Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sept 9 - Shane's WOD

At Bayou City CrossFit:

"Battle Buddies WOD"

With a partner, only one can work at a time, 3 rounds:

2min AMRAP Squat Clean w/Dynamax 20# Ball
2min AMRAP Push Press 95#
2min AMRAP KB Swings 53#
2min AMRAP Double Unders
1min Rest

Mark Cournoyer was my partner for this WOD, we got a total of 534 reps. This was a pretty tough WOD, but a lot of fun.

Also, stuck around for a nutritional seminar taught by Vic Zachary, Jeremy & Zach Thiel and Lindsey & Webster Smith. Lots of great information shared from some great CrossFitters. Very cool deal, really glad I was able to attend.

1 comment:

  1. Just want to say thanks to Shane for being a Badass partner he really help motivate me to keep going. Overall the workout was pretty highspeed. Also enjoyed stealing Shanes food (reminded me of the old days) during the nutrition seminar. I was pretty motivated with what Jeremy had to say, went home and threw away most of my pantry. Gonna give Paleo Diet a real go. If its good enough to kill Edgar, its good enough for me.
