavy "Fran" wearing a towel:
115# Thrusters
Towel Pull-Ups

6:56.  Not great, but I'll take it.

Deadlifts tomorrow!  I am really enjoying this staying one rotation behind mainpage.  It is nice to be able to plan a little better.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 25th - Shane's WOD

4 rounds for time:
53m walking lunges with 25# plate overhead
50 sit-ups (abmat)

This ended up being tougher than I expected.  The lunges really start to catch up with you during round 3.  14:06.

Tomorrow the 26th is a rest day and then back at it on the 27th.

Oct 24th - Shane's WOD

5 rounds for time:
7 muscle ups
95# sumo deadlift highpulls, 21 reps

This is a really tough WOD to get through simply because at a point the muscle ups get so difficult that I had to start doing them one at a time so as to not risk wasting too much juice on a failed rep.  I only had two failed reps throughout the WOD.  After getting about 2 rounds in I had to change my approach to a "for completion" geared pace.  Finished up in 23:10.  Really slow, but I was just happy to be able to complete it as rx'd.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 22 bens wod

Friday September 4 2009

3-position Snatch -
65% x 2 sets; 85lbs
70% x 3 sets 95lbs

Snatch pull - 90% (of snatch) x x 4. 125lbs

Snatch push press -
70% x 5 x 3; 95lbs
75% x 5 x 2. 105 lbs

3 rounds for time:
10 burpees
20 KB swings - 1pood

So I did this on an hour of sleep since the dat before and it showed. It freaking kicked my ass. I will say Greg knows what he is doing cause the Metcon looks easy but after the lifting it is all u can do to get it done without stopping. I'll be off till Monday as I will be moving.

-- Posted from my iPhone

October 21 Bens WOD

Muscle snatch - 60% x 5; 65lbs
65% x 4; 75lbs
70% x 3 x 2 85 lbs
3-position clean (floor, knee, mid-thigh) - 65% x 2 sets; 125lb
70% x 3 sets 135lbs
Clean deadlift - 100% (of clean) x 7 x 4. 195 lbs
Front squat - 60% x 8;
65% x 6; 145lbs
70% x 5; 155lbs
75% x 3; 165lbs
70% x 5. 155lbs
Weighted sit-ups - 3 x 10

This was a really long wod and took a serious toll on my body. All around good stuff.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Shane through 10/23

Davey getting some squats.

Oh man, what a crazy week it has been so far.  Let me catch up one more time and then I will get back on daily posts.

First off, the olympic lifting cert was awesome.  I had no idea just how little I knew, and after 2 days of Coach B's teaching, I still don't know it all, but I know a lot more.  I can't wait to integrate what I have learned into my lifts.  It was awesome to have Ben, Tasha and Wyatt in town and me and Ben had a kick ass road trip to San Antonio.  My hats off to Coach Burgener, his staff, Alamo CrossFit and the CrossFit community.  One of the best weekends I have had in a while, but man, it left me exhausted.  I just now feel normal this morning.  And I (We) am now a CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certified Instructor.  That rules.

Oct 19 - Rest and recovery day.  I was smoke from the cert and from abundant amounts of booze.

Oct 20 - "Tabata Something Else", Didn't keep score, just got some.  Did the pull-ups all dead hang until I couldn't do them anymore and then started kipping.

Oct 21 - Four Rounds: Row 500m, 24" box jumps - 30 reps, 25# dumbell thrusters - 30 reps.  I made this one up and man it was a ball smoker.  Kicked my ass bad.  Can't tell you how many times I almost ate the jump box.  Didn't keep time because I figured it didn't matter, just give it your best, and I did.

Oct 22 - Today I am going to do 7x1 weighted pull-ups.  I just got back from purchasing one of those belts designed to hang weights from for dips and pull-ups.  We will see how it goes.  My PR from last time was 115#.  I will post my results tonight after I get it done.

Oct 23 - Rest day and hopefully I will be able to get the lawn done.

After this I will be back on mainpage, running one full 4 day rotation behind.  Life sure is getting busy and crazy.  I hope I can keep up!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 20 Bens WOD

So with all the upcoming changes in my life, and with my goal to use the winter to get stronger I have decided to follow (as best I can and realistically 80% of the time) the Catalyst Athletics programming. It is very interesting. It is not Oly only, and not CF only but programming built with a sizale bias to gaining strenght and technique using Oly Lifting while useing short WODS to keep a "decent" level of conditioning. I would equate it to an Oly version of CFSB. Since I wont have access to my squat stands most of the time and becasue quite frankly I really like Oly Lifting, this program makes the most sense for me. I say 80% becasue if I want to hit a main page or something else then I will. Greg Everett runs the gym and the site and programs on 16 weeks cycles. They are in the middle of a cycle right now, so I am going back to the beggining of the cycle and moving forward from there. This will allow me to adjust as nessacary since my schedule will be all kinds of ate up. Along that line, check out his website, esepecially for the video and exercise notch, by far the best I have seen. I will be moving this weekend and then will be out of town at a seminar next week so my WOD schedule will be all ate up but Ill make the most of it. Im going to try to hit a CF Box while I am out of town. Oh yeah, another thing he does is program the metcon protion to be done at a weight that can be done flat out since you get all the strength work at the beggining, and he doesnt use barbells for metcons because it messes up your technique (I agree on principal but ill still sneak in Grace and the likes when I want to)

Power clean + 2 clean - 65% x 2 sets; 70% x 3 sets 125, 135
Snatch balance - 60% x 3 x 2; 65% x 3; 70% x 3 x 2 65, 85, 95
Push press - 75% x 5 x 5 125

3 rounds:
100 m sprint
10 broad jumps
20 pushups

Monday, October 19, 2009

Oct 17-19 Oly Cert and Bens WOD for Mon

So Shane and I went to the CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certification in San Antonio at Alamo CrossFit this weekend.  What a great cert!  My hats off to Alamo CrossFit for hosting it and most importantly to Coach Burgener for the great training.  Coach B and his staff were extremely well organized and fun to be around.  I learned more in 2 days than in my entire 2 years as a CrossFiter in the Oly lifts.  Cant wait to see the technique, drills, and improved knowledge lead to better lifts.  I know it is going to take a ton of reps and a bunch of time but I feel like I will be able to move forward from here.  Most importantly, Shane and I had a blast.  We trained hard during the day, ate Paleo and then tore it up in the evening (courtesy of the Flying Saucer).  

So today I did the following:
Burgener WarmUp
Skill Progression at 45, 75, and 95.
Snatch Balance x2 at 115, 125, 135, and 145(fail)
Then 3 Pos Snatch (hang, pockets, mid thigh)x2 at 75 and 95
Then Snatch 95, 115, 125

Then 4 Rounds
400m run
20 Pullups

I didnt get too heavy on the Snatch becasue I could tell my technique was starting to suck after 125 and I want to keep drilling it before I step it up, but on a positive note this was the first time I took 125 to the hole and felt solid doing it.  Baby Steps.  No time on the WOD just went hard before I had to take my Pullup bar down before the move.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shane: Oct 12 through 18

On October 12th, I did "Bugaboo" as posted below by Ben.  My results are under the comments.  This was a brutal WOD, but it was an honor to do it, I did my best as if "Bug" was watching me.  This actually came at a great time for me, coming off of another mental game failure at a competition, having "Bug" there as a motivation factor helped me kick it into the next gear.  Thanks "Bug", I'll be looking to you and your Sister for motivation again in the future.

October 13 through 15: I am kind of in limbo with the Olympic Lifting Certification coming this weeked.  I don't want to risk injury, DOMS or exhaustion heading into the cert so I have decided to take these days as rest.

October 16: Ben and I have deadlift/basic barbell mechanics session and possibly a not too brutal WOD planned with Vic Zachary of Bayou City CrossFit for this Friday morning.  Really looking forward to it.

October 17 & 18: CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certification at Alamo CrossFit in San Antonio, TX.  Ben and I are hoping to hone in on the more technical lifts and have a great time in San Antonio.

I will hop back on the main page WODs after this.  Side note: I am going to stay one 3 days on, 1 day off rotation behind on the main page starting next week.  This will allow for better WOD planning around life and movement substitions and etc.

See you next week!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11 Ben's WOD

3-3-3 Overhead Squats
For Time
50 Overhead Squats 135lbs from the floor
75 GHD Situps
100 Double Unders
135,135,145 / 16:14 Scaled to 115lbs

This WOD is named in honor of my son, Benjamin 6/12/05 to 12/29/05.  I dont know why but he was in my head and in my heart today and I decided to honor him with this WOD.  To get through this WOD you need strength and a little bit of grace to make through the DU.  He had plenty of both, maybe not physical strength but he had an inner strength that would level the world.  He was a child beyond his years and I miss him so much.  He was taken from us by Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).  If you read this and it sparks something in you check out and see what you can do to help.  SMA is the number one killer of children under 2 and should resonate with the CrossFit community because it robs the child of the ability to control his muscles which strikes me as the anti-CrossFit disease.  My wife just started the New Mexico chapter of FSMA and over the next few years we will try to bring awareness and fundraising to the disease through CrossFit.  If you are sitting around and need a WOD give the "Bugagoo" a go.  
Love you buddy...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10 Ben's WOD


20-15-10(dont ask me why its not 21-15-9)

Clean and Jerk 135lbs
L Pullups


I stole this from CrossFit Jax.  My time sucked today and to do this the way it was supposed to be done I probobly should have scaled it but I wanted to go heavy.  Everyday of getting stronger is a good day.

Shane, Karen and Jon...Great job competing today.  Wish I was there with you.  Karen, you are a beast and have come such a long ways.  You make the rest of us proud.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 8 Bens WOD

Thruster 7x1

125,135,145,155,165,175miss, 175. Then 2x5 @ 125

Well this was a mixed result. The long months of the selection prep left my absolute strength without improvement but on the positive side I dont think my strength went down, so Ill take it and work harder. Bottom line is that its time to pick up some heavy shit and get after it.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Shane: Oct 5 through 9

Okay, let me get caught up here...

Oct 5 - I was actually sick.  Had some stomach issues I think possibly stemming from a very paleo unfriendly weekend.  That will teach me to break from the diet that dramatically to "have fun" didn't end up being that least not afterwards.

Oct 6 - Took another rest day to let my stomach settle.

Oct 7 - WOD at CrossFit Champions.  We did a chipper very similar to the main page WOD from Oct 1.  It seemed like a good fit for this near the competition.  I went at about 90% not wanting to over do it.  Felt good.

Oct 8 & 9 - Will be active rest.  Walking, stretching, maybe a couple of quick intense 2 to 3 minute bodyweight WODs.  Trying to keep the body energized but well rested in prep for the competition on Saturday.  We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7 Bens WOD

For time with 2 min rest between couplets

SDHP 95 lbs

5 Rob Shauls (4 lunge 4pushpress) 75 lbs
15 ball slams 25 lb

10 pushup
15 situps
Go until other teams complete thier couplets

I did this with 6 people based around availble equipment. There was a tiny bit of standing around but otherwise it went smooth. The Rob Shauls were ugly and it beat up our shoulders pretty bad. It took us 30 min as a group which is about 5 to 8 min slower than if you burned through it on your own but it was pretty good none the less.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6 Bens WOD

3 rounds for time
400 m run
21 x KB swing 1.5 pood
12 pullups

Time 8:03 pr

First day back after healing up. Just to make it interesting i caught a cold yesterday. As everyone knows this is a burner. I finished 2 rounds in 5:05 but fell off at the end. Still it was a good day and im exited to be back at it. I warmed up with some dpuble unders and am going to Make it a daily routine for the next few weeks to try and get better.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 4 - Shane's WOD

Still in recovering from Davey's birthday party at my parent's house.  But got this one done anyway.  We were not in top form, so no timer.  But this was a pretty good WOD.

Main page:
21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:

Power clean 95 pounds (Karen did with 63 pounds)
Back extensions

Not feeling too hot.  But you gotta pay to play.

October 3 - Shane's WOD

Oct 2nd was a much needed rest day.

Today's main page WOD was BRUTAL!

For time:
Run 800 meters
15 left-legged pistols
15 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
12 left-legged pistols
12 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
9 right-legged pistols
9 left legged pistols
25 sit-ups
Run 800 meters

"Pistol" is one-legged squat with 50# Kettlebell.

This was one of the most difficult WODs that I ever have done from a completion stand point.  The pistols became very challenging to even do at all.  I didn't time this WOD.  Pain.

Karen did this WOD with just bodyweight.  Very rough day for us both.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 1 - Shane's WOD

25 Walking lunge steps 20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
40 Kettlebell swings, 50#
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
500m Row

I didn't run a clock.  Just went hard.  This was brutal.  It really caught up with me on the hang sqaut cleans and wall balls.  Good WOD.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1 Bens Wod

No Wod today. Still more rest. I'm itching for it but I'm taking the rest of the week to heal up and get healthy. Over the next week I'll be making some additions to the blog so stay tuned!

-- Posted from my iPhone