Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 6- Bens WOD

10 Minutes of SandBag Getups @80#- 43

4 Rounds with 1 Min rest between
Leg Blaster
10 Mr Spectacular
(Leg Blaster- 20 Airsquats, 10 Lunge Right, 10 Lunge Left
20 Jumping Lunges, 10 Jump Squats)
(Mr Spectacualr- Clean and Push Press 40lb DumbBells, set them by your feet
then walk out on hands, do a push up, walk back= 1 rep)

Run AFAP (pushing Wyatt in Stroller)
7 Min on
3 Off
6 Min on
3 off
5 Min on

This was one of, no check that, this was the hardest leg effort I have ever done. If it doesnt look bad, then do it. The Leg Blaster is meant to be done without pause and by the time you hit the jump squats you swear your legs are going to blow apart. Following it up with the run was simply painful but I averaged 7min a mile pushing the stroller with completely blown legs. For me this is a soreness prevention workout. I may be sore tomorrow but it will keep me from being as sore the next time I something like this. Day off tomorrow...HELL YEAH!

Tasha did 3 rounds
500m row
21 burpees
400m run

She burned it up with a time between 19 and 20 minutes. Our rower is a bit short when measuring distance but she gave it her all and it was a great effort. I was proud of her to push through a WOD with running.

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