Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30 - Shane & Ben's WOD

5-4-3-2-1 Rep Rounds for Time:
265# deadlift
115# overhead squat
Approx 25yard tire drag between each station (10 total drags)

This was pretty tough.  I (Shane) had never done a sled/tire drag before and it broke me off bad.  Hats off to Ben, nice performance.

Ben - 8:21
Shane - 8:40

Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 28 - Shane's WOD

3-3-3-3-3 Front Squats

I got nice and warm and threw in a set of 30 unbroken 20# wall ball.  I hate wall ball.

Loads were 225-245-255-275F(1)-265PR-255

I'm getting there.  Really need a stronger front squat, I let the weight shift forward coming out of the bottom and it makes for a major struggle.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 27 - Shane's WOD

For time: 30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees
James Hobart 10:02, Ben Bergeron 11:03, Graham Holmberg 11:13, Matt Chan 12:20, Mat Frankel 13:05, Heather Keenan Bergeron 13:15, Miranda Oldroyd 15:00. Post time to comments.

Karen did this in 16:13, with about a 4" positive head check on the HSPU's and with 1 pood swings.  Great job Karen!

I did it in 18:00, with a 3" negative head check on the HSPU's (I had my hands each on a 35lbs hi-temp bumper).  The rest rx'd.  I underestimated how bad the scaled up HSPU's would be.  It took me about 3:45ish to finish the HSPU's, whereas if I had done them regular it would have been closer to about a minute.

Good day.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 23 thru 26 - Shane

April 23:
Three rounds for time of:
135 pound Hang power cleans, 15 reps
15 Burpees
Did this heads up with Ben before a great night of Dion's pizza, Avatar and beerz.
Shane - 5:52
Ben - 7:50

April 24:
Five rounds for time of:
50 Double unders
35 Knees to elbows
185 pound Overhead walk, 20 yards
Ben came over and we did this together.  No idea what our times were, we did it more for completion simply because of the equipment layout, etc, so we just went at the same time, starting at different stations.  Ended up being super tough, but not as tough as it looked.  The K2E's were the worst part for me.  We had to do the overhead walk as 10 yard there-and-backs, the turn around part with the bar overhead was a little weird.  Definitely a core smoker.

April 25:
Went over to Ben's house and did 3x5 dead lifts.  I just followed the weight he was doing since my back is a little unhappy right now.  Not sure of the loads we did, I think it was something like 275-295-315.  I think that is close, but I could be wrong.  Then we went for about a 3 mile jog.  I really need to work on my distance running so Ben is helping me out with pacing and finding the zone.  He kicked my ass and made me look like a bitch on the last 800m or so.  I feel like it was a pretty good run for me.  If I can keep running with Ben, I think my running with improve quickly.

April 26:
Took a rest day since I skipped rest on the 25th.  Today's mainpage WOD looked awesome, I probably would have done it if I had anywhere to do muscle-ups.  Hopefully I will have a solution to that issue soon.

Back at it on the 27th, post coming.  Just been busy lately, and hopefully going to get busier. ;-)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22 - Shane's WOD

Five rounds for load and time of: Back Squat, 3 reps
20 Ring dips

Rob Orlando 405lbs/5:57, Jason Khalipa 335lbs/11:49, Miranda Oldroyd 195lbs/17:42. Post load and time to comments.

I was 285lbs/8:46.  That was brutal.  I did it right at the end of a 16 hour fast.  Felt pretty good.  At Ben's recommendation I went with 285lbs because it was 85% of my last 1RM which was from December of 335lbs.  I think my 1RM would be a little higher now but 285lbs was perfect today.  I can't imagine trying to do it with anymore weight than that, Orlando and Khalipa are beasts.

April 20 - Shane's WOD

Clean one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.

Tommy Hackenbruck 335/275lbs, Ben Crook 305/275lbs, Miranda Oldroyd 185/165lbs, Taz Venter 165/145lbs. Post the highest and lowest loads to comments.

Weird WOD, hard to figure out where to start, and you end up spending the vast majority of the time between reps changing the plate and recollaring the bar.  Anyway, I enjoyed it, but it was a little different.

Shane - 255/205lbs.  255lbs matched my current PR for power clean.  I really do need to learn to trust myself and get under the bar.  I did not receive the bar below parralel thighs in any of these lifts.  I need a stronger front squat before I will be ready to really push it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 19 - Shane's WOD

3 rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 100 ft
50 Squats
25 Back extensions
8:59 rx'd

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 18 - Shane's WOD

Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes as you can of:
50 pound dumbbell Weighted pull-up, 3 reps
Sprint 50 meters
3 Ring handstand push-ups

Chris Spealler 19 rounds, Russell Berger 18 rounds, Pat Barber 11 rounds.

Shane - 9 rounds plus 3 pull-ups.
Ben - 6 rounds plus 3 pull-ups, 50m and 2 hspu's.
Karen (scaled to kipping pull-ups and about 4" high head check regular hspu's) - 14 rounds plus 3 pull-ups.

Fun WOD.  Was great for everyone to be able to WOD together.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 17 - Shane's WOD

4 rounds:
Row 500m
Rest 3 minutes


Just didn't have it today.  First one was solid, died after that.  Did at 7:30am after a night of too much fun.  Can't decide when life throws you it's challenges though, it is what it is.

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 15 - Shane's WOD

Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
275 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
13 Push-ups
9 Box jumps, 24 inch box

James Hobart 23 rounds, Eric Magee 22 rounds, Amy Ferro 15 rounds + 5 DL (187lbs). Post rounds and fractions of rounds completed to comments.

15 rounds plus 2 deadlifts, rx'd.  That's a tough WOD.  It's always an Honor to do a hero WOD.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 14 - Shane's WOD

"Filty Fifty"
Over 2 minutes short of my PR.  Don't want to talk about it.  However, I have had several good days and good performances over the last couple of weeks, trying to shake it off and realize I can't perform at peak all the time...  and not to make more excuses, but I am still getting used to the 5000+ft elevation, I am having a hard time controlling my breathing, I'll get there, but it is having an effect.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 12 - Shane's WOD

Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Fear limited my performance here.  It can be pretty un-nerving to jump under the bar when it starts getting heavy.  More time under the bar should help this.

185-205-225-235-245F-245-205-205.  I probably have more than the 245, just didn't have the sack to go for anything heavier this time.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11 - Shane's WOD

I need to stop boozin' so much on the weekends.

Five rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbells split clean, 15 reps
21 Pull-ups
15:38 rx'd.  Not a good day.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10 - Shane's WOD

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Back squat, 20 reps
Handstand walk 20 yards
Chris Spealler 8:32, Travis Weaver 11:58, Rob Orlando 12:53, Nadia Shatila 12:55 (95lbs)

16:06 rx'd.  It all gets pretty ugly at the end.  Probably could have done a little better with a flat place to the the handstand walking.  Pretty fun though, nice change of pace.

Friday, April 9, 2010

April 8 - Shane's WOD

By the way, I am following mainpage right now...

Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

This was pretty rough.  I could probably do a little better next time simply by knowing better where to break the reps from a strategy standpoint.  13:37 rx'd.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Alright, let's get caught up...Shane thru April 7, 2010

Sectionals, then Mom's B-day Party, then moving to Albuquerque, then getting settled in the new house...been stupid busy.  Took some time off from working out.  Started back up on April 2.  I'm going to run through this real quick...

April 2 - "Tabata Something Else".
I didn't count my reps, not worth the hassle.  Was my first WOD at the new altitude.  Definitely felt it.

April 3 - Run 1600 meters, Rest 3 minutes, Run 1200 meters, Rest 2 minutes, Run 800 meters, Rest 1 minute, Run 400 meters.
This sucked.  Really felt the altitude and REALLY felt the steep inclines that are here in Albuquerque that I am not used to being from the flatlands of Texas.  I'll get used to it.  Didn't really do that great of timing myself.  All runs were done at ~8 minute pace.

April 4 - 10 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 1 Weighted pull-up, 9 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 2 Weighted pull-ups, 8 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 3 Weighted pull-ups, 7 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 4 Weighted pull-ups, 6 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 5 Weighted pull-ups, 5 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 6 Weighted pull-ups, 4 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 7 Weighted pull-ups, 3 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 8 Weighted pull-ups, 2 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 9 Weighted pull-ups, 1 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 10 Weighted pull-ups.
The squat cleans were awful.  I did this with 52.5# dumbells and a 45# weightvest.  Time was 25:18.  Slow and painful.  The pull-ups were easy, all unbroken through 7, then only one break in the remaining sets.

April 5 - Rest day

April 6 - Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps.
Did this with Ben and we both PR'd.  I was at 135-155-175-205-225(4).  So I have a new 5RM of 205# and a new 3RM of 225#.  Can't remember Ben's numbers 'em up bro!

April 7 - For time: Row 500 meters, 150 Double-unders, 50 Burpees.
11:06.  The burpees killed me.  I was at 6 minutes after the DU's then I cratered.  Blood taste in the mouth, the whole deal.