Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10, Bens WOD

So today was supposed to be rest but I decided to do the PT test for my upcoming selection event.

8 flight Stair Run 55lbs vest and ram
Max Pullups
Max Situps 2 Minutes
Max Pushups (cannot stop moving)
2 Mile run
Rope Climb
400m Swim


  1. Stair Run Sub- 2x Leg Blaster
    Pullups- 19
    Situps- 93
    Pushups- 58
    2 Mile Run- 12:58
    Rope Climb- 8 Towel Pullups
    Swim- Nada

    It was 100degrees and I was smoked from a hard day of work. I am fairly satisfied with the effort, Well see how I progress.

    Now to go pound a stake.

  2. Nice work bro.

    Next up, toilet plunging for time! 30# plunger...3-2-1-GO!
