Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16 - Shane's WOD

Main page WOD today was hang power cleans: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Webster came over to lift today and well and helped me out quite a bit. I had never done heavy hang power cleans before and Webster is a beast at them.

Started with a warm-up and about a 1 mile run.

Shane: 185-205-225-235-245fail-235fail-225fail. So I got 235 once...but only once.

Webster: 245-255-265-275-285-305fail-305fail. Both 305 attempt sessions were so close. Hopefully I got Webster's loads correctly, if not sorry. Like I said, wow, very impressive.

I cooled down with a repped out set of 10 hang power cleans with 135#. And both of us grabbed some handstand push-ups on parralettes for fun.

Good stuff!

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say again that I hate you and that you are way too strong. Just when I start feeling good about myself you go and do 1RM thrusters and HPC and throw down some huge numbers. Asshole.
