Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6 - Shane's WOD

Test for 1RM on Deadlift. Previous 1RM was 375#. I only came up with 355# this morning. Felt like my mechanics were off. Repped out some sets of 9 with 225# and 135# as cool down.

5 rounds for time:
Muscle up, 2 reps
20# Wall Ball, 20 reps
200m run

I actually made this WOD up myself. We will see how it goes. Hoping to fall in the 10-15 minute range. I will post results tonight after I finish.


  1. 12:11 as rx'd. No missed muscle ups. An excellent WOD. Tough, especially considering the 100 degree temps here, but an awesome workout. I have my cold wrap on my elbow right now, but really more as a precaution as it feels tender but not hurt. Great first day back. I love crossfit.

    Side note - Cruz came over and worked out with me today. 12# wall ball, and he had to sub pull ups and dips for muscle ups after the first round. I made him stop at 4 rounds with a time of 13:08. He did a great job and he could have kept going, but he had hit the target time and intensity for this WOD, so stopping at 4 rounds was the smart thing to do. Awesome job Cruz!

  2. Cruz..way to go!! Get some and keep it up.

    Shane ...I hate fn' wall ball!!!
