Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30 - Shane's WOD

Main page: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 weighted pull-ups.

I used my 45# weighted vest and kettlebells, a chain, a couple iron plates & carabiners. There is (now was) a ring/loop on the back of my Mir short vest, so I just had Karen clip kettlebells to my back with the chain and carabiners.


The 120# failure was SO FRIGGIN CLOSE! I had the bar at my chin but I just couldn't get it that last inch I needed to get my chin over the bar.

So, my next attempt was to be with 117.5# BUT... that ring on the back of my vest gave out as I got onto the bar. I was climbing on to my 24" box and then reaching out to the side and lowering myself down on to the bar, so it's not like I was jumping up there. But the ring blew out. So, this left me with nothing to clip the kettlebells/weights to anymore. I was really enjoying this WOD so I was pretty bummed. But I just threw on my 6# weight belt with my 45# vest and did 3 sets to failure with the resulting 51# load. By this time I was pretty tired so I got 9, 10 and then 9 again.

LOVED THIS WOD! Definitely going to get a belt or something that is designed to have weights hung from it for future weighted pull-ups.

Karen did a great job on this as well:


All of her failures were very close and I was very very impressed. Amazing considering she couldn't even do a pull-up just a couple months ago.

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