Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 25 Ben's WOD

"Sometimes it gets better"
AM Tabata Pullups, Pushups, Dips
Warm Up: 5 min get ups with 80# sandbag
(1) Work to 1RM Front Squat
(2) 10 rounds
2x Front Squat @85% of 1RM every 40 secs
(3) 5 Rounds
5x Benchpress @BW
5x Clapping pushups
10x GHD situps

1 comment:

  1. So, this morning was one of the worst in a long time. The Tabatas were a joke and basically I should have stayed in bed casue I was so friggen tired. The rest of the morning sucked and then when I got home I felt better and my day suddenly improved.
    I hit a PR at front squat with 225 and was super stoked. The rest of the WOD was great...super hard but fun at the same time. We capped it off with a trip to Pink Taco (good LA restaurant), some margaritas and no packing. Im off tomorrow and will be going to Dutch's seminar on Sat. Good Luck Shane!!
