Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov 7 through 15: Shane's Moving

Spent this whole past weekend packing, moving, carrying, unloading, emptying the attic, etc.  WODs will be hit and miss for the next week or so.  But I am getting plenty of activity with the move.  I have moved most of my exercise equipment to my parent's house already, I only kept a couple kettlebells, jumpropes, abmat, pvc, slam ball, dynamax balls, etc.  I am going to try to throw together quick 21-15-9 type wods with some running mixed in for the mornings this week, and I will be packing and stacking in the evenings.  The big move takes place this weekend and I hope to be relatively settled by this time next week.  Then I will get my equipment set up at my parent's place and start crushing it again.  In the meantime, the sad truth is that my exercise and nutrition is going to suffer for the next week or so, I am just going to try to make the best out of it.

I will try to throw post in here and there, but more than likely I will be pretty silent for the next week.  Exciting times!  I'll be back after it soon enough.

Side note: CrossFit has made me very capable.  My increased strength, flexibility and ability to operate in uncomfortable positions and for varying time and intensity ranges has made things like moving so much easier than it used to be.  Stuff like this big move and moving all my crap is exactly the sport of life that we are training for...CrossFit works, period.


  1. This morning did: 400m run, 21-15-9: 1.5pood kb swings, push-ups, 12# ballslams, then 400m run. Didn't time it, just squeezed it in real quick this morning for my sanity.

  2. This morning did: ~130ft walking lunges, 21-15-9: pull-ups & double unders, ~130ft walking lunges, 9-15-21: pull-ups & double unders, ~130ft walking lunges. This was actually a pretty good workout. Can't wait for life to get back to normal!
