Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11 Ben's WOD

3-3-3 Overhead Squats
For Time
50 Overhead Squats 135lbs from the floor
75 GHD Situps
100 Double Unders
135,135,145 / 16:14 Scaled to 115lbs

This WOD is named in honor of my son, Benjamin 6/12/05 to 12/29/05.  I dont know why but he was in my head and in my heart today and I decided to honor him with this WOD.  To get through this WOD you need strength and a little bit of grace to make through the DU.  He had plenty of both, maybe not physical strength but he had an inner strength that would level the world.  He was a child beyond his years and I miss him so much.  He was taken from us by Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).  If you read this and it sparks something in you check out and see what you can do to help.  SMA is the number one killer of children under 2 and should resonate with the CrossFit community because it robs the child of the ability to control his muscles which strikes me as the anti-CrossFit disease.  My wife just started the New Mexico chapter of FSMA and over the next few years we will try to bring awareness and fundraising to the disease through CrossFit.  If you are sitting around and need a WOD give the "Bugagoo" a go.  
Love you buddy...


  1. There are no words man. This is awesome. I am tired, sore and hung over, but I am doing this today anyway...see what your little man has in store for me.

  2. 185-205-205 and 14:46 rx'd. It was an honor.
