Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jan 15 - Shane's WOD

A1. Front Squat @ 20X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 180 sec - All sets of 3: 225/235/245/245/245
A2. Chin ups [3 strict/6 kipping/9 chest to bar] x 5; rest 180 sec - All unbroken
B. Dead Lift @ 12X1 - 60% 1Rm; 8 sets of 2; rest 45 sec b/t sets - All with 245
C1. 15 toes to bar x 5 sets; rest 45 sec - Unbroken except the last set which was 6/5/4
C2. 15 GHD Raises x 5 sets; rest 45 sec - All unbroken, but I subbed back extensions as my "ghd" doesn't allow me to do raises.  I intend to order a true ghd this weekend.

Was pretty rushed in getting this one done and it showed in my attitude and performance.  My squating is still feeling very weak for some reason.  Was running late getting ready to go out to dinner with the family for my brother's last night in town before heading back out to college.  Grip was still a major issue.  Most of this workout felt strangely easy while still challenging.  I didn't really feel any fatigue except for my grip for the toes to bar.  I had to break up my last set of toes to bar simply to keep from falling to the ground in the kip (my bar is 9ft in the air).  Really hope my grip benefits from all this torture.  It is very frustrating for that to be my biggest limiting factor lately.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, great job on the FS. The grip thing will only get better and the fact that you can do 50 pullups unbroken means your grip aint too bad.
