Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21 - Shane's WOD

Main page: Deadlift, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Warmed up and did some light weight snatches, cleans and deadlifts and then hit it.


375 maxes out my bar with my hi-temps...with two 45s, a 35, a 25 and a 15 on each side there is barely 3/4" for the clamps. Not saying I could do more than 375, but I would sure like to try. I am going to get some iron plates to supplement my deadlifts for next time.

Then I hit a straight set of 15 deadlifts with 225#s without stopping or coming off the bar. Felt good.

As part of my cool down I decided to hit some double unders as they are a weakness of mine when tired. Granted, I wasn't in the throws of a horrid metcon beatdown, but I am trying to get used to doing them while tired. I was pleasantly suprised to hit a straight set of 50 double unders without tripping up! Hells yeah!

So in the last two days I have added an ipod shuffle, running headphones and some iron plates to my CrossFit wish list. Man, this isn't a cheap addiction at all!


  1. That is some heavy shit. Nice pull. yeah this is an expensive habit, but at least its good for us. I got some not good news today through second hand gossip that I may not get approved for selection becasue of bureuacratic nonsense. Ill find out more tomorrow but right now I am an angry man trying to keep it in check.

  2. That blows! Holler at me tomorrow and let me know WTF!
