Davey getting some squats.
Oh man, what a crazy week it has been so far. Let me catch up one more time and then I will get back on daily posts.
First off, the olympic lifting cert was awesome. I had no idea just how little I knew, and after 2 days of Coach B's teaching, I still don't know it all, but I know a lot more. I can't wait to integrate what I have learned into my lifts. It was awesome to have Ben, Tasha and Wyatt in town and me and Ben had a kick ass road trip to San Antonio. My hats off to Coach Burgener, his staff, Alamo CrossFit and the CrossFit community. One of the best weekends I have had in a while, but man, it left me exhausted. I just now feel normal this morning. And I (We) am now a CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certified Instructor. That rules.
Oct 19 - Rest and recovery day. I was smoke from the cert and from abundant amounts of booze.
Oct 20 - "Tabata Something Else", Didn't keep score, just got some. Did the pull-ups all dead hang until I couldn't do them anymore and then started kipping.
Oct 21 - Four Rounds: Row 500m, 24" box jumps - 30 reps, 25# dumbell thrusters - 30 reps. I made this one up and man it was a ball smoker. Kicked my ass bad. Can't tell you how many times I almost ate the jump box. Didn't keep time because I figured it didn't matter, just give it your best, and I did.
Oct 22 - Today I am going to do 7x1 weighted pull-ups. I just got back from purchasing one of those belts designed to hang weights from for dips and pull-ups. We will see how it goes. My PR from last time was 115#. I will post my results tonight after I get it done.
Oct 23 - Rest day and hopefully I will be able to get the lawn done.
After this I will be back on mainpage, running one full 4 day rotation behind. Life sure is getting busy and crazy. I hope I can keep up!