Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22 - Shane's WOD

2x500m row
Rest as needed
7x1 hang power cleans
Rest as needed
2x500m row

Tough day, my legs are feeling pretty taxed.

1:34(PR by one second), 1:41

185-215-225x-205-205-225-240x-235x-205 (did some extra to end on a good note, previous PR 235) The misses at 240 and 235 were VERY close, I just have to commit to the lift and stop being a bitch.

1:34, 1:44

Experimented with the damper on the C2 some. Used 6, 7, 10 & 9 settings respectively through the 4 rows. Since on my 3rd row, even as tired as I was, I hit 1:34 again, matching my PR with the damper at 10, I think my sweet spot is probably in the 9 to 10 range for all out sprints.

2:13, 2:14

65-95-95-95-95-95-95 (she had some failures at 115 were she could have easily nailed it, she falls apart technically on the lift when she get scared and nervous)

2:12, 2:19

All her dampers were at 5 except the last one which was at 6.

Rest day tomorrow. Will probably have to wash cars and do the lawn! Yeah!


  1. Dude those cleans are awesome. You sound like you know what you are doing on that rower cause I sure as hell dont!

  2. I have no idea what I am doing on that rower other than pulling hard and almost puking!
