Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 20th Bens WOD


Warm Up: 5 Rounds
Deadlift 135#
5 Pull Up
10 Push Ups
(1) Work to 1RM Deadlift
(2) 10 Rounds
2x Deadlift @85%of 1RM every 45secs
(3) 5 Rounds
2x Curtis P's
10x GHD Situps
(4) 20 Rounds
25m Sprint w/40lbs vest every 20 Sec


  1. Did this early morning. We didnt go to sleep until late last night and I paid for it this morning.
    1RM DL 305
    Did the Curtis P's at 95,105,105,115,115
    The Vest Run was deceptive and by the end left a lasting soreness in my legs.

  2. Nice workout. I think I might even like that one. Hope this is all working out for you dude! Be careful...don't over do it!
