Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan 8 & 9 - Shane's WOD

Still running on the OPT Big Dawgs program...

Jan 8:
A. Hang Squat Clean - build to a tough but not 1RM; take no more than 7 minutes; rest 2 minutes
B. 10-1 135#/95# hang squat clean ladder; rest 5 minutes
C. 3 sets of 30 GHD sit ups; rest as needed b/t sets

ladder is unbroken, if bar rests on floor in set, start again

A. 135-225F-225F-225-225F-205
These lifts were very frustrating.  All failures were due to techincal issues and the fact that I couldn't feel my hands because it was 20 something degrees out and the bar felt like a piece of ice.  I just couldn't get settled under the bar for some reason and I kept losing it foward.  Definitely need to work on this.  I know I shouldn't have failure on a not 1RM set, but as I said, this was frustrating hand/technical issues that I usually don't encounter...225# is usually not a problem.

B. All sets unbroken except the 4 set which I lost at the bottom on the 4, had to redo it.  Same shit as A...lost the bar forward for no reason.  As cold as I was and with my hands completely numb I was really struggling receiving the bar properly.  10:30, really fell apart after the 8 set...only took my like 2:30 to get done through 8.

C. All GHD sets unbroken with 2 minutes rest inbetween.

All in all, a frustrating day.  The cold temperatures really zapped me and my performance.  I was in a garage, but a standalone, uninsulated, unheated garage.  And 20 something degrees is balls all cold in Houston, TX...just not used to it.

Jan 9:
Much warmer today...
7 sets;

1 strict chin up
2 L Pull ups
3 butterfly kip chin ups
4 chin break vertical chin ups
5 chest to bar chin ups
rest 2 minutes
For total time;
AMSAP L-Sit - 3 attempts; 60 sec b/t attempts
For total reps;
30 sec high speed double unders, 30 sec rest x 10

skill and perfection of movement, not time is paramount on chin up work
L sit is knees COMPLETELY straight for entire movement, and ankles above hips

Pull-Up sets were all done unbroken.  Took around 1 to 1.5 minutes between sets and really focused on perfection and not time.

The L-Sits were a catastrophe.  Doing them as RX'd on the floor was not happening today, my abs are still pretty sore.  I managed about 6 seconds on the first one, hands on floor, quads cramped and I went down.  Second one, hands on floor, was a little better at 10 seconds.  I decided I wasn't getting enough from this so I got out the parralettes and did 3 more attempts each at 10 seconds.  Keeping with the straight knees and ankles above hips makes it very challenging.

Total double unders = 275.  Not great, but good for me as they are probably my biggest weakness.

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