Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 8 - Shane's WOD

Was going to go to CrossFit Champions this morning but their WOD today is "Fight Gone Bad" which I just did on Tuesday from the main site. So I decided doing FGB once in a week is enough.

So, main page: 5x5 Deadlifts

Shane - 285-305-315-335-345 (all sets straight through, never came off the bar in a set)

Karen - 135-155-165-185-190 (she had a few failures and had to come of the bar on the last sets, but she completed all 5 reps one way or the other each round)

I am VERY happy with both our performances today. Karen did an amazing job toughing it out.

We both finished up with some skill work on our double unders. Karen can now do them in 2-5 rep burst, she is getting there. I practiced with my ultra speed cable rope and was able to crank through them pretty quickly. I did a total of 125 and Karen did 45. It was kind of a do them as fast as possible thing and focus on form and efficiency. Other than when my shorts fell down and then when my rope set screw blew apart and I had to relocate the setpoint on my rope, I took very little rest and only tripped up around 5 times throughout this endeavor. I have to keep working on these though as DUs are a major weakness of mine. DUs will be my skill focus when I have the extra time for the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Both of you rock. That is a great performance. Good work on the DU too.
