Saturday, August 8, 2009

August8- Bens WOD

With 20LB Vest
Rings Dips
Strict Pullups
Ring Dips
Kipping Pullups CTB
Ring Dips

Ruck 12 Miles with 50lbs

So today was hard. The pullup/dip went really well. My ring dips have come a LONG ways. I feel very strong in them and this was challenging but maybe a bit to easy. Have to step up the reps next time

The ruck was simply pain. At mile 5 the slope angle increased to 30% to 50% and stayed that way for 2 miles. It took me 2:52 to do the 12 miles which is slower than I wanted but with that brutal 2 miles in the middle I dont think I could have gone faster. I tested out my endurance suplements today and they worked like a charm. No blisters but my feet got VERY hot and sore. The last two miles were aweful and I was very glad to be done. I leave for DC tomorrow so the next two weeks are going to be a mix of hard training, rest and swimming.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow dude, that just sounds awful. Good work toughing it out. I still think you are crazy. You got a lot of self discipline pushing through this stuff when no ones looking and no one is making you. That is what separates you from the pack. Nice work bro.
