Saturday, January 30, 2010
Bens WOD Jan 29
Friday, January 29, 2010
Jan 28 - Shane's WOD
B1. Press Cluster - x 5; rest 120 sec
B2. KBS - 21 unbroken x 5 sets; rest 120 sec
C. DB External Rotation - 4-7/arm x 3 sets; rest 45 sec b/t arms
cluster - perform 1 rep, unload and rack weight for 10 sec, reload and perform another rep..for five reps total per set; weight should be just higher than your regular 5RM press overhead
A. 345x3, 355x3, 365x3, 375x1, 385x1, 400x1 (400 is a PR, but didn't feel anywhere near a max effort, it has been a while since I worked a 1RM on deads)
B1. 135 straight through. Not sure how I missed it but I didn't see the 10 second thing so I was taking only about 3-5 seconds between reps on the cluster.
B2. 2 pood straight through. Got challenging toward the end but probably could have gone a little heavier but 2 pood is my biggest KB.
C. These were strange as I had never done them before. 20x7, 22.5x7, 25x7 all both arms.
This was exactly my style of workout. I loved every minute from start to finish.
Did a few hundred (I know it was too much, my shins are killing me) double unders during my warm up again. My goal was to get an unbroken set of 35. It took a while. I ended up figuring out that I had my rope a little too short. Made an adjustment and during my cool down I hit a set of 35 first try. All that pain and agony over the last few weeks and it was a simple rope adjustment issue. Bad news, I'm a dumbass; good news, my double unders now appear to be fixed.
Look like a rest day on Friday the 29th and then a single on the 30th and 31st. I will also be building fence with my Dad on Saturday and Sunday, so I will be squeezing my WODs in at the end of the day after working. Get some!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Jan 27 - Shane's WOD
A1. OHS @ 42X1; 4-6 x 4; rest 90 sec
A2. L Pull Ups @ 2121; amrap x 4; rest 90 sec
B. DB Split Squat @ 3131; 6-9/leg x 3; rest 45 sec b/t legs
C. 100 GHD Sit ups for time
(knee touches ground on split squat; ass to grass - WAY below parallel on OHS and hold it there for 2 sec)
A1. 6x95, 6x115, 6x135, 6x165 - probably should have gone heavier on the early sets, the tempo added quite a challenge and I took my ass to within an inch or two of the deck.
A2. 18, 12, 9, 7 - these catch up with you quick, had more in me toward the end just had a mental breakdown I guess.
B. 20lbs DBs x 9, 25lbs DBs x 9 x 2 all both legs. These were weird, had never done them before and didn't really have a low enough surface for my back foot which didn't make it much fun in getting the rear knee to the deck.
C. 5:58, love my new Sorinex GHD.
Also started the day with a couple hundred double unders during my warm-up. Until I get more proficient at double unders I'm going to have to keep beating on them almost every day. I think I had a technique breakthrough towards the end of my warm-up though as my last two sets were 30 and 35 unbroken reps.
How many and how often is too much in working on my double unders?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bens WOD Jan 26
Monday, January 25, 2010
Bens WOD Jan 24,25
5 Unbroken Double Unders
10 Unbroken Double Unders
15 Unbroken Double Unders
20 Unbroken Double Unders
25 Unbroken Double Unders
30 Unbroken Double Unders
35 Unbroken Double Unders
30 Unbroken Double Unders
25 Unbroken Double Unders
20 Unbroken Double Unders
15 Unbroken Double Unders
10 Unbroken Double Unders
5 Unbroken Double Unders
Friday, January 22, 2010
Jan 22 Bens WOD
Jan 21 through 26 - Shane
Jan 22 should have been a single WOD day, but I am still a little sore and tired so I decided to take an extra days rest for my CrossFit Level 1 certification this weekend.
Jan 23-24 CrossFit Level 1 Certification at Alamo CrossFit in San Antonio. Very excited!
Jan 24-26 are scheduled OPT Big Dawg rest days. However I won't be able to rest on the 26th since I will be at my certification. This is another reason why I chose to take off Jan 22 as well.
Be back at it with whatever OPT Big Dawgs has in store for me starting on Jan 27th. Sometime between now and then I will do a write up about my cerficiation experience and post it up on the Gibson Garage Gym blog. See you then.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Bens WOD Jan 20
Sumo Deadlifts; work up quickly and safely to a tough 3 reps, not your 3RM
Deadlifts; use 55% of 1RM and do 8 sets of 3 reps with 45 sec between reps – focus on perfect form and explosive pulls off ground.
KBS - 2pd – 15 unbroken reps x 4; 60 sec rest
Tabata Push-Ups for lowest rep
Did the DL at 205
KBS- All sets unbroken
Tabata- Low score 14
So the Sumos were definately different but a good tool to have in your tool box. the KBS were painful but I felt good about it. As usual the Tabata Pushups sucked. I did not do Chest to Deck but arms below parallel, the score would have been lower with Chest to Deck.
Jan 20 - Shane's WOD (Double)
A1. Bench Press @ 30X0; 10 sets of 1; rest 120 sec - Highest load = 280lbs
A2. Chin Ups @ 20X0; 10 sets of 1; rest 120 sec - Highest load = 127.5lbs
rest 2+ hours
part 2:
for time;
50 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
10 box jumps - 30/24"
40 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
20 box jumps - 30/24"
30 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
30 box jumps - 30/24"
20 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
40 box jumps - 30/24"
10 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
50 box jumps - 30/24"
Rx'd = 34:27
post highest loads for A1 and A2, BWT in #, and total time for part 2 to comments (i.e. 265, 110# @ 170# BWT, 22:14)
swings are to overhead, bell must be straight up at top (games 09 standard), 2 hands overhead for sit ups and hips at full extension at top of box jump
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Jan 19 - Shane's WOD (Double)
30 unbroken wall balls - 20#/14# to 10 ft
30 unbroken double unders
Things just didn't go my way on this one. Got 1.5 rounds. Wall balls were not a problem. The unbroken double unders just had my number this morning. Did countless sets in the teens and twenties but really struggled not tripping up before 30. I did hundreds of double unders, just not in the set numbers I needed. Trying to learn from it and move on.
rest 8+ hours
part 2: 6pm after work.
30 reps for time - Snatch 135#/95#
2:41PR. (9 second PR from Nov 09)
"Isabel" is one of my favorites and I really needed this 'pick-me-up' after part 1.
workouts must be done in this order
sit to ball for wall balls; any pausing with ball in hand constitutes a break
snatch can be power snatch, squat snatch, split snatch, as long as bar does not lower until arms and legs are locked out
post rounds only for part 1 and time for part 2 to comments
(ex. 6.5 rounds and 2:59; you must complete a full 30 reps to be considered a round or half round)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Bens WOD Jan 17
3 sets for times;
12 SDLHP w/ 95lbs
90 sec row @ 90% perceived exertion
2 min rest
2-3 min break
3 sets for reps;
12 DB Thrusters 35lbs
60 sec AMRAP Doubles
2 min rest
2-3 min break
For sets;
50 Toes-to-bar
Sets _________/__________/___________
Set 1 1:57, Set 2 2:03, Set 3 2:05
40, 32, 41
Toes To Bar
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Jan 17 - Shane's WOD
for time;
20 unbroken chin ups
Row 500 m
20 unbroken chin ups
Row 500 m
20 unbroken chin ups
results (top male time - 5:29, top female time - 7:32)
"If an athlete breaks the chin ups or fractions them by coming off the bar at any point in the 20 reps, they have to start at 0 again, rowers damper and foot setting is up to athlete. Chin MUST PASS THE VERTICAL PLANE OF THE BAR TO COUNT"
My time = 6:10. Felt pretty good.
Got a rest day tomorrow and I am really going to need it. Got two BRUTAL looking doubles coming Tuesday and Wednesday.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Jan 16 - Shane's WOD (Double)
15 unbroken push press - 95#/65#
10 burpees
25 unbroken box jumps - 20"/14"
rest 2 min
1:30, 1:52(1), 2:05, 2:17, 2:15
Most guys on Big Dawgs never went over two minutes in a round and many rounds were in the 1:teens...cough BULLSHIT cough...anyway...
All everythings unbroken except my second set of box jumps, not sure what happened there. My burpees got pretty slow, but I never actually stopped. This got ugly fast. I really wish I could hold on to that speed I have in the early rounds.
rest 8+ hours (I was only able to schedule in about 5 hours rest)
part 2:
run 400 m - 9 sets
(sets 1,4,7 are @ 70%, sets 2,5,8 are @ 80%, sets 3,6,9 are @ 90%)
rest EXACTLY 2 min b/t sets
1:30, 1:24, 1:22, 1:34, 1:28, 1:26, 1:37, 1:29, 1:27
These were done as 200m there and backs. Not too happy with the times themselves, but very pleased at how I seemed to pace well and find the appropriate gears for the rx'd level of effort. I usually really struggle in that department, so this was a victory for me.
part 1:
chest to deck burpees and 2 hands overhead to touch object 8" away from 2 hand max standing reach; lockout arms and knees at same time for push press; hips at full extension at top for box jumps; no pauses allowed on floor or top of box for box jumps...breaking is constituted by double dip on ground, pause on top without rebound, etc...
part 2:
one has to know different gears, find them and post about it
Jan 15 - Shane's WOD
A2. Chin ups [3 strict/6 kipping/9 chest to bar] x 5; rest 180 sec - All unbroken
B. Dead Lift @ 12X1 - 60% 1Rm; 8 sets of 2; rest 45 sec b/t sets - All with 245
C1. 15 toes to bar x 5 sets; rest 45 sec - Unbroken except the last set which was 6/5/4
C2. 15 GHD Raises x 5 sets; rest 45 sec - All unbroken, but I subbed back extensions as my "ghd" doesn't allow me to do raises. I intend to order a true ghd this weekend.
Was pretty rushed in getting this one done and it showed in my attitude and performance. My squating is still feeling very weak for some reason. Was running late getting ready to go out to dinner with the family for my brother's last night in town before heading back out to college. Grip was still a major issue. Most of this workout felt strangely easy while still challenging. I didn't really feel any fatigue except for my grip for the toes to bar. I had to break up my last set of toes to bar simply to keep from falling to the ground in the kip (my bar is 9ft in the air). Really hope my grip benefits from all this torture. It is very frustrating for that to be my biggest limiting factor lately.
Jan 13 - Shane's WOD
B1. Snatch Grip Dead Lift @ 30X0; 4-6 x 3; rest 10 sec - 255x4, 225x6, 235x6
B2. KBS @ 1010; 10-15 x 3; rest 10 sec - 2 pood: 15/15/12
B3. GHD Back Extensions @ 2010; 12-20 x 3; rest 180 sec - 20/15/15
C. Tabata Push Ups - low score - 27/19/10/9/8/7/7/7
The clean grip power snatch were pretty easy, probably could have gone heavier. Snatch grip deadlift was still limited by my hands/grip from yesterday. Everything else felt good except the tabata. As you can see, I start off killing it, but I fall apart pretty quick. Working hard on sustainability. Obviously I could do better on an overall tabata score by holding back some on the first couple sets, but I truly went 100% every single 20 seconds.
Back was SMOKED! Thanks God for rest day tomorrow.
Jan 12 - Shane's WOD (Double)
B. BB jump squats - 30% of 1RM back squat; 6 sets of 6 reps; rest 60 sec b/t sets - 105x2, 115x4
C. GHD Sit ups - 5 sets of 20 reps; rest 45 sec b/t sets - All unbroken
Something just isn't right with my squats lately. I am sure the early morning stiffness didn't help. But I felt very weak. I did FULL squats on the jump squats, I didn't know any better, apparently that wasn't what I was supposed to do, was supposed to minimize time on the ground, period.
rest 8+ hours
part 2: Did this after getting home from work.
AMRAP Double Unders in 45 sec - 44/25/28/19/29
15 sec rest
AMRAP Chin Ups - 44/21/21/22/14
2 min rest
5 sets for total points = 3873
(points are accumulated by multiplying your total DU reps/round by the chin up reps/round, then adding all 5 sets together, i.e. round 1 = 75 DU multiplied by 40 chin ups = 3000 points for that round...add this # to the other 4 sets and that is your score)
Not really happy with myself here. I felt weak all day. My pull-ups and double unders were severely limited by my hands/grip/forearms. I started having to come off the bar simply out of fear of kipping myself staight to the ground. And I kept tripping up on the rope because my hands just didn't have any pop in them. Gotta work on grip/hand strength, I'm sure this helped.
Ladder for A is...perform 1 back squat, rack the weight on stands, take weight off the rack and back onto you, perform 2 reps, rack weight again, take weight off the rack and back onto you again, perform 3 reps..up to 5 reps, then start again at 1 rep...each time you get to 5 reps, that is one ladder.
Jump Squats in B...ensure you explode through heels on hip extension, not toes, minimal ground contact time.
Bens WOD Jan 14
Deadlift - Build quickly to a tough 3RM but leave some in the tank
Press; 4-6 reps x 5; 90 sec rest
Kipping K2E; 15 x 5; 90 sec rest
For reps;
5 minutes of double unders
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Bens WOD Jan 11,12
Monday, January 11, 2010
Jan 10 - Shane's WOD
A1. HSPU @ 2010 - amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 60 sec
A2. Semi Stiff Legged DL @ 4011; 6-8 x 3; rest 60 sec
B1. Ring Push Ups @ 2010 - amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 45 sec
B2. KBS - 15 unbroken x 3; rest 45 sec
C1. Dips @ 2010 - amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 30 sec
C2. GHD Raises @ 2010; 15 x 3; rest 30 sec
post loads, notes and reps to comments
amrap (-1) means you attempt a max rep set but stop approximately 1 rep short of failure on speed
swings to just inches above forehead
A1. 15-10-8
A2. 185#/205#/215# - Achieved 8 reps on all sets
B1. 14-10-10
B2. 3 sets of 15 unbroken with 2 pood (could have gone heavier but this is my biggest KB)
C1. 9-10-9
C2. Had to sub reverse hypers, did them with only my chest and upper ribs on the pad - 15-15-15
Once again, the tempos make everything so much harder than what I am usually used to, but I really enjoyed this WOD. It challenged me perfectly. I really enjoyed how this was a slight variation of the WOD that we did a few days ago. It helped me to push harder and have a better idea of where I should be on this WOD.
Rest tomorrow the 11th, double on Tuesday. This will be my first double. My intention is to get up early enough to do part one before work and then do part 2 when I get home from work as usual. It is going to be pretty miserable getting out there at like 4am though.
Had Mark and Jeanna over for this WOD. Mark did his own thing but me, Karen, Cruz and Jeanna all did this WOD. Everyone did an amazing job and it was a lot of fun.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Jan 8 & 9 - Shane's WOD
Jan 8:
A. Hang Squat Clean - build to a tough but not 1RM; take no more than 7 minutes; rest 2 minutes
B. 10-1 135#/95# hang squat clean ladder; rest 5 minutes
C. 3 sets of 30 GHD sit ups; rest as needed b/t sets
ladder is unbroken, if bar rests on floor in set, start again
A. 135-225F-225F-225-225F-205
These lifts were very frustrating. All failures were due to techincal issues and the fact that I couldn't feel my hands because it was 20 something degrees out and the bar felt like a piece of ice. I just couldn't get settled under the bar for some reason and I kept losing it foward. Definitely need to work on this. I know I shouldn't have failure on a not 1RM set, but as I said, this was frustrating hand/technical issues that I usually don't encounter...225# is usually not a problem.
B. All sets unbroken except the 4 set which I lost at the bottom on the 4, had to redo it. Same shit as A...lost the bar forward for no reason. As cold as I was and with my hands completely numb I was really struggling receiving the bar properly. 10:30, really fell apart after the 8 set...only took my like 2:30 to get done through 8.
C. All GHD sets unbroken with 2 minutes rest inbetween.
All in all, a frustrating day. The cold temperatures really zapped me and my performance. I was in a garage, but a standalone, uninsulated, unheated garage. And 20 something degrees is balls all cold in Houston, TX...just not used to it.
Jan 9:
Much warmer today...
7 sets;
1 strict chin up
2 L Pull ups
3 butterfly kip chin ups
4 chin break vertical chin ups
5 chest to bar chin ups
rest 2 minutes
For total time;
AMSAP L-Sit - 3 attempts; 60 sec b/t attempts
For total reps;
30 sec high speed double unders, 30 sec rest x 10
skill and perfection of movement, not time is paramount on chin up work
L sit is knees COMPLETELY straight for entire movement, and ankles above hips
Pull-Up sets were all done unbroken. Took around 1 to 1.5 minutes between sets and really focused on perfection and not time.
The L-Sits were a catastrophe. Doing them as RX'd on the floor was not happening today, my abs are still pretty sore. I managed about 6 seconds on the first one, hands on floor, quads cramped and I went down. Second one, hands on floor, was a little better at 10 seconds. I decided I wasn't getting enough from this so I got out the parralettes and did 3 more attempts each at 10 seconds. Keeping with the straight knees and ankles above hips makes it very challenging.
Total double unders = 275. Not great, but good for me as they are probably my biggest weakness.
Bens WOD Jan 9
A2. Supinated Strict Chin Ups @ 3010; 10 x 10; rest 90 sec 10,10,10,10,10,8,9,7,8,8
Friday, January 8, 2010
Jan 6 - Shane's WOD
A1. HSPU @ 2010 - amrap (-2) x 3 sets; rest 60 sec - 14/10/10
A2. Semi Stiff Legged DL @ 4011; 8-10 x 3; rest 60 sec - 10/10/10 with 185#
B1. Ring Push Ups @ 2010 - amrap (-2) x 3 sets; rest 45 sec - 14/11/10
B2. KBS - 25 unbroken x 3; rest 45 sec - All with 53#, all unbroken
C1. Dips @ 2010 - amrap (-2) x 3 sets; rest 30 sec - 10/8/9
C2. GHD Raises @ 2010; 10-15 x 3; rest 30 sec - Had to sub reverse hypers, did them with only my chest and upper ribs on the pad - 12/11/10
Had never done the SSLDL before, so I played it a little safe so I could get more familiar with the movement. Great WOD, probably could have gone a little heavier on the KBS, but I wasn't ready to make the jump to 70# and that is all I have heavier than the 53#. I really struggled with the stopping approx 2 reps short of failure at speed, it think I either quit to early or too late everytime, but I did my best to assess where I was in the set.
Jan 7 is rest. Back at it on the 8th! So far I am loving this!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Jan 5 - Shane's WOD
A1. OHS @ 3010 - 10 x 10; 90 sec rest
A2. Supinated Strict Chin Ups @ 3010; 10 x 10; rest 90 sec
GHD Sit Ups - 3 sets of 25
Wow, this was sooo much harder than it looks on paper. The rx'd tempo changes EVERYTHING. Kicked my ass.
A1. 95/95/95/105/105/115/115/115/120/130 - 10 reps every set, rx'd tempo, unbroken, probably should have gone just a little heavier.
A2. BW/BW/2.5/2.5/2.5/BW/BW/BW(9)/BW(9)/BW(7) - 10 reps every set except where noted otherwise, unbroken, very humbling, rx'd tempo. Pull-Ups are usually a strenght of mine, this took me out of my element for sure.
GHD Sit Ups, all 3 sets of 25 unbroken, took about 2 minutes rest between sets.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Shane through Jan 4
I'm embarrased to say that I can't remember what I did on Dec 21 & 22...I know that I exercised one of those days, the 22nd I think. Oh well, it has been a nice vacation.
I took some much needed rest time from exercising as well as my diet. Just kind of cut-loose for a while. I have also been on vacation from work from Dec 24 until my first day back, today Jan 4.
So, I rested Dec 23 through the 28.
Dec 29 - SMA Awareness WOD "Bugaboo": 200 thrusters for time (75/45)
This was an amazing day. I tried my hardest to spread ourselves around Houston on this day, but we only ended up making it to CrossFit Champions for the AM WODs and to Bayou City CrossFit for the PM WODs. I did the 8:30am WOD at Champions with a 21:23. Karen did the 9:30 WOD at Champions at a time of around 20 minutes...I can't remember exactly, but she did great. After a little mid-day rest we head back out to Bayou City for the 4pm, 5pm & 6pm WODs. I decided to do the WOD for a second time at 4pm, this time I did a 24:41. Saw some amazing things and some amazing performances on this day. The CrossFit community is amazing. I was sore (kind of still am) for over 3 days.
Then took some more rest, especially since I could barely walk from "Bugaboo". Rested Dec 30 throuh Jan 1.
First day back at it, Jan 2, starting up on OPT's training blog (two days behind):
3 sets:
12 SDLHP - 125#/80#
Row 90 sec @ 90% effort
rest 2 min
3 sets:
12 db thrusters - 35/20#/h
AMRAP Double Unders in 60 sec
rest 2 min
3 rounds as fast as you can:
20 box jumps unbroken - 20/14"
25 sit ups
Everything was done unbroken except double unders. My 90 sec rows all came in at around the 410-420m range. My double unders were 20, 35 and 38 respectively for the 3 sets. OPT said no time on the last couplet. Great workout.
Jan 3:
A. Build quickly to a tough but not 1RM in the Power Clean - take no more than 7 minutes; rest 60 sec ONLY after last set before B
B. 1-10 CTB chin up ladder for time; rest 60 sec before C
C. AMRAP DB Burpees in 2 minutes - 25/15#/h
work on speed through the middle for the PC: 135-135-225-235-245-255PR
risk failure on the CTB chin ups in late sets = 4:26, all sets unbroken
chest to deck on ALL burpees, even with DB's; jump with arms at sides and DB's in hand = 24 reps
I know I was not supposed to PR on the power clean, but honestly, it never felt like a max. I stopped at 255 because I ran out of time and it felt like around a 90% effort lift.
Jan 4: following the schedule from OPT, today the 4th will be a rest day. Back at it tomorrow.