Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12- Ben's WOD

Run 35 Minutes for distance
5 Minutes Rest
10 Rounds for Time
10 Bupree
6 Towel Pullups
10 Weighted Situps 35lb Bumper overhead


  1. So again, it was 100+ degrees. I only did 4.2 miles but it was over varied terrain lots of hills and I found this badass set of stairs that go up the side of a mountian that is equal to about 5-6 stories and I put that into the run.

    15:15 on the WOD- Not very fast but after yesterday my chest was smoked not to mention the run today. On the plus side I really never stopped moving and only had to break up the last two sets of burpees. Overall good wod and would be sweet as a 20 min AMRAP.
