Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, Bens WOD

"Penalty Box"

7 Rounds
10 Pullups
50m KB Walk with 1.5 Pood in each hand
20 Deadlift 1.5 Pood in each hand

Any time the KB's are set down except at the end of the DLs and any time you come off the pullup bar except at the end of each set of 10 you pay a 5 burpee penalty.

This was forearm/grip destruction. Friggen brutal..I paid at least 50 burpees. I also did the pullups on a 6x6 header in a doorway. Good day.

1 comment:

  1. NICE! That sounds miserable bro! Good stuff! I'll have to try that one sometime.
