Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28- Bens WOD

10 Rounds
1x 90% Push Press
8 Ring Rows

6 Rounds
5x Sand Bag Zercher Squat
100m SandBag Walk
10 Ring Dips

6 Rounds
8 Front Squats BW
8 Jumping Lunges each Leg
15 35# Weighted situps

This was very deceptive. Started out not too bad, then half way through the sandbag section it started to suck and then by the front squat section it was pure misery. I had to drop down to 145 for the Front Squats..you have to be a bad mother to do that at body weight. My calves are still toast from Sunday so hoping they feel better tomorrow.


  1. Hey whats a "Ring Row"? Also did you buy a sandbag or make one?

  2. Ring row is a horizontal pullup. I made my sandbag. I used a waterproof kyaking bag and filled it with pea gravel to 80 lbs
