Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 20 Bens WOD

So with all the upcoming changes in my life, and with my goal to use the winter to get stronger I have decided to follow (as best I can and realistically 80% of the time) the Catalyst Athletics programming. It is very interesting. It is not Oly only, and not CF only but programming built with a sizale bias to gaining strenght and technique using Oly Lifting while useing short WODS to keep a "decent" level of conditioning. I would equate it to an Oly version of CFSB. Since I wont have access to my squat stands most of the time and becasue quite frankly I really like Oly Lifting, this program makes the most sense for me. I say 80% becasue if I want to hit a main page or something else then I will. Greg Everett runs the gym and the site and programs on 16 weeks cycles. They are in the middle of a cycle right now, so I am going back to the beggining of the cycle and moving forward from there. This will allow me to adjust as nessacary since my schedule will be all kinds of ate up. Along that line, check out his website, esepecially for the video and exercise notch, by far the best I have seen. I will be moving this weekend and then will be out of town at a seminar next week so my WOD schedule will be all ate up but Ill make the most of it. Im going to try to hit a CF Box while I am out of town. Oh yeah, another thing he does is program the metcon protion to be done at a weight that can be done flat out since you get all the strength work at the beggining, and he doesnt use barbells for metcons because it messes up your technique (I agree on principal but ill still sneak in Grace and the likes when I want to)

Power clean + 2 clean - 65% x 2 sets; 70% x 3 sets 125, 135
Snatch balance - 60% x 3 x 2; 65% x 3; 70% x 3 x 2 65, 85, 95
Push press - 75% x 5 x 5 125

3 rounds:
100 m sprint
10 broad jumps
20 pushups

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