Monday, November 30, 2009

November 28, 29, 30 Bens WOD

Nov 28

Six-Way BB Complex, 6x each of the following:
Bent-over Row (back parallel to floor)
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
1 set @ 75# to warm up
Two rounds non-stop @ 95#
Rest one minute
1 rep of each @ 95# 12 rounds (same total reps as the first block)
2 (6x 20/10 sec work/rest Back Squat
1st set @ 40-45% (use BB + as much chain as needed)
2nd set @ 30-35% (use BB + as much chain as needed)
Rest 3 min between sets
400m Run+
20 Ring Dipsl +
20 Burpee
Two rounds

Nov 29

Deadlift work-up
10x 30%
5x 50%
3x 70%
1x 80%
1x 90%
5x DL @ 80% +
20x Split Jump (10 each leg)
Five rounds
20 Ball Slams
15m DB Bear Crawl with 20lb DB
Four rounds

Nov 30

3x10 Squat
3x10 Goblet Squat: 2 sets @ 53, 1 set @ 70# KB
4x1 Dynamic-Isometric Front Squat @ 2x 1.5pood KB
Slow descent holding for 5 seconds @ 160, 140, 120 & 90 degrees
When finished holding at 90 degrees explode upwards, feet should leave the ground
Rest plenty between sets
4x1 Dynamic-Isometric Back Squat @ 2x 1.5 pood KB
Hold 5-seconds @ 160 degrees & full Squat Jump +
Hold 5-seconds @ 140 degrees & full Squat Jump +
Hold 5-seconds @ 120 degrees & full Squat Jump +
Hold 5-seconds @ 90 degrees & full Squat Jump +
This completes one rep, do 4x total
Rest 2-3 min between reps
300 seconds Ring Support (top of a dip)
300 seconds FLR (on rings, feet same height as hands)
15 Muscle Ups

I modified this last one to meet my equipment needs at the ski area. Will do this tonight and will post comments.

Nov 27, 28, 29 & 30 - Shane's WODs

Nov 27:
Was supposed to be a rest day but I felt like doing something so I worked up to a 1RM on benchpress with my Dad there as a spotter.  Was really amazed at how much strength I have lost in my chest.  About 6 years ago I put up 385#.  This time I only got 295#.  Pretty weak.  I finished with some light cool down sets and some push-ups.

Nov 28:
from Catalyst Athletics:
Snatch - (135# x 1, 135# x 1, 155# x 1) x 3

Clean and jerk - (170# x 1, 180# x 1, 190# x 1) x 3

Back squat - 205# x 6 x 4 - 3 sec pause in bottom

Rounds in 5 min:
5 kipping pull-ups
5 lunges/leg
5 box jumps
5 push-ups

I made either 6 or 7 rounds, I lost track.

Nov 29:
from Catalyst Athletics:
Power snatch + hang power snatch + 2 snatch balance - 115# x 4 sets

Push press + power jerk + jerk - 185# x 5 sets

3 rounds for time:
250 m row sprint
10 kipping pull-ups
3 min rest

Nov 30: today will be a rest day.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Nov 25 & 26: Shane's WOD

Ok, lets get me caught up...

Nov 25:
21 handstand push-ups
400m run
21 weighted pull-ups w/ 45# vest
15 handstand push-ups
400m run
15 weighted pull-ups w/ 45# vest
9 handstand push-ups
400m run
9 weighted pull-up w/ 45# vest

Still no stopwatch.  But this was both brutal and fun.

Nov 26:
AMRAP 20min:
25 burpess
15 bodyweight backsquat (170#)

This was a biznitch!  I only made 5 rounds.  It was pretty miserable.

Rest day tomorrow the 27th.  I am considering starting up on Catalyst Athletics for a little while starting on the 28th.  Going to read about and think about it somemore today.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nov 24 - Shane's WOD

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Really put some extra effort into attempting to self diagnose my mechanical shortcomings on the deadlift.  By no means did I get it perfect, but I did manage to make some corrections that seemed to have made a huge difference in how the lift felt.  I have never been more confident that my goal of a 400# deadlift will be here soon.

345-375-355-355-365-375-375-375 (I did an extra rep because I was really feeling good).

Considering my current PR is 385, I was very pleased to pull 375 multiple time with ease.  Gotta go get some iron plates for sure now as 375 is really the max I can get on my bar with my hi-temps without using duct tape.

Karen PR'd huge today... 225lbs!  Nice work Karen!

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 22, Bens WOD

Work to 1RM Clean and Jerk

5 Rounds
2x Clean and Jerk @ 85%
3 Sandbag Cleans @80lbs to Each Shoulder

I hit 195 on the C&J and that was it for the day. I worked out with my brother which was awesome. He is a 140lb rock climber who has never attempted an Olympic lift and he pulled 145lbs. His Jerk is very natural and was very clean. All around a fun way to spend my birthday.

Nov 22 - Shane's WOD

After my recent run of shitty performances and talking to Ben about it, I have decided to take some time away from the stopwatch...probably 2-3 weeks.  I started with this WOD.  The only exception will be AMRAPs.  I just need to get back on track and stop worrying about the damn worked like a charm...

135# Full Squat Cleans
Ring Dips

No time, but I friggin crushed this.  It felt amazing.  The weather was nice, so I pulled the bar and bumpers out into the sun in the middle of the driveway and had an absolute blast.  I really needed a good workout, and this delivered.  I'm on my way back...

Oh, and happy birthday to Ben today.  Old ass.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nov 21 - Shane's WOD

95# Thrusters


Something just isn't right with me lately.  I'll get it back.  Just gotta get settled in to my new life situation.

On a positive note, we closed on the house officially yesterday.  Moving forward.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Nov 19 - Shane's WOD

100 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
100 Sit-Ups
100 Squats

19:15 = I suck.

I sandbagged on the pull-ups a little bit to try to save some juice for the push-ups, which was the difference between my last time (18:02 hungover) and this time.  It didn't work.  Last time I did "Angie" I finished the pull-ups in under 4 minutes I think, this time I took it a little easier finishing the pull-ups in about 5:30.  I still reached muscle failure on the push-ups badly.  By the time I finished the push-ups I wasn't even breathing hard anymore.  I think the push-ups alone took me nearly half of my entire time.  Very frustrating.  Definitely going to start working on push-ups more as I feel my push-up ability has steadily declined over the last year or so...I just don't think they come up often enough on mainpage.

Rest day Friday and closing on my house sale!  FRAN ON SATURDAY!  I haven't done "Fran" since January, I hope I do well, although the timing isn't ideal coming off this move and etc as my performances are really suffering as I get back into the swing of things and adapt to my new living/cummuting situation.  We'll see, I'm going to give it my best.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19 Bens WOD

Angie...Sort Of
100 Deadhang Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats

Forgot my timer... no time.

I did this wod with the trapeze pullup bar so i wasnt able to kip. It got dark during the pushups after yesterdays clapping pushups and the ring dips the day before. Long ass day. Worked past dark with a headlamp fixing a lift and then went straight to the WOD. Four days till we get our house!

Nov 18 - Shane's WOD...I'm back!

I am back on with one 4 day rotation behind on mainpage.  It felt great to get back after it, but I could definitely feel that I hadn't worked out in a while and that I was eating and sleeping poorly for the last week or two.  But I should be back to "normal" within the next couple of weeks I hope.

5 rounds for time:
95# push jerk, 15 reps
L pull-ups, 15 reps

Muscle failure became an issue on the L pull-ups.  I wanted to keep going harder and faster but the L pull-ups because very tough in the last couple rounds.  Great WOD though.

The new garage gym in my Dad's garage is about 98% set-up.  It will kind of organize and set-up itself as I use the space and figure out the best place for everything.  I will take some pictures this weekend.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18 Bens WOD

8 Rounds for Time

10 KB Swings 1.5 pood
10 Walking Lunge holding KB
10 Clapping Pushups


Got this one from the Hopper ap on my iPhone. Felt pretty good but the clapping pushups got a bit painful. I could definitely feel the altitude today.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 15 and 17 Bens WOD

Nov 15
5 Rounds
5 Front Squat at 155
5 Goblet Jump Squat 1.5 pood
5 rounds
5 Deadlift At 245
5 Broad Jumps
5 Rounds
5x KB Clean and Press
10x Weighted Situps at 45lbs

Nov 17

1.5 pood KB Snatch Each Arm
Ring Dips


The Sntach/Ring Dip WOD was a beast. Total lung destruction. There I am working out in the middle of a ski area in the middle of the night...the groomers think Im crazy. Awesome. Oh yeah, rolled my new snowmobile happens. (no damage to me or the machine)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Nov 16 - 17: Shane

Okay, so the move is 99% done.  All we have to do is officially close on the sale of the House this Friday the 20th.  Please say a prayer for me that the closing goes as planned, it would not be very cool if this deal fell through after already having completely vacated the house.

So, I have not worked out since Wednesday the 11th.  However I have been very busy and very active with the move.  I have also been a bit under the weather, not sure if I caught a cold or if my allergies were getting me, but either way it looks like I am finally on the down side of it...other than being exhausted from the move, I would say I am at about 90%.

I am going to spend today and tomorrow evening doing final organization and set-up of my new garage gym and etc.  I plan to be back at it, full WODs, starting this Wednesday the 18th.  I will come back and update then and possibly have pics of the new set-up.

Can't wait to get rolling again!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 13 Bens WOD

30 Muscle Ups for Time


Set my rings up at the ski area. Pretty cool to be working out and watching the snow fly outside. My time wasnt very stellar but the MU felt good and I had no failed reps. All I can do is get faster.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, Bens WOD

"Penalty Box"

7 Rounds
10 Pullups
50m KB Walk with 1.5 Pood in each hand
20 Deadlift 1.5 Pood in each hand

Any time the KB's are set down except at the end of the DLs and any time you come off the pullup bar except at the end of each set of 10 you pay a 5 burpee penalty.

This was forearm/grip destruction. Friggen brutal..I paid at least 50 burpees. I also did the pullups on a 6x6 header in a doorway. Good day.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov 7 through 15: Shane's Moving

Spent this whole past weekend packing, moving, carrying, unloading, emptying the attic, etc.  WODs will be hit and miss for the next week or so.  But I am getting plenty of activity with the move.  I have moved most of my exercise equipment to my parent's house already, I only kept a couple kettlebells, jumpropes, abmat, pvc, slam ball, dynamax balls, etc.  I am going to try to throw together quick 21-15-9 type wods with some running mixed in for the mornings this week, and I will be packing and stacking in the evenings.  The big move takes place this weekend and I hope to be relatively settled by this time next week.  Then I will get my equipment set up at my parent's place and start crushing it again.  In the meantime, the sad truth is that my exercise and nutrition is going to suffer for the next week or so, I am just going to try to make the best out of it.

I will try to throw post in here and there, but more than likely I will be pretty silent for the next week.  Exciting times!  I'll be back after it soon enough.

Side note: CrossFit has made me very capable.  My increased strength, flexibility and ability to operate in uncomfortable positions and for varying time and intensity ranges has made things like moving so much easier than it used to be.  Stuff like this big move and moving all my crap is exactly the sport of life that we are training for...CrossFit works, period.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 9 Bens WOD

5 rounds
10 power snatch 75 lbs
15 ball slams 25 lbs

Not much time today so I put together something quick for me and Tash. Hopefully only a couple if more weeks of scratching it all together.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, November 6, 2009

Nov 6 - Shane's WOD

5 rounds for time:
95# snatch, 3 reps
95# overhead squat, 15 reps
Run 400m

This was tough as I did it at 5:45am and was still feeling the 800m's from last night.  18:03.  I sucked it up, this really kicked my ass.  Just couldn't make the legs chug.

Rest day tomorrow!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oct 5 Ben's WOD

45 Minute High Altitude Snow Shoe

Not sure how far I went but Im gusesing about 3 miles and gained about 1000 vertical feet. Did it in the dark with a headlamp. Great experience and lots of fun.

Nov 5 - Shane's WOD

4 rounds:
800m run
Rest as needed between efforts

I rested exactly 3 minutes between runs


Nov 4 - Shane's WOD

From main page, for time:

25 squats
25 push-ups
25 pull-ups
25 sit-ups (abmat)
50 squats
50 push-ups
50 pull-ups
50 sit-ups (abmat)
75 squats
75 push-ups
75 pull-ups
75 sit-ups (abmat)

This was a friggin ass whoopin.  28:10, suck.  I have really not been taking great care of my body lately.  Too much bad food and too much booze lately.  And it shows.  Back on the horse, this was a wake up call.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3 Bens WOD

So today was my first day at work and consequently my first day working out at 11,000 feet. Definately more challenging but not as bad as I thought. At this point my equipment at the mountain consists of Rings(not installed yet), rogue pull up bar (not yet installed), 2 1.5 pood KB, and a jump rope. I have some benches to jump on and a deck to do Jingle Jangles (5 m shuttle runs), and of course the whole mountain if Im so inclined. I plan to add a sandbag and my power blocks in a few weeks.

5 Rounds
3x each hand KB Snatch then 3 Waiters Walk lunge with KB- 1.5 pood
5x Goblet Squat Jump with 1.5 pood KB
5 Jingle Jangle


3 Rounds
3x Clean and Front Squat with 1.5 pood KB in each hand
6x KB Swing 1.5 pood

I didnt get a time cause Im not set up for it yet and really I just wanted to feel it out. It hurt.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Nov 2 - Shane's WOD

Took Sunday off for the Halloween hangover.  Was still not feeling too hot today.

Backsquats 5x5


Live to fight another day.

October 31-Nov 1 Bens WOD

Well life has been a bit busy lately. Got back from Grand Junction and its been go time for 3 straight days trying to get my life in order before I head up to the ski area for a week. Mostly useless details but I have been hitting a work out each day, it just hasent made it on here yet.

Oct 31

Work up to a working 1RM Clean- 195

2x Clean Every 45 sec @85%- 165

5 Rounds-
10 Walking Lunge- 95lbs
10 Broad Jumps

Nov 1

10 Rounds
30 sec Jingle Jangles
30 sec rest

5 Rounds for time
20 Swings 1.5 pood
15 box Jumps
10 Pushups
