Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30 Bens WOD

Run 5.5 Miles

Rest 40 Minutes

Ruck 15 Miles with 50#Pack

So, this sucked. The run went well to OK. It was a loop done three times and was straight up and straight down. Took me about 40 minutes. The real pain came in the ruck. It was a flat course completed at the beach but still sucked. Took 3 hours and 40 minutes and at the end I felt like I had spit on the ground in Thiland and now they were beating the bottom of my feet with a cane. This was the apex of my training so now its a slow taper for two weeks and then a seriuos taper for one.

August 30 - Shane's WOD

Main page: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 weighted pull-ups.

I used my 45# weighted vest and kettlebells, a chain, a couple iron plates & carabiners. There is (now was) a ring/loop on the back of my Mir short vest, so I just had Karen clip kettlebells to my back with the chain and carabiners.


The 120# failure was SO FRIGGIN CLOSE! I had the bar at my chin but I just couldn't get it that last inch I needed to get my chin over the bar.

So, my next attempt was to be with 117.5# BUT... that ring on the back of my vest gave out as I got onto the bar. I was climbing on to my 24" box and then reaching out to the side and lowering myself down on to the bar, so it's not like I was jumping up there. But the ring blew out. So, this left me with nothing to clip the kettlebells/weights to anymore. I was really enjoying this WOD so I was pretty bummed. But I just threw on my 6# weight belt with my 45# vest and did 3 sets to failure with the resulting 51# load. By this time I was pretty tired so I got 9, 10 and then 9 again.

LOVED THIS WOD! Definitely going to get a belt or something that is designed to have weights hung from it for future weighted pull-ups.

Karen did a great job on this as well:


All of her failures were very close and I was very very impressed. Amazing considering she couldn't even do a pull-up just a couple months ago.

August 29 - Shane's WOD

Main page was not do-able with what I had access to at my Parent's house so I just ran a 5k. Not sure what happened to me but it was one of, if not the, slowest 5k I have run in years. I think I didn't wait long enough after eating breakfast because I side stitched at about the mid-way point and it wouldn't go away. I didn't quit running, but it got pretty tough pushing it through an intense side stitch that just would not subside. I also got belly sick afterwards. Lesson learned. ~27minutes. I suck.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29- Bens WOD

Run 3 Miles Pushing Wyatt

10 Rounds
5 Strict Pullups
5 Ring Dips
15 Push Ups

Fast and easy today. Staying loose and resting a bit for tomorrow.

Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28- Bens WOD

Thruster 95#
GHD Situps

Hmmm, I think Im going to feel this tomorrow. Did it as a grind, no clock running but it pretty much took forever. Short WOD tomorrow and then suck fest on Sunday. Im going to go ice this one down with some Jim Daniels.

August 28 - Shane's WOD

Main page: 3-3-3-3-3 Overhead Squats

I cranked this out this morning before heading to work. I like to have my Friday afternoons free if possible.

Felt pretty good, I was really tight for some reason, so my warm up took a little longer than I like for in the morning. Anyway...

165-185-205(1 then fail)-205-195-195(2 then fail)

I was really pleased to get up to 205# for a 3RM. I finished up with a superfast set of 15 with 95#.

Stand by for Karen's numbers, she will be doing this one this afternoon.

I looks like I am going to find myself away from the home gym tomorrow. So I don't know what I am going to do instead of main page. I am going to wait and see what the main page WOD is tomorrow and then similate it as closely as possible. If I can't even get close then I will probably go for a run or something like that.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26- Bens WOD

6 Rounds
8x Deadlift at 185lbs
8x Broad Jumps
30 Sec Rest

6 Rounds
5x Front Squat at 135lb
5x Box Jump
30 Sec Rest

5 Rounds
5x Bench Press at BW
5x Clapping Pushups
30 Sec Rest

August 26 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Nate"
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
2 muscle ups
4 handstand pushups
8 kb swings, 2 pood (I subbed 12 swings with 50# since that is all I have)

Decent day. 12 rounds plus one muscle up. I had no muscle up failures until the begining of the 13th round, and then I had 4 or 5 failures on my way to getting that last one. I was fairly pleased with this performance.

Karen did:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
4 pull ups
6 paralette dips
8 self assist handstand pushups using 24" box
10 kb swings, 1 pood
She got 9 rounds plus pull ups, dips and hspu.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25- Ben's WOD

6 Rounds
Run 8 Flights of Stairs with 20lb Vest

10 Min of Sand Bag Getups 80LB Bag

5 Rounds
800m Run
30 Dips
30 KB Swings 1.5 pood

The stair run wasnt very exciting but it sucked, alot. The afternoon wasnt much fun either. I dont have a time but it was around 30 minutes of pain. This is basically EVA with dips and about as much fun. Again, the KB swings are a total mental test to get unbroken.

August 25 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 reps, 95# thrusters
7 reps, 95# hang power cleans
10 resp, 95# sumo deadlift high pulls

Straight up miserable. 9 rounds plus thrusters of a total ass whoopin.

Karen did with 45#, 10 rounds plus thrusters, hpc's & 3 sumos. Great job again for Karen.

Not so great job again for me. My lower back just basically quit on me at about 6 rounds. This was a pretty miserable WOD, but I can definitely see it's benefits.

Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Cindy"
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

I changed it up and bit and threw on a 20# vest for this one. Friggin miserable. All squats done on dynamax butt-check ball. 15 full rounds plus 5 pull-ups. My legs are still pretty sore from the last few WODs. But good stuff none the less. My best "Cindy" without vest is 26 rounds, so I guess I am okay with my performance today. That extra 20#s doesn't seem like much until about round 5 and then suddenly it changes everything. Twice as hard, at least.

Karen did this as rx'd. 11 rounds! Nice work Karen!

Can't wait to see what Glassman has in store for me tomorrow!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23- Ben's WOD

Run 5 Miles pushing Wyatt in stroller

Rest 2 Hours

Ruck 10 Miles with 50#
2hr 25Min

Long day, my legs were crushed before I even started, but overall I felt great. The only issue I had was with my left foot hurting on my instep. My boots arent working out but I have another pair that are good to go. Rest day tomorrow.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22- Bens WOD

First off, just got back yesterday from a two week trip in DC. Shane took care of me and made some posts for me. Not going to post the ones I missed except for one:

Double Murph
Run 1 Mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 Squats
Run 2 Miles
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile

Time 1:07
That was not fun, 4 in the afternoon at 95 degrees and 100% humidity. dont try that one at home folks.


Ring Dips
with 60 Walking lunges between
Run 7 MIn
Rest 4 MIn
Run 6 Min
Rest 3 MIn
Run 5 Min

Deadlift 225#
GHD Situps
Pushups (it was done DL, GHD, Pushups repeat)

Good day but I had a hand rip on the deadlifts of all things.

August 22 - Shane's WOD

2x500m row
Rest as needed
7x1 hang power cleans
Rest as needed
2x500m row

Tough day, my legs are feeling pretty taxed.

1:34(PR by one second), 1:41

185-215-225x-205-205-225-240x-235x-205 (did some extra to end on a good note, previous PR 235) The misses at 240 and 235 were VERY close, I just have to commit to the lift and stop being a bitch.

1:34, 1:44

Experimented with the damper on the C2 some. Used 6, 7, 10 & 9 settings respectively through the 4 rows. Since on my 3rd row, even as tired as I was, I hit 1:34 again, matching my PR with the damper at 10, I think my sweet spot is probably in the 9 to 10 range for all out sprints.

2:13, 2:14

65-95-95-95-95-95-95 (she had some failures at 115 were she could have easily nailed it, she falls apart technically on the lift when she get scared and nervous)

2:12, 2:19

All her dampers were at 5 except the last one which was at 6.

Rest day tomorrow. Will probably have to wash cars and do the lawn! Yeah!

Friday, August 21, 2009

August 21 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
For time:
100ft walking lunges
21 pullups
21 situps
100ft walking lunges
18 pullups
18 situps
100ft walking lunges
15 pullups
15 situps
100ft walking lunges
12 pullups
12 situps
100ft walking lunges
9 pullups
9 situps
100ft walking lunges
6 pullups
6 situps

All pullups were butterfly (my hand barely survived)
All situps were abmat
All lunges were on the 34ft long back 3 lengths each round

I accidentally did an additional length on the first round, so I added about 34ft of lunges

Time = 10:48

I feel redeemed from my poor performance yesterday, I went pretty hard. The wobbly legs from "Karen" yesterday didn't help, but I was able to push through.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
For time: 150 reps, 20# wall ball shots, 10ft target.

I'll post my time tonight after I get it done.

Should be ugly, and a perfect WOD for my first day back at it. I feel pretty good and healed up from my time off. Not 100% but pretty close. I probably should have eaten better and drank a little less on my vacation, but oh well, I feel mentally very relaxed and refreshed. It was a much needed break in more ways than one.

After spending a lot of time thinking of ways to alter my programming to do a little more strength work I came up with a very simple and measured approach to start with and feel it out. I am going to add strength work before any weekend WODs. This will only add 1 to 2 strength days a week and will allow me to still just do main page on weekdays which keeps my WODs as short as possible to keep me free for work and family time.

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14 - Shane's WOD

Main page: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Front Squats


I did this at 5:30am and was really pressed for time so I couldn't get warmed up properly and then couldn't take sufficient rest between lifts. So these loads are not very representative of my true 1RM, but for that early in the morning and just rushing through it, I was pretty happy.

When I was done I had about 5 minutes to spare so I did a little extra work to top off this series of WODs before heading into my 5 days off that start tomorrow:

5-5-5-5-5 Standing Press


I torched through these, only taking as much time between sets as required to change the weight. Obviously I can lift much more than this weight-wise, but that was not my goal, I planned the 10 lbs reduction each round ahead of time so I could make it metcon-ish and really get my blood pumping as well as get some good press work in.

Finally, with 95# left on the bar I grabbed a quick set of 10 reps thrusters.

Great morning. I got this all done from start to finish in about 20 minutes. I am really looking forward to my vacation and time off from WOD to relax and get all nice and healed up and covored. I will not post another WOD until my first day back in action which is planned for August 19th.

August 13 - Ben's WOD

4 rounds with 30 sec rest between:
Leg blaster (20 squats, 10 lunge right, 10 lunge left, 20 jumping lunges, 10 jump squats)

10 rounds:
5 strict pullups
10 dips
15 pushups

5 rounds:
4 jingle jangles
10 ankle to bar

The middle part that looks and smells like Cindy is not even close. This thing will destroy your upper body. I was a bit unhappy with how hard it was until I looked back at the week and realized the Scotty Bobs and floor press and cleans had trashed my shoulder arms and chest. It was a great series of wods and one more tomorrow and then time for some rest and recovery.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13 - Shane's WOD

Main page: Pull-Up Ladder aka Death by Pull-Ups

17 rounds plus 11 reps

I ripped my hand open during the 15 set. It was all fingertip pull-ups after that. This all but eliminated my kip and completely eliminated my butterfly kip and slowed me down badly. Between that and attempting to quickly tape my hand, things went down hill quickly. Oh well, I need to figure out what I am doing wrong with taking care of my hands. I am ripping all the time. Didn't even start to feel fatigue at all until about the 14 set. I have low to mid 20s in me easy if I can keep my hands healthy. I will just have to start taping my hands ahead of time like I did for "Lynne" a few weeks ago, which worked well.

Didn't feel like I did enough after this so I made up a quick one:
Double Unders
GHD Sit-Ups

This was fast and furious. Didn't time myself, but I got through it pretty quickly. All in all it was a pretty good day other than the rip.

Life goes on. Hopefully tomorrow's WOD is easy on the hands.

August 12 - Ben's WOD

Run with 2 minutes between rounds
800m x 2
400m x 2
800m x 3

That sucked, the weather changed and it just sucked. Averaged 3 to 3:10 minutes on the 800ms and 1:20ish on the 400ms.

August 12 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Linda" aka 3 bars of death.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:
1.5xBW deadlift
BW benchpress
.75xBW squat clean
"Set up three bars and storm through for time"

Okay, I decided that I would go at this with a "do the best I can with what I have" attitude considering that I only had one barbell. My plan was to:

Deadlift 275#
Remove a 45# from each side
Pick bar up and rack it for bench press
Benchpress 185#
Remove a 25# from each side
Take bar back to floor
Squat clean 135#
Put 45#s and 25#s back on

Yeah, this was a logistical nightmare. Karen was feeding/bathing Davey so I didn't have any help with the racking/plate changing etc. So, just for record, and for laughs, this is what I ended up doing:

-10x275# deadlift
-removed 45#s
-couldn't get bar to rack without moving the bench which I decided was a deal breaker and I would have to go to light weight dumbell benchpress
-20x52.5# each hand benchpress
-removed 25#
-10x135# sqaut cleans
-put 25#s and 45#s back on
-9x275# deadlift
-fumbled around while pulling 45#s off and starting to get aggravated with the situation
-decided this was insane and that I would just have to do all of each exercise at a time (55 reps)
-having done 19 deadlifts already I reloaded the bar to 265# (actual 1.5xBW) to get the remaining 36 reps. After getting to 35 total reps, I felt this was a stupid way to attack this workout because it was destroying me doing this many deadlifts in a row
-decided to stop at 35 total reps and just finish out 35 total reps of each exercise at a time
-did not count the dumbell bench press, loaded the bar to 175# (actual BW) and did 35 reps
-loaded the barbell to 135# and having already done 10 reps of squat cleans, I did the remaining 25 reps of the new total of 35 reps
-laughed at how ridiculous it all turned out

I then caught my breath and grabbed a 500m row sprint. With my legs and lower back completely smoked I was pleased to get a 1:39.

Called it a night after this. Didn't time anything as I knew from the start the time would be meaningless. I will NEVER attempt this WOD again without a minimum of two barbells. My plan is eventually to buy Karen a 15kg bar and then buy a cheapo bar from Academy. But I can't keep spending money everytime I can't do a WOD as rx'd. Next time "Linda" comes up I will plan an equal to WOD ahead of time or sub something else completely.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11 - Shane's WOD

Four rounds, each for time of:
800 meter run
Rest as needed between efforts.

Brutal. It is just so damn hot here right now. I did this at about 85%...for two reasons: I was sick just yesterday and didn't want to push it and I intend to make this day 1 of 4 straight days of WOD before my vacation time off this weekend and the begining of next week.


I am okay with these times considering I didn't go all out. But I am capable of MUCH better. Just not on this day.

August 11 - Ben's WOD

15 rounds:
Burpees 30 sec on/30 sec off.

6 rounds:
5 dumbell cleans 40#s each hand
5 dumbell floor press 40#s (5 each hand alternating)
10 ankles to bar

6 rounds:
Stair run 6 floors

The first part was exactly like it sounds: not fun. 152 burpees. The second part was a good metcon but would have been much better with a barbell. I hate dumbell cleans. The whole thing took about an hour and what makes me happy is that at the end I felt like I didn't do enough. Not because I didn't get crushed while doung it, but because I am recovering quickly.



Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10 - Ben's WOD

Run 5.5 miles

6 rounds
5 Scotty Bob
10 strict pullups
10 weighted situps 45#

Scotty Bob = with 25# dumbelss do 5 pushups then row left then row right in pushup position.

Nothing too special today. Hot long run. Was going to go farther but I was with a friend and we called it early. The second session ws a chest blaster.

August 10 - Shane's Sick Day

Feeling like crap today. I must have finally caught whatever Davey has/had. Decided to be smart and skip the workout today. I'm going to try to make it up on tomorrow's scheduled rest day depending on how I feel. So, I am doing eat home made chicken taco soup for time tonight. Thanks Karen!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 9 - Shane's WOD

Main page: "Tabata Something Else"

16 straight minutes of Tabata...4 Tabatas at 4 minutes each (8x20sec on 10 sec off): Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups (Abmat), Squats.

Not much to say. Sweat fest. Hard work. Almost hung out with Pukie. But a perfect WOD for the day after too much boozing at a wedding.

Side note: Finally went to the website Rob Dees recommended and downloaded some of the pre-made Tabata music mixes on to my iPod. Made the experience a lot more fun and allowed you to kind of turn the brain off and just get some:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

August8- Bens WOD

With 20LB Vest
Rings Dips
Strict Pullups
Ring Dips
Kipping Pullups CTB
Ring Dips

Ruck 12 Miles with 50lbs

So today was hard. The pullup/dip went really well. My ring dips have come a LONG ways. I feel very strong in them and this was challenging but maybe a bit to easy. Have to step up the reps next time

The ruck was simply pain. At mile 5 the slope angle increased to 30% to 50% and stayed that way for 2 miles. It took me 2:52 to do the 12 miles which is slower than I wanted but with that brutal 2 miles in the middle I dont think I could have gone faster. I tested out my endurance suplements today and they worked like a charm. No blisters but my feet got VERY hot and sore. The last two miles were aweful and I was very glad to be done. I leave for DC tomorrow so the next two weeks are going to be a mix of hard training, rest and swimming.

August 8 - Shane's WOD

Was going to go to CrossFit Champions this morning but their WOD today is "Fight Gone Bad" which I just did on Tuesday from the main site. So I decided doing FGB once in a week is enough.

So, main page: 5x5 Deadlifts

Shane - 285-305-315-335-345 (all sets straight through, never came off the bar in a set)

Karen - 135-155-165-185-190 (she had a few failures and had to come of the bar on the last sets, but she completed all 5 reps one way or the other each round)

I am VERY happy with both our performances today. Karen did an amazing job toughing it out.

We both finished up with some skill work on our double unders. Karen can now do them in 2-5 rep burst, she is getting there. I practiced with my ultra speed cable rope and was able to crank through them pretty quickly. I did a total of 125 and Karen did 45. It was kind of a do them as fast as possible thing and focus on form and efficiency. Other than when my shorts fell down and then when my rope set screw blew apart and I had to relocate the setpoint on my rope, I took very little rest and only tripped up around 5 times throughout this endeavor. I have to keep working on these though as DUs are a major weakness of mine. DUs will be my skill focus when I have the extra time for the next few weeks.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 6- Bens WOD

10 Minutes of SandBag Getups @80#- 43

4 Rounds with 1 Min rest between
Leg Blaster
10 Mr Spectacular
(Leg Blaster- 20 Airsquats, 10 Lunge Right, 10 Lunge Left
20 Jumping Lunges, 10 Jump Squats)
(Mr Spectacualr- Clean and Push Press 40lb DumbBells, set them by your feet
then walk out on hands, do a push up, walk back= 1 rep)

Run AFAP (pushing Wyatt in Stroller)
7 Min on
3 Off
6 Min on
3 off
5 Min on

This was one of, no check that, this was the hardest leg effort I have ever done. If it doesnt look bad, then do it. The Leg Blaster is meant to be done without pause and by the time you hit the jump squats you swear your legs are going to blow apart. Following it up with the run was simply painful but I averaged 7min a mile pushing the stroller with completely blown legs. For me this is a soreness prevention workout. I may be sore tomorrow but it will keep me from being as sore the next time I something like this. Day off tomorrow...HELL YEAH!

Tasha did 3 rounds
500m row
21 burpees
400m run

She burned it up with a time between 19 and 20 minutes. Our rower is a bit short when measuring distance but she gave it her all and it was a great effort. I was proud of her to push through a WOD with running.

August 6 - Shane's WOD

Davey getting some pvc cleans!

7x1 Snatch:

I don't even want to get into all of the failures. There was a lot of them. It was a very frustrating session. 175-185fail-185-then multitudes of failures at 195 and 190. I was SOOO CLOSE! I just kept trying and trying because it was so close, when I probably should have gone back down and got a few more 185s and 175s, but I was being hard headed. It was very frustrating. Finished up by racking out a set of 5 x 135 to make myself feel good. But I was so smoked at that point it was actually not that easy and didn't make me feel good at all.

Next, was 65 reps fast as possible (no clock) of switch-L-towel-Pull-ups. First off, that was the plan but I VASTLY underestimated the difficulty of those bad boys. I did 23 of them and then I decided I had enough. I finished out the remaining 42 reps with regular L-Pull-ups which by this point was quite a challenge.

All in all, it was one of those days I should have taken off. I was frustrated and irritated most of the WOD. Really glad that tomorrow is a rest day.

Karen did 21-15-9, pull-ups and knees-to-elbows. Followed by some L-sit intervals.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5 - Shane's WOD

Main page WOD:
3 rounds for time:
Row 500m
21 Burpees
Run 400m

Deceptively brutal. Not even considering the 100*F+ temps I enjoyed during this WOD.

Shane - 18:57
Karen - 22:43

August 5- Bens WOD

"Eva's Sister- Helga"
5 Rounds for Time
Run 800m
30 KB Swing 1.5 Pood
50 Pushups


I ended up running 2.9 miles instead of 2.5 because of the course I was using.  Regardless, I was averaging 6:50 to 7:30 pace and was all around a bit slow.  My legs were crushed from the beating yesterday and I didnt warm up because I was pressed for time.

On a positive note, I did all 5 rounds of KB swings was a serious mental test not to put it down.  This WOD is a beast.  I rested little to none with really the only breaks coming during the pushups when I reached muscle failure.  Good to be done for the day and nice to have a full 24 hours before tomorrows two WODS.

August 4- Bens WOD

Warm Up
DOT Drill 
Leg Blaster
Stair Runs
6 Trips up 6 Stories of Stairs

Big 24
8 Rounds of 3 Reps each of
"The Exercise"(Hang Snatch then OHS)
Curtis P's (Power Clean, Lunge R, Lunge L, Push Press)
Squat Cleans

The EX- 85,85, 95 x 6
Curtis P's- 95x6, 105, 105
Squat Cleans- 105, 135x5, 155, 155

Nothing special today, just a lot of work. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4 - Shane's Fight Gone Bad

Not really that happy with my performance. I guess that is what 3 straight days of drinking and eating badly does to you. As rx'd = 276.

Karen did it as rx'd (Women's) with one exception, 12# wallball instead of the rx'd 14# because we don't have a 14# ball. Karen's score = 198.

Mark Cournoyer came over and did it as well but he didn't keep score because he did it with a ballistics vest on...but he worked his ass off.

Fun workout, I'm just a little disappointed, I wanted to break 300.

Monday, August 3, 2009

August 3 - Shane's Rest Day (Concept II Pics!)

The new Concept II Model D PM3 has arrived! Here are a couple of pics of it in the garage. I have a little resituating to do to get the garage perfect, but I will save that for this weekend. Better pics of the whole gym to follow after I reorganize, re-hang my rings and pull the car out. I didn't feel like pulling the car out tonight.

And by the way. I named our home gym today: "G3 CrossFit". G3 = Gibson Garage Gym.

After I finished assembling the C2 I hopped on for a quick 500m. 1:36. Not bad on a whim after 4 beers and pizza at BJ's...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 2 - Shane's WOD

How lucky am I? So lucky that today's main page WOD was doable at my Parent's place with no scaling required.

Well, leave it to me to scale a Hero WOD anyway...scale it UP. No one ever said I was real smart.

21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan in 2005.

Being the genius I am I decided to do the handstand push-ups on paralettes with about a 2" negative head check. I will now admit that this was a mistake as it slowed me down badly. I cannot overstate how smoked this gets your chest, shoulders and triceps. I couldn't do any of the push-ups sets straight through...that's how ugly it got. All push-ups were chest to floor.

My time: 11:34, ouch.

Karen did this scaled with self assist semi-handstand push-ups using a truck tailgate, paralette dips with her heels up on about 15" high surface and non-chest to floor real push-ups.

Again, she impresses me: 7: 21.

I then "cooled down" with five ~50m sprints, some light stretching and some jump rope.

Then, horse poop scoop, stall rake, paddocks scrape, rake, sweep for time. This experience of house sitting for my Parents continues to open my eyes to how hard they have to work to take care of these horses and keep this place so nice. Props to my Mom and Dad!

By the way, I replaced my size 43 Vibram sprints with some size 42 Vibram KSO's. They fit perfectly. I love them so far. My old sprints have been washed and will now be used for going places, running errands, etc and I still really like them and they are very comfortable, but still a touch to big for WODing. Oddly enough the size 42 sprints were way too tight, but the size 42 KSO's are perfect.

Rest day tomorrow! I will use this time to assemble my rower and re-organize my garage gym.

August 2- Bens WOD

3 Rounds for Time
All with 16# vest
400m Run
10 80# Sandbag Clean and Squat
5 Ankles to Bar
8 Rounds not for Time (Grind, an no Vest)
Sean Special
5 Sandbag Half Moons
15 GHD Situps
10 Deadlift BW

Sean Special (30 sec R side plank, 10 pushups, 30 sec left side plank)
5 Sandbag Half Moons (with feet forward pick 80# sand bag up from R side, go overhead and put down on left side)

That was AWESOME. The second WOD was a core destroyer. If you havent built a sandbag...DO IT. This is great work. The half moons are bad ass and the squat cleans with the bag will put you into metabolic meltdown. This was a brutal week and the next week and half will be worse, but then its 5 days of rest and light swimming. For now Im just looking forward to the rest day tomorrow.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1- Bens WOD

Run 5 Miles

Time: 34:33

Waiters Walk 53#/35# KB (1/2 each side)
Ring Dips
Box Jumps

Time 9:03

So the morinings run was a great confidence booster. It was 95 out and the terrain was varried with the last half completely uphill. I am getting close to where I need to be in terms of running. I did this on two cups of coffee and slightly dehydrated. Next goal is to keep that pace for 50 minutes.

This afternoon was great. It can definately be done faster (Wyatt factor). For the Waiters Walk you do half the number perscribed with 1.5 pood at your left side and 1 pood overhead on right side then do the second half with the 1.5 at your side on the right and 1 pood overhead on the left. Brutal and effective. Looking forward to tomorrow...

August 1 - Shane's WOD

As I have mentioned, I am out at my Parent's house/horse/dog sitting. Therefore, I am unable to do the main page WOD today of back squats.

So, I brought with me all my equipment that loads up and travels easily and the handy dandy hopper deck. I decided to shuffle and pull from the hopper and do whatever the first WOD is that I pull and have sufficient equipment. As luck would have it, the first card I pulled is gonna work:

4 of Hearts:
10-20-30 reps for time of:
Slam Ball
Walking Lunge Steps
Overhead Squats

Now, my interpretation of this WOD may not be perfect as I am assuming that these are body weight (PVC) overhead squats since the card is not labeled with any weight. If I am wrong, oh well, I am not in a perfect situation and the first card I pulled just fit well.

All we have is a 12# slam ball and for the overhead squats I am going to find the heaviest piece of metal pipe that my Dad has out here.

Hey, it is what it is.

I will also be doing some muscle-up skills work on Cruz's rings because Mark and Jeanna Cournoyer are coming over to hang out tonight and Mark wants me to teach him the muscle-up.