Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nov 24 - Shane's WOD

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Really put some extra effort into attempting to self diagnose my mechanical shortcomings on the deadlift.  By no means did I get it perfect, but I did manage to make some corrections that seemed to have made a huge difference in how the lift felt.  I have never been more confident that my goal of a 400# deadlift will be here soon.

345-375-355-355-365-375-375-375 (I did an extra rep because I was really feeling good).

Considering my current PR is 385, I was very pleased to pull 375 multiple time with ease.  Gotta go get some iron plates for sure now as 375 is really the max I can get on my bar with my hi-temps without using duct tape.

Karen PR'd huge today... 225lbs!  Nice work Karen!


  1. WOW!!!! Huge work Karen!! That is awesome.

  2. I forgot to add that I did 21-15-9 of rafters and push-ups as a cool down. A rafter is something I made up where I take my 12# slam ball and throw it up and over a garage rafter that is well over 10ft in the air, catch it on the other side and that is one rep, go back and forth, etc.
