Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20 - Shane's WOD

Main page:
For time: 150 reps, 20# wall ball shots, 10ft target.

I'll post my time tonight after I get it done.

Should be ugly, and a perfect WOD for my first day back at it. I feel pretty good and healed up from my time off. Not 100% but pretty close. I probably should have eaten better and drank a little less on my vacation, but oh well, I feel mentally very relaxed and refreshed. It was a much needed break in more ways than one.

After spending a lot of time thinking of ways to alter my programming to do a little more strength work I came up with a very simple and measured approach to start with and feel it out. I am going to add strength work before any weekend WODs. This will only add 1 to 2 strength days a week and will allow me to still just do main page on weekdays which keeps my WODs as short as possible to keep me free for work and family time.


  1. It's official, wall ball is my nemesis. 10:09, enough said.

  2. That is really good for your first day back. I can only do these workouts every once in a while. It a pretty tedious ten minutes, I get bored. Good job keep it up!
