Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bens WOD Jan 29

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1 not 1RM

Thruster Ladder 1-10 95lbs

5 Sets 15 GHD Situps


Thrusters 4:17- Shit, that performace sucked. I was hoping to go alot faster. I tweaked my sciatic nerve and was and am worn the F&%K out. Getting some rest tongiht and hopefully feel better tomrrow.
Video of the C&J can be found here. Still pulling to early with my arms and my dip on the jerk sucks.

All GHD unbroken.


  1. Nice work. That thruster time looks decent to me. Yes, you are pulling too early with your arms. Also, you are not "finishing" which might be in part because you are bending your elbows too soon. You need to be sure you are keeping the bar closer to your body and bring the bar to pockets by going through your hips. Remember, the bar should actually travel slightly in towards your body, not straight up. You are giving up a lot of that hip power by not "finishing". Your jerk actually looks pretty good except you need to be a little more explosive, just harder and faster.

  2. yeah, I actually noted all that to my coach before I wrote this post and I agree with all the points. I think the first step is the arms becasue once they bend its almost impossible to go to pockets and I have already trashed the finish by taking the energy out with bent arms
