Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21-Bens WOD

2 Rounds w/16lb vest
Mini Leg Blaster (10 SQ, 10 lunge, 10 jump lunge, 5 jump squat)
Max Rep Pushup

4 Mile Run with 16lb vest

Time: 2:00pm
Temp 101
Terrain: 2 Miles up with 6-7% grade, then 2 back down

Time: 30:20

I woke up this morning and my legs felt like concrete. Did some stretching but it didnt help much, so I said screw it, lets go crush the legs even more. Basically this was a run into the mouth of hell. It was so hot on the pavement that I was afraid the soles of my shoes were starting to melt. The terrain around here is much like death valley and it felt like it today. It took me on hour to cool down. The weight vest adds more misery than I can express here. It didnt affect the lungs but put a deep burn in the lower part of my quads. My normal time on a cool day with no vest would be between 26 and 27 minutes so this seems about right.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I made this comment post once already and for some reason it doesn't show up now. So, I will attempt to recreate:

    Holy crap bro! That is stupid fast with a damn vest on! Your are a beast! That sounds like a pretty miserable experience though. You are the man! After you crush um at hrt and come back to CrossFit, you are going to be a force!
