Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23 - Shane's WOD

3 rounds for time:
225# deadlifts, 10 reps
50 double unders

Borrowed this WOD from Crossfit Champions from last week. We'll see how my time stacks up with some of their posted times.

Also, the standard men's weight for WOD #1 at the challenge this weekend is 225#. So I'm guessing that is going to be deadlifts as I can't think of another lift that can reasonably done at that weight in a metcon. I could be wrong but I figured it would be a good idea to put my hands on 225# and move it around a bit either way.


  1. 8:37. I seriously don't want to talk about it. I went flat. I am embarrassed. Somebody shoot me.

    Webster came over and did this WOD as well. He crushed it. 5:40 for Webster.

  2. Sally...Hey brush it off, its better to be flat today than on Saturday. time to get fired up!!!

  3. I know, I know. I am not as upset with this individual performance as I am with my lack of consistancy lately. I don't know what I am missing, but for some reason I am very inconsistant. Set a PR one day and then barely able to complete the WOD the next. Something is not right, I may have to do some serious thinking about modifying my training. I am going to go ahead and finish this 6 week thing I am on now, but in the mean time I am going to do some serious thinking about what comes next. Though I may go ahead and only do strength work 3 or 4 days out of my 5 day training week and see how that feels.

  4. Don't be frustrated your not alone. I did it in 9:21 I had some major equipment problems, the jump rope kept falling apart. I couldn't get more than 5 double unders in a row without the rope unscrewing. I think I'm going to put lock tight on it. Monday Barbara kicked my but and I had one of the weakest lift days in a long time, then I could not get in rhythm on double unders yesterday, last two days have been pretty frustrating. Can't wait until Jeanna does it tonight, she is probably going to smoke my time and really rub the salt in.
    After your six week cyle you need to come over and we can work on KRAV. It will give you a chance to put all that fitness into something practical.
