Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1 - Shane's WOD

As I have mentioned, I am out at my Parent's house/horse/dog sitting. Therefore, I am unable to do the main page WOD today of back squats.

So, I brought with me all my equipment that loads up and travels easily and the handy dandy hopper deck. I decided to shuffle and pull from the hopper and do whatever the first WOD is that I pull and have sufficient equipment. As luck would have it, the first card I pulled is gonna work:

4 of Hearts:
10-20-30 reps for time of:
Slam Ball
Walking Lunge Steps
Overhead Squats

Now, my interpretation of this WOD may not be perfect as I am assuming that these are body weight (PVC) overhead squats since the card is not labeled with any weight. If I am wrong, oh well, I am not in a perfect situation and the first card I pulled just fit well.

All we have is a 12# slam ball and for the overhead squats I am going to find the heaviest piece of metal pipe that my Dad has out here.

Hey, it is what it is.

I will also be doing some muscle-up skills work on Cruz's rings because Mark and Jeanna Cournoyer are coming over to hang out tonight and Mark wants me to teach him the muscle-up.


  1. Mostly Im just jealous that you guys are hanging out. We wish we were there, have a beer for me.

  2. So, Jeanna's back is thrown out from an intense shooting class so she is on the DL and only me, Karen and Mark did this WOD. Me and Mark used a wooden log thing that is about 6" diameter and weighs probably 15#s or so for our overhead squats, Karen used a broomstick.

    Shane: 4:59
    Mark: 7:22
    Karen: 5:52

    Nice job by everyone. Karen friggin' crushed it, I am so proud of her.

    Cool down was 3 rounds of 10 burpees and about a 200m jog. Then me and Mark got on the rings. Mark came very close to getting his first muscle up. With a little practice he will get it soon. I did several kipping muscle ups as demonstrations. I also did a complete dead-hang muscle up just to see if I could.

    All of this was followed up by some good burgers, fries, onion rings and a massive amount of beer. Good times. Really wish Ben and Tasha could have been here as well.
