So Shane and I went to the CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certification in San Antonio at Alamo CrossFit this weekend. What a great cert! My hats off to Alamo CrossFit for hosting it and most importantly to Coach Burgener for the great training. Coach B and his staff were extremely well organized and fun to be around. I learned more in 2 days than in my entire 2 years as a CrossFiter in the Oly lifts. Cant wait to see the technique, drills, and improved knowledge lead to better lifts. I know it is going to take a ton of reps and a bunch of time but I feel like I will be able to move forward from here. Most importantly, Shane and I had a blast. We trained hard during the day, ate Paleo and then tore it up in the evening (courtesy of the Flying Saucer).
So today I did the following:
Burgener WarmUp
Skill Progression at 45, 75, and 95.
Snatch Balance x2 at 115, 125, 135, and 145(fail)
Then 3 Pos Snatch (hang, pockets, mid thigh)x2 at 75 and 95
Then Snatch 95, 115, 125
Then 4 Rounds
400m run
20 Pullups
I didnt get too heavy on the Snatch becasue I could tell my technique was starting to suck after 125 and I want to keep drilling it before I step it up, but on a positive note this was the first time I took 125 to the hole and felt solid doing it. Baby Steps. No time on the WOD just went hard before I had to take my Pullup bar down before the move.
Sounds like an awesome WOD. I am all ate up with getting the house ready for the inspector. Hopefully I can get the mainpage WOD in tonight. Good shit bro. And yes, San Antonio and the Certification with friggin badass!