Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oct 28 - Shane's WOD

From the Main Page: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Deadlifts

I tried to aproach this time from a different perspective.  My 1RM is currently 385.  So I warmed up and then loaded up 375 on the bar.  My intentions were to see how many of the reps I could get through with 375.  Well, the answer was...not many...


The 375 failure was a bad lift, didn't feel good, and while it didn't injure me, it kinda made me nervous.  My mechanics were way off and I had a bad feeling all day today for some reason that I was going to hurt myself.  So I lowered to 365 and pulled it pretty easy, but not as easy at it should have been.  So, I decided to be smart and do the remaining 4 reps at 345...which again, did not feel as easy as it should have.  My deads were just way off tonight, it happens.

Cooled down with a fast 3 rounds: 5 reps deadlifts 225#, 10 reps burpees.

All in all, an okay day, but definitely not a good one.

"Michael" tomorrow.  Should be brutal.


  1. I think it was smart for you not to push it to hard. I've been working with my physical therapist on my back. She said we've been lucky to have not slipped a disc and most of us in Crossfit use way to much back and hipflexers instead of gluts. Especially in deadlift. She has worked with the Rocket and Texan athletes for a long time and is very familiar with power lifting. I've trained myself to use my back for so long I didn't even know how to use gluts until recently. I've been doing back extensions and lifting PVC, so far I can barely do it correctly. Be careful with your back and watch it in the mirror when doing back extensions. Their should be zero arch movment in the back on the lift. Its all about pulling up with gluts. The glut muscle is way bigger and stronger than you lower back muscles. Anyways keep it up.

  2. Good work. Mark is right..go buy a mirror, buy a head band, put on a belt, and look at your self doing curls...HAHA, Im an ass.

  3. Funny shit.

    Anyway, the weather here blows, so I'm probably going to have to skip "Michael" today. I am thinking about swapping it with "Annie" which is on the scheduled for Monday. I have never done "Michael" so I really want to do it as rx'd and not have to sub anything for the run since it is like a monsoon out there. Well, maybe I'll get lucky and the weather will clear up when I get home, but it is actually supposed to get worse as the day goes on.
