Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1- Bens WOD

Run 5 Miles

Time: 34:33

Waiters Walk 53#/35# KB (1/2 each side)
Ring Dips
Box Jumps

Time 9:03

So the morinings run was a great confidence booster. It was 95 out and the terrain was varried with the last half completely uphill. I am getting close to where I need to be in terms of running. I did this on two cups of coffee and slightly dehydrated. Next goal is to keep that pace for 50 minutes.

This afternoon was great. It can definately be done faster (Wyatt factor). For the Waiters Walk you do half the number perscribed with 1.5 pood at your left side and 1 pood overhead on right side then do the second half with the 1.5 at your side on the right and 1 pood overhead on the left. Brutal and effective. Looking forward to tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Ben, you are a monster. Seriously, your performances lately are indicating an amazing amount of mental toughness and an equally impressive level of conditioning. You set a goal and you are killing it. That run time itself is incredible. Great job, keep it up bro, you are a machine. HRT tryouts will be a breeze for you. You are prepared.
