Monday, July 27, 2009

July 26 & 27 - Shane's Rest Days

So, the 26th was a planned rest day; Today the 27th was not. I am still VERY sore from "Lynne" in my chest and biceps. So I have decided to take an extra day to heal.

This week is going to be a little weird because I have a manufacturer's representative coming into town that I am going to have to entertain probably Tuesday or Wednesday night. So I am going to WOD in the mornings tomorrow and Wedesday to keep my options open in the evenings.

Additionally, we are house sitting for my parent's this weekend which will put me away from most of my equipment this weekend. So I am going to have to write my own WODs for this weekend that only uses the equipment that travels easily.

This week is going to be a constantly evolving beast that I will just take as it comes. I'll post stuff as I do it.

1 comment:

  1. Decided to go for a quick short run when I got home. I had the energy and my legs were fine so I figured getting the heart pumping and breaking a sweat would probably help with the sore upper body. Hopefully it does the trick. I threw the new headphones and ipod shuffle on and hit the road. In hind sight I wish I had timed myself because I ran my 1 mile path and I crushed it. I don't think I have ever run a mile faster in my life. It felt awesome!

    Well, I'll know soon what main page has in store for me tomorrow morning!
