Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 16 Ben Wod

"Big 24"
warm up 5x shoulder dislocates and snatch complex with pvc

8 rounds
3x "The Exercise"-hand squat snatch +OHS
3x Hip Mobility Drill
8 Rounds
3x Power Clean + Push Press
3x Instep Lunge Stetch
8 Rounds
3x Squat Clean
Inch Worm



  1. This was the first day of my new training plan. it will be a big change.
    More time, more duration and still intense but not quite as heavy. This WOD was a full hour.
    The EX-45-45-55-55-65-65-75-75
    HPC+PP 95-105-105-115-115-115-115-115
    SQ- 115-125x7

    The directions were to start light and get harder. This was hard but next time I need to start at 65,115,and 125 and try to add 10 to 20 as I go. All in all it was bad ass.

  2. Wow. Nice work. I'd rather walk out into traffic.
