Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24 thru 26 - Shane's WOD/Rest

I am way more sore and beat down today than I feel I should be. So...I am going to take these three days before the CrossFit Houston Summer Challenge to do some skills work and a couple of short intense body weight sessions. Other than that just some light jogging, walking and stretching to try to stay loose and get rested up for the competition Saturday. I'll make a post on Friday evening when I get back from check in at CrossFit Houston. I should know my heat times and the WODs by then.

1 comment:

  1. Took it super easy today. Stretched for a while then went and jogged maybe a mile at about 10 minute pace with Davey in the jogging stroller. Then stretched a bit more. Then did 5 rounds for "time", although I didn't time it, 5 burpees and 5 pullups with specific focus on my "competition" burpee and my butterfly kip. Then 2 rounds of 10 reps each ghd situp up and extensions...not for speed but just too loosen up and cool down. Then a little more stretching and some dips. It all felt pretty good but man I am sore as hell. I don't know what I did to myself but I'm in pretty bad shape, tight and sore. I am hoping todays session will flush some of this out and I will be almost as good as new tomorrow.
