Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30 -Bens WOD

Last day of rest before getting back into it...albeit on one foot.
My experience of late have driven a couple of thoughts that I will try to put to paper over the next few days.

You will not reach your potential alone. Now for most this means going to a box, which is a great thing if it works in your life, but there are other ways to do it. This blog and my friendship and competition with Shane are another. Jon mentioned that he is much like us, training in isolation, but in reality this blog and so many others like it allow us to strive to get better within a community no matter how small. I am rambling here but my point is, thank you Shane and all the others who have contributed to my fitness by driving my performance and basically by "giving a shit." None of this would matter much without the friendships and discussions.

Back on the horse tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! Talking with you before "Helen" today and setting a goal held me accountable when really there was no one there watching. As I told you, I almost put the kettle bell down during the set of the 2nd round, but I pictured you watching me give in and I was able to push through. Thanks bro.
