Main page: "Linda" aka 3 bars of death.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:
1.5xBW deadlift
BW benchpress
.75xBW squat clean
"Set up three bars and storm through for time"
Okay, I decided that I would go at this with a "do the best I can with what I have" attitude considering that I only had one barbell. My plan was to:
Deadlift 275#
Remove a 45# from each side
Pick bar up and rack it for bench press
Benchpress 185#
Remove a 25# from each side
Take bar back to floor
Squat clean 135#
Put 45#s and 25#s back on
Yeah, this was a logistical nightmare. Karen was feeding/bathing Davey so I didn't have any help with the racking/plate changing etc. So, just for record, and for laughs, this is what I ended up doing:
-10x275# deadlift
-removed 45#s
-couldn't get bar to rack without moving the bench which I decided was a deal breaker and I would have to go to light weight dumbell benchpress
-20x52.5# each hand benchpress
-removed 25#
-10x135# sqaut cleans
-put 25#s and 45#s back on
-9x275# deadlift
-fumbled around while pulling 45#s off and starting to get aggravated with the situation
-decided this was insane and that I would just have to do all of each exercise at a time (55 reps)
-having done 19 deadlifts already I reloaded the bar to 265# (actual 1.5xBW) to get the remaining 36 reps. After getting to 35 total reps, I felt this was a stupid way to attack this workout because it was destroying me doing this many deadlifts in a row
-decided to stop at 35 total reps and just finish out 35 total reps of each exercise at a time
-did not count the dumbell bench press, loaded the bar to 175# (actual BW) and did 35 reps
-loaded the barbell to 135# and having already done 10 reps of squat cleans, I did the remaining 25 reps of the new total of 35 reps
-laughed at how ridiculous it all turned out
I then caught my breath and grabbed a 500m row sprint. With my legs and lower back completely smoked I was pleased to get a 1:39.
Called it a night after this. Didn't time anything as I knew from the start the time would be meaningless. I will NEVER attempt this WOD again without a minimum of two barbells. My plan is eventually to buy Karen a 15kg bar and then buy a cheapo bar from Academy. But I can't keep spending money everytime I can't do a WOD as rx'd. Next time "Linda" comes up I will plan an equal to WOD ahead of time or sub something else completely.