Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10 Ben's WOD


20-15-10(dont ask me why its not 21-15-9)

Clean and Jerk 135lbs
L Pullups


I stole this from CrossFit Jax.  My time sucked today and to do this the way it was supposed to be done I probobly should have scaled it but I wanted to go heavy.  Everyday of getting stronger is a good day.

Shane, Karen and Jon...Great job competing today.  Wish I was there with you.  Karen, you are a beast and have come such a long ways.  You make the rest of us proud.


  1. Saturday was a total blast. Shane - glad we got a chance to say hello, wish we could have visited longer but had to leave after WOD 1 to relieve our babysitters. Looked like you crushed that first WOD - very impressive. Ben - thanks for the shout out! Look fwd to meeting you in person, getting together for a WOD one of these days.

    Observations from Sat:
    - Great community of people
    - Technique, proper ROM CRUCIAL in competition (and obviously training). My wife taped my entire WOD 1, and I had to repeat 7 combined reps on thrusters and cleans. Easily cost me 45-55 seconds, not to mention added fatigue. Difference between a legit rep and not was fractions of an inch, and for me that was the difference between a DNF and middle to back of the pack finish in WOD 1 which was my goal. Did 15 thrusters in last set, but only counted 13 so was two short when 20 minute limit hit.
    - Really appreciate judging standards, Ben Kauffman I believe, owner of Clear Lake CrossFit, was mine. Taught me a valuable lesson, slow down, be deliberate, get it right the first time, stay within yourself.
    - Video is a powerful tool. The good - really good depth on thrusters. The bad - everything else - knees caving in on front squat, muted hip drive, clueless on the row, on and on. Lots to work on.

    Active rest this week (yesterday invented acorn tennis which consists of hitting acorns over your house with a raquetball racket - don't knock it until you have tried it - coordination and accuracy are 2 of the 10) Back at it next Sun.

    Thanks for the forum to express these thoughts.


  2. Sorry to keep bothering ya'll but if you have not go to Clear Lake CrossFit and look under Image Gallery. There are some cool pictures of you Shane from Sat on the first page.

  3. Awesome Jon! Nice work on Saturday. Keep after it! Saturday was a blast, I wish I had done better, but that it how it goes. I will be making a post soon to talk more in depth about the competition. You are not bothering us, post anytime you like about anything you like! Glad to visit with you again, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. Take care.

  4. Dude, thanks for the heads up on those pics! Nice!
