Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shane: Wednesday 101116

Part One 4 Sets of 3 Snatch @ 75%, 80%, 80%, 85%
Completed at 150#, 160#, 160#, 170# respectively

and Then

3 Rounds For Time:
35 Double Unders or 175 Single Unders
25 Push-ups
15 DB Squat Cleans 35#
This was deceptively tough and I just didn't have a good day = 8:20.  On a good note, double unders all unbroken, but the SD squat cleans destroyed me.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shane: Monday 101115 & Tuesday 101116

Monday 101115:
Part 1:
5 sets of 15 unbroken CTB pullups

5x of this cluster
5 backsquats at 55% 1rm
3 backsquats at 65-70% 1rm
1 backsquat at 75-80% 1rm
rest is the time it takes to change weights between each percentage. Rest as needed between each cluster.

Did the squats at 210, 250, 285.

Great workout! Worked in with Aaron S and Ian on the squats! The 3 of us had a system going for swapping the plates quick, except when we couldn't perform basic math! Glad to have you back in Ian!

Tuesday 101116:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Shane: Friday 101112, Saturday 101113 & Sunday 101114

Friday 101112:
part 1:
5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 unbroken doubleunders
5min amrap
5 push press (95/55)
3 min rest
5 min amrap
10 pullups
10 power cleans
2 min rest
5 min amrap
5 snatches
10 one legged box jumps (5 each leg)
Did the double unders in about 3 minutes.
I did the AMRAPs in a different order...I did the 3rd one then the 1st and the 2nd one last.
1st: 5 rounds even
2nd: 4 rounds + 10 pullups
3rd: 5 rounds + 5 snatch & 9 box jumps
This was a lot of fun and the noon class was HUGE!

Saturday 101113:
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes: Snatch one rep
Rest, then,
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes: Clean & Jerk one rep
You have the entire minute to complete the lift sucessfully
Score equals lowest and highest load Snatched & C&J
Snatch = 155/195
C&J = 225/245
This was an absolute blast!  And again, class was huge at the 9am!

Sunday 101114:
Met Steve and Matt for some swiming work:
5 rounds:
Swim 50 yard on 1:15 interval
Swim 100 yard of 2:15 interval
Then capped it off with a 50 yard sprint starting in the water = 27 seconds
This whole session was humbling.  I love being in the water, but I am WAY out of swimming shape!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Shane: Thursday 101111

Row 1000m x 2
Rest as needed between efforts


Bench Press:

Rows = 3.31 & 3.44
Bench = 165/185/225/225/225/275/255/255/255

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Shane: Tuesday 101109 & Wednesday 101110

Tuesday 101109:
Did the CF Abq WOD with the noon class, had a blast!:
6 sets:
As many reps as possible:
30 sec of clean & jerks (135/95#)
30 sec of box jumps (24/20")
30 sec of kettle bell swings (2/1.5 pood)
30 sec of burpees
2 min rest between rounds
Score is the total of all reps for all 6 sets = 242
This was pretty rough, worse than FGB in my opinion.

Wednesday 101110:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Shane: Monday 101109

Shoulder is doing much better, but I am still avoiding heavy overhead work and even repetitive overhead work with medium loads.  My shoulder is not 100%, I would call it 85-90% and getting better everyday.  I just want to be very careful with it and not back track any.  So, while Ben and I came up with this semi-genius plan for my weekly WOD schedule and where the WODs come from, I am having to play around with it a bit right now to avoid certain weights and movements.

Monday 101109:
Part 1 @ approx 1pm: Main Page WOD from Today:
3 rounds for time:
30 kb swings - 1.5pood
25 wallball - 20#
20 pull-ups
Gas tanks is a major issue for me.  I did the first round in under 3 minutes.

Part 2 @ approx 5:30pm: Part of double from OPT big dawgs:
400m run @ 95%, rest 2 minutes x 3
10 minutes of parralette hspu work
400m run @95%, rest 2 minutes x 3
1:31, 1:37, 1:36, 1:39, 1:35, 1:35 (this was approx 400m laid out in my neighborhood)
Did the phspu work as multiple sets of 2 to absolute max negative head check.  Just got as many in as I could without ever achieving failure.

Feeling pretty good and energetic.  I really hope this continues and I actually start performing decent.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Shane: Friday 101005, Saturday 101006 & Sunday 101007

Friday 101005:
Part One: Back Squat 3-3-2-2-1-1
Loads = 295-315-325-335-345-365
Sean was there and he said I just barely got parralel on the 365 squat.  So I did it again and got a little lower.  Might need to speed a little time re-establishing my "bottom".

Capped off this session by barely acheiving a muscle-up hspu.  Was pretty pumped!

Part Two: AMRAP 15 Minutes: While wearing 20# vest - 5 push-ups, 10 broad-jumps, 15 squats
This was miserable.  I didn't even try to keep up with rounds.  Just did it at the neighborhood park in the grass.  Based on the pace I was keeping, my guess would be 15+ rounds.  But I'm honestly not sure.

Saturday 101006:
Decided to just attend the box team WOD and see how my shoulder is doing.  It is doing much better.
With a partner, complete the following for time:, (in any order),
100 Push-ups
100 Box Jumps (m:24in,f:20in)
100 DB Push Press (m:25lb,f:15lb)
100 Jumping Squats
One partner works while the other runs 200m, taking turns until all the work is complete. All reps of a given movement must be complete before moving to the next movement. The team is finished when the final rep of the final movement is complete AND the runner has completed the run they are currently on.

My partner was one of our free guests who re-aggrevated an old foot injury during the WOD.  I did the majority of this on my own and I did the DB PP with 40# DBs.  Knocked out a few more MU HSPU afterward.  It was a good workout, had fun.

Sunday 101007:
Rest Day

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shane: Thursday 101104

Still on Ben's programming.  Coincidentally this is what we did at the box today...

Part 1 -
3x Each Arm Max Reps of 1 Arm KB Bench Press @ 1.5pd/1pd
I got 21R/19L, 15/15, 11/11

Part 2-
50 burpees
50 box jumps 24/20
50 lunges Each leg
25 burpees
25 box jumps 24/20
25 lunges each leg
16:38.  This totally kicked my ass.  Exactly the kind of stuff I need to be working on.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shane: Monday 101101, Tuesday 101102 & Wednesday 101103

I'm back!  Well, sort of...  I'm still dealing with the end of this cold, but I'm not "sick" any more.  And the shoulder is still not fully ready.  So I gave Ben a list of all the movements that I felt comfortable doing with the shoulder and asked him to provide me some programming.  I'm thinking another week or two max of avoiding overhead movements and I should be back ready to go...

Monday 101101:
5 rounds for time:
200m run
10 deadlifts 205#
All while wearing 20# vest
10:18.  Not a bad first day back but this was brutal.  The weight of the vest is not as much of a deal as it is the effect it has on your breathing.

Tuesday 101102:
An OPT Big Dawgs style ass whoopin':
A1. Backsquat @ 30X2 @ 50% (go for speed); 3 x 5; rest 90 sec
A2. Box Jumps 30 inch; 3 x 15 unbroken; rest 90 sec
B. Backsquat @ 30X0 @ 80%; 3 x 3; rest 1 min
C1. GHD Sit Ups @ 1010; 15 unbroken; rest 10 sec
C2. Hip Extensions @ 1010; 15 unbroken; rest 10 sec
C3. Strict Pullups - 15 unbroken; rest 90 sec x 3
This was a lot tougher than it looks.  I took a little less rest that prescribed in the early sets just in the essense of time, had to get to work.  Did A1 @ 190#, A2 all unbroken, B @ 305#, C1 all unbroken, C2 all unbroken, C3 all unbroken except set 3 which a little kipping came in naturally when I started struggling and then had to split the set 12-3.  Strict pullups are not like kipping, once you hit the wall, you are done, no matter how mentally tough you are in staying on the bar.

Wednesday 101103:
Rest Day.

Thanks Ben.  Programming is going awesome so far.