Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25 - Shane's WOD

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AMRAP 20 minutes:
10 reps, 20# wall ball shots, 10ft target (Karen - 12# ball)
10 reps, GHD sit-ups
10 reps, GHD back extensions

This was actually a pretty fun WOD. I have no idea how many rounds I completed because I didn't even try to keep count, I just went hard. Karen and I did this together and had to share the GHD, so we really attacked it more from a just get some and have fun perspective. We drug the GHD into the backyard, turned on some tunes and hit it. Karen almost kept up with me and she didn't have to start doing abmat sit-ups instead of GHDs until like her last 2 rounds.

When we were done I went over to the neighborhood pool and did a quick 500 yard cool down swim. With as sore as I am from these last 3 WODs it felt damn good to stretch it out and loosen up in the pool.

Rest day tomorrow! Yeah! Which means more yard work! Woo Hoo!

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